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Lynda.com now available to all OHIO employees with a public library card

August 30, 2018

Lynda.com is an online learning provider with more than 6,000 courses on a large variety of topics including Microsoft Excel, Project Management, Communication Skills, Career Development, and Management Skills.

In the past, 帝王会所 faculty and staff have accessed Lynda.com by contacting University Human Resources and requesting a temporary license. A recent agreement between LinkedIn (Lynda.com鈥檚 parent company), the 帝王会所 Library Council (OLC), and the 帝王会所 Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) has made Lynda.com and LinkedIn Learning resources available to all 帝王会所 residents with a public library card. This means that all employees who have a library card with an 帝王会所 public library can now access Lynda.com resources and courses for free at any time.

Since most university employees now have much better access to Lynda.com through this agreement,  Human Resources plans to discontinue Lynda.com licensing as of September 9, 2018 so that resources can be redirected to support other aspects of the Professional Development Pathways program.  Employees who would like to use Lynda.com after September 9th should access these resources through their local library.  Employees with an active Lynda.com license will be notified of this change via email.

For more information about this arrangement, check out this article on , or contact your .