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Health and Wellness Club

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

The purpose of the OU-HCOM Medical Student Wellbeing Club is to address mental health in medical students and promote positivity, wellness, and activities that contribute to the overall wellbeing of the student body.

Officers, 2024-2025

Officer PositionOfficer Name
PresidentSydney Shaffer
Vice PresidentIsabel Manche
TreasurerJillian Kirby
SecretaryHannah Long
AdvisorDawn Graham, Ph.D.

Dues: $10 annually

Services Provided

Provides medical students with the tools and opportunities to focus on their own well-being via the osteopathic principles of mind, body, and soul.

Tentative Schedule 2024-2025


  • Visit Libby's pumpkin patch
  • Movie night
  • Hikes


  • MarioKart Tournament
  • Guided meditation
  • Yoga