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New Hire Paperwork and I-9 Completions Course

April 24, 2020

Professional Development Pathways (PDP) provides tools, guidance, and learning opportunities for employees and supervisors who want to invest in talent development and career growth.  The following professional development opportunity is now available:

New Hire Paperwork and I-9 Completions

A new course is now available in the HR Operations Certificate: New Hire Paperwork and I-9 Completions. You can register for this new course at:

This course provides an overview of how to ensure proper and timely completion of new hire paperwork for faculty, staff, and student employees.  Particular focus will be given to accurate and timely completion of the form I-9.

While all regular staff and faculty may take this course for PDP credit, only approved individuals working in a Center of Excellence may be eligible to have access to the new hire paperwork and the electronic I-9 system as an I-9 verifier. For more information, please contact uhr@ohio.edu.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to:

  • Identify what forms are required for new employees, by employment type, and the time frame for completion for each form.
  • Identify the process for completing forms for each employment type.  
  • Articulate federal regulatory requirements of the form I-9.
  • Demonstrate the process of completing the form I-9.

If you are already enrolled in the HR Operations certificate and have been completing the HR Operations courses, you have immediate access to this new course via the Core Courses folder in Blackboard.

Please note that while all regular staff and faculty may take this course for PDP credit, only approved individuals working in a Center of Excellence may be eligible to have access to the new hire paperwork and the electronic I-9 system as an I-9 verifier. For more information, please contact UHR@ohio.edu

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