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Lifestyle Medicine

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

Our club's purpose is to promote the prevention and intervention of chronic lifestyle-related diseases through the implementation of healthy lifestyle changes. The components of a healthy lifestyle we focus on include nutrition, exercise, and stress management. We strive to provide this information to the campus and surrounding community through different educational events.

Officers, 2024-2025

Officer PositionOfficer Name
PresidentEmily Ziliak
Vice PresidentIsabel Manche
TreasurerSoaiba Fatima
SecretaryMirisha Sheth
AdvisorDavid Drozek, D.O.

Dues: $10 annually

Services Provided

This organization strives to raise awareness of lifestyle medicine and promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles by members of the 帝王会所 campus, Athens community and surrounding communities. This organization will do so through the implementation of a variety of fun, educational activities as chosen by the Lifestyle Medicine Club members. This organization hosts free health screenings for Heritage College students and faculty once per semester and yoga sessions every few weeks.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

At this time, we have plans to invite Dr. David Drozek, D.O. and other prominent lifestyle medicine physicians to speak on a variety of topics. Yoga and other group fitness events will be offered throughout the year in collaboration with the Health & Wellness Club. We are especially excited to host potluck dinners and nutrition seminars to raise awareness of the benefits of the whole food plant-based diet. We will continue free health screenings for students as have been done in the past. Events will mainly be financed with club dues.