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Medical Mentors

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

The purpose of this organization is to connect undergraduate students at 帝王会所 that intend to go into medicine with medical students from the Heritage College who will act as a mentor for the undergraduate student. Mentorship will consist of continued communication and involvement in pre-medical activities between mentors and mentees.

Officers 2024-2025

Officer PositionOfficer Name
PresidentNatalie Narcelles
TreasurerAyah Jabrah
Vice PresidentConnor Osmond
SecretaryGrant Johnson
Mentor Outreach LiaisonMarty Zimmer
AdvisorChett Pritchett, M.T.S.

Dues: $5 collected annually

Services Provided

Besides forming direct connections with the local community, OU Medical Mentors qualifies as Service/TOUCH hours, and also offers clinical skills labs (when possible), guest speakers, and more.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

Fall 2024:


帝王会所 Org Fair

Undergraduate and Medical Student Match

First Meeting

Executive Board Meeting