Visiting Scholars
Interdisciplinary Guest Lectures

Recent Visitors
(11/8/2018) Dr. Sascha Ebeling, Associate Professor in the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago, presented a lecture entitled "Metropolis of Modernity: The Avant-Gardes in Madras/Chennai, c. 1900-1940."
(10/25/2018) Dr. Smooth Nzewi, Curator of African Art, Cleveland Museum of Art, presented a lecture entitled 鈥淎frican Modernism in the 1980s.鈥
(9/14/2017) Dr. Richard Taruskin, Professor of Musicology, University of California at Berkeley, presented a lecture entitled Richard Taruskin, 鈥淢usic and Revolution?鈥
(11/2/2016) Dr. Joan Copjec, Professor of Modern Culture & Media, Brown University, presented a lecture entitled 鈥淜iarostami: Iranian Cinema and Islamic Philosophy.鈥
(10/17/2016) Richard Wolf. Professor of Music and South Asian Studies, Harvard University, presented a lecture entitled 鈥淢usic and Religious Experience in South and Central Asia.鈥
(10/5/2017) Dr. Kristin Ross, Professor of Comparative Literature, New York University, presented a lecture entitled 鈥淭he Seventh Wonder of the Zad.鈥
Past Visitors
Dr. Lucius Outlaw, Professor of Philosophy and of African American and Diaspora Studies, Vanderbilt University, presented a lecture entitled 鈥淩alph Waldo Ellison: The Not So Little Man Behind the US American Stove鈥 on 10/4/12.
Dr. Koritha Mitchell, Associate Professor of English, 帝王会所 State University, presented a lecture entitled 鈥淲hose Archive?: Race and (the Art of) Preservation鈥 on 10/25/12.
- Dr. Juliet Koss, Professor of Art History, Scripps College, presented a lecture entitled 鈥淔ormulating the Gesamtkunstwerk鈥 on 2/29/12.
- Dr. Allen Roberts, Professor of Culture and Performance in the Dept. of World Arts and Cultures, UCLA, presented a lecture entitled "From Spirit-Scape to Image Economy: Visual Politics in Contemporary Senegal."
- Dr. Kathleen Stewart, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts, The University of Texas at Austin, presented a lecture entitled, "Worldings, the Ordinary " for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, February 11, 2010.
- Dr. Harry J. Elam, Jr., Olive H. Palmer Professor in the Humanities,Professor of Drama and Director of the Institute for Diversity in the Arts at Stanford University, presented a lecture entitled, "Stew's Passing Strange, Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Performance of Blackness" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, October 22, 2009.
- Dr. Celia Chazelle , Professor and Department Chair, Department of History at The College of New Jersey, presented a lecture entitled, "The Codex Amiatinus: Art, Text and Context " for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, March 5, 2009.
- Dr. Fritz Graf, Professor and Chair, Department of Greek and Latin at 帝王会所 State University, presented a lecture entitled, "Orpheus: Singer, Sorcerer, Initiator" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, October 16, 2008.
- Dr. Soeprapto Soedjono, the Rektor (President) of the Indonesia Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta , received the 2008 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the School of Interdisciplinary Arts. He discussed his career since graduating in 1992 with Interdisciplinary Arts students during a presentation to them on October 3, 2008.
- Rosemarie Bank, Professor of History and Criticism in the School of Theatre and Dance at Kent State University, will present a lecture entitled,"Museums, Material Culture, Ethnography and Theatre in the United States in the Nineteenth Century" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, May 15, 2008.
- Dr. Rowland Abiodun , John C. Newton Professor of the History of Art and Black Studies at Amherst College, presented a lecture entitled,"Beyond the Object: Understanding African Art" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, January 17, 2008.
- Dr. Karen Adams, the director of fellowship communication at Georgia institute of technology, received the 2007 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the School of Interdisciplinary Arts. She discussed her career since graduating in 1975 with Interdisciplinary Arts students during a presentation to them on October 5, 2007.
- Dr. Leonard Barkan, Arthur W. Marks '19 Professor of Comparative Literature and Director of the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts at Princeton University, presented a lecture entitled,"Pictura, Poesis, and the Theater as a Visual Art" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, October 4, 2007.
- Dr. Conrad Rudolph, Professor of Medieval Art History at the University of California, Riverside, presented a lecture entitled, "Art and Science in the Middle Ages" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, April 19, 2007.
- Dr. William Lew, Professor of Art at Clemson University, received the 2006 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the School of Interdisciplinary Arts. He discussed his career since graduating in 1976 with Interdisciplinary Arts students during a presentation to them on October 6, 2006.
- Dr. William Desmond, Professor of Philosophy, Director of the International Program in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Kardinaal Mercierplein 2, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, presented a lecture entitled,"Philosophy of Art in the Shadow of Hegel" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, September 14, 2006.
- Dr. Jose Munoz, Chair of Performance Studies at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, presented a lecture entitled,"Queerness as Horizon: Utopian Hermeneutics in the Face of Gay Pragmatism" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, May 18, 2006.
- Dr. Robert Solomon, Quincy Lee Centennial Professor and Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin , presented a lecture entitled,"The End of History: Fate and Fatalism in Nineteenth-Century German Thought " for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, March 20, 2006.
- Dr. James Saslow, Professor of Art History and Theater, CUNY Graduate Center, presented a lecture entitled,"All the Art's a Stage: Theater as Interdisciplinary Metaphor " for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, October 20, 2005.
- Dr. Herbert Gottfried, Professor of Landscape Architecture at Cornell University, received the 2005 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the School of Interdisciplinary Arts. He discussed his career since graduating in 1974 with Interdisciplinary Arts students during a presentation to them on September 30, 2005.
- Dr. Thomas Hale, Professor of African, French and Comparative Literature at Penn State University , presented a lecture entitled,"Griots of West Africa" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, May 5, 2005.
- Dr. Lawrence Nees, Professor, Department of Art History at the University of Delaware , presented a lecture entitled, "Reading and Seeing: The Beginning of Book Illumination and the Modern Discourse on Ethnicity" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, January 20, 2005.
- Dr. Fritz Graf, Professor, Department of Greek and Latin at 帝王会所 State University , presented a lecture entitled, "Orpheus: Magician and Great Master of Mysteries" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, October 7, 2004.
- Dr. Barbara Korner, Associate Dean, College of Fine Arts at the University of Florida , received the 2004 Outstanding Alumna Award on September 30, 2004 . During the afternoon, she spoke with students and faculty about her career since she graduated in 1983.
- Dr. Mark Roche, I. A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Professor of German Language and Literature and Concurrent Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, presented a lecture entitled, "The Relevance of Hegel for Contemporary Aesthetics" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, January, 22, 2004.
- Dr. Peter Meller, University of California , Santa Barbara, presented a lecture entitled, "Dosso Dossi: The Play of Hercules" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, October 30, 2003.
- Dr. Jessica Haigney, Professor Emerita, 帝王会所 , received the 2003 Outstanding Alumna Award at the 5th Annual Fine Arts Convocation on October 3, 2003 . Dr. Haigney graduated in 1973 and served as the Director of the School for many years.
- Dr. Jody Enders, University of California , Santa Barbara , presented a lecture entitled, "Murder by Accident on the Medieval Stage" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, May 15, 2003.
- Dr. Jeffrey Hamburger, Harvard University , presented a lecture entitled, "On the Various Writings of Humanity: A Sermon by Johannes Tauler on theLiber Scivias of Hildegard of Bingen" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, May 8, 2003.
- Dr. Margaret Miles, Graduate Theological Union, presented a lecture entitled, "Image as Argument: The Fifth-Century Mosaics at Santa Maria Maggiore" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, February 20, 2003.
- Dr. Jas Elsner, Humfry Payne Senior Research Fellow in Classical Art & Archaeology, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford, will present a lecture entitled, "Inventing Christian Rome: The Role of Early Christian Art" for the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Thursday, January 16, 2003.
- Dr. Ronald Jones, Visiting Artist at the American Academy in Rome , presented a lecture entitled, "Let's Be Outrageous, Let's Misbehave" for the Aesthetics Seminar on Tuesday, October 29, 2002 . Dr. Jones is a 1981 graduate and received the Outstanding Alumni Award at the 3rd Annual Fine Arts Convocation in October, 2001.
- Dr. Silvio Gaggi, Professor and Chair in the Dept. of Humanities and American Studies at the University of S. Florida received the Outstanding Alumni Award at the 4th Annual Fine Arts Convocation on October 4, 2002 . Dr. Gaggi talked to students and faculty that afternoon about his career since graduating in 1972.
- Dr. Stephen Yas, Yas/Fischel Partnership, presented a lecture entitled,"The Power of the Design Process Case Study: Willow Springs Village Center " for the Interdisciplinary Arts Seminar on Thursday, October 10, 2002.
- Dr. Johanna Drucker, Robertson Professor of Media Studies and Director of Media Studies at the University of Virginia, presented a lecture entitled, "Graphic Provocations: Aesthetics of the Avant-Garde" for the Visual Arts Seminar on Wednesday, May 22, 2002.
- Dr. John Fyler, Professor of English at Tufts University , presented a lecture entitled, "Pagan and Christian, Classical and Medieval" for the School of Comparative Arts on Wednesday, May 15, 2002.
- Dr. Lydia Goehr, Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University , presented a lecture entitled, "The Dangers of Satisfaction: On songs, rehearsals and repetition in Die Meistersinger" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on Thursday, Thursday May 2, 2002.
- Dr. Vittorio Hosle, Paul Kimblall Chair of Arts and Letters, Professor of German, Concurrent Professor of Philosophy, Concurrent Professor of Government, Fellow of the Nanovic Institute at University of Notre Dame, presented a lecture entitled, "On the Concept of the Comic" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on Thursday, April 4, 2002.
- Dr. Carol Flynn, Professor of English at Tufts University , presented a lecture entitled, "Transgressive Spaces in 18th Century London" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on Thursday, February 14, 2002.
- Mr. Richard Stone, Conductor and Accompanist, gave a presentation on Monteverdi in the School of Music Recital Hall for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on February 21, 2002 . His visit was co-sponsored by the School of Music.
- Professor Wang Ning, Professor of English and Director of the Center for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Tsinghua University, P.R. China presented a lecture entitled, "Seeking a National Identity and Constructing Chinese Critical Discourse in the Age of Globalization" on Friday, September 28, 2001. His visit is sponsored by the Schools of Comparative Arts, English, Film and Theater.
- Dr. Richard Taruskin, Professor of Music in the Department of Music at The University of California, Berkeley presented a lecture entitled, "Interpreting Shostakovich" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on Tuesday, May 22, 2001.
- Dr. Walter Cahn , Carnegie Professor of the History of Art in the Department of the History of Art at Yale University presented a lecture entitled, "Muhammad in Medieval Eyes" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on Thursday, May 10, 2001.
- Dr. Thomas Kelly , Chair of the Department of Music at Harvard University will present a lecture entitled, "Words, Pictures and Music: Medieval Illustrated Exultet Scrolls" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on Tuesday, April 17, 2001.
- Dr. Stanley Lombardo , Professor in the Department of Classics at the University of Kansas , presented a lecture entitled, "The Art of Translating Homer" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on January 25, 2001.
- Dr. Thomas H. Carpenter , Professor of Classics and Director of the Ping Institute for Teaching the Humanities at 帝王会所 , visited the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar to discuss his book Art and Myth in Ancient Greece on January 18, 2001 . This winter the seminar deals with "Homer and the Homeric Legacy in the Arts."
- Dr. Williametta Spencer , Composer and Visiting Professor of Music at Whittier College , presented a lecture entitled, "Style: A Dismembered Roller-Coaster" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on October 19, 2000.
- Dr. Caryl Emerson , A. Watson Armour III University Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature at Princeton University , presented a lecture entitled, "Bakhtin's Carnival, the Comedic Vision, and the Continuation of the World" for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on September 21, 2000.
- Dr. Simon Williams , Professor of Dramatic Art and Director of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara, presented a lecture on "Richard Wagner and the Vexed Question of the Romantic Hero " for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on May 4, 2000.
- The String Trio of New York presented a lecture/performance, Apollonian vs. Dionysian , for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar on April 20, 2000.