David Koonce

Dean of the Graduate College, Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering
102 Grosvenor Hall
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research Interests: data integration, data mining, data visualization, cost estimation
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Engineering Science, Louisiana State University, 1993; M.S., Industrial Engineering, Louisiana State University, 1990; B.S., Industrial Engineering, Louisiana State University, 1988
Journal Article, Academic Journal (9)
- Koonce, D., Sormaz, D. (2019). Metrics to gauge the success of a manufacturing ontology. Procedia Manufacturing; 38: 1678-1682.
- Matta, V., Koonce, D., Jeyaraj, A. (2011). Initiation, Experimentation, Implementation of Innovations: The Case for Radio Frequency Identification Systems. 2. International Journal of Information Management; 32: 164-174.
- Weckman, G., Ganduri, C., Koonce, D. (2008). A Neural Network Job-Shop Scheduler Based on Knowledge Extraction from a Genetic Algorithm. 2. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing; 19: 191-201.
- Koonce, D., Gandhi, R., Nambiar, A., Judd, R. (2007). Identifying and Removing Error in Hierarchical Cost Estimates. International Journal of Production Economics; vol. 109(1-2): 41-52.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Sormaz, D., Masel, D. (2003). A Hierarchical Cost Estimation Tool. Computers in Industry; 50: 293-302.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R. (2001). A Visual Modeling Language for EXPRESS Schemata. 5. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing; 14: 457-472.
- Dhamija, D., Koonce, D., Judd, R. (1997). Development of a Unified Data Meta-Model for CAD-CAPP-MRP-NC Verification Integration. 1-2. Computers and Industrial Engineering; 33: 19-22.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Parks, C. (1996). Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Design: An Intelligent, Multimodel, Integration Architecture. 6. International Journal on Computer Integration; 9: 443-453.
- Parks, C., Koonce, D., Rabelo, L., Judd, R., Sauter, J. (1994). Model-Based Manufacturing Integration: A Paradigm for Virtual Manufacturing Systems Engineering. 1-4. Computers in Industrial Engineering; 27: 357-360.
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book (1)
- Anderson, C., Mattley, C., Conley, V., Koonce, D. (2014). Community Colleges as Gendered Organizations: Understanding Workplace Power and Women in STEM through a Gendered Organizational Justice Lens. Bingley BD16 1WA: Emerald Group Publishing Limited; 19: 22.
Conference Proceeding (52)
- Ganduri, C., Koonce, D., Sormaz, D. Cell Formation Based on Dimensionality Reduction of the Part-Machine Incidence Matrix. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Group Technology / Cellular Manufacturing.
- Koonce, D., Sormaz, D. (2019). Metrics to Gauge the Success of a Manufacturing Ontology. Limerick: 29th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing FAIM2019.
- Koonce, D. (2011). A Preliminary Analysis of business Processes in RFID Implementation. ICIS 2010.
- Koonce, D. (2011). An Analysis of Female STEM Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions. ASEE 2011.
- Koonce, D., Conley, V., Hening, D., Anderson, C. (2011). An Analysis of Female STEM Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions. Vancouver: American Society for Engineering Education; .
- Matta, V., Koonce, D., Sarkar, A. (2011). Analysis of Business Processes in RFID Implementations. Athens.
- Koonce, D. (2011). Community Colleges as Gendered Organizations: Understanding Workplace Power and Women in STEM through a Gendered Organizational Justice Lens. ASA 2010.
- Koonce, D. (2011). Satisfaction of Female Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions. ASEE 2011.
- Koonce, D., Anderson, C., Conley, V., Mattley, C. (2011). Satisfaction of Female Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions. Vancouver: American Society for Engineering Education; .
- Koonce, D., Conley, V., Jie, Z., Anderson, C. (2011). STEM Education vs. Occupation: a Supply and Demand Analysis. Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Koonce, D. (2011). What is STEM?. ASEE 2011.
- Koonce, D., Zhou, J., Conley, V., Hening, D., Anderson, C. (2011). What is STEM?. Vancouver: American Society for Engineering Education; .
- Koonce, D., Conley, V., Anderson, C., Hening, D. (2010). Career Success for Female STEM Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions. Louisville, KY: Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education.
- Koonce, D., Bharti, H., Matta, V. (2010). Refining the Functional Breakdown of RFID Applications. Cancun: 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Koonce, D., Matta, V. (2010). Refining the Functional Breakdown of RFID Applications.
- Koonce, D., Matta, V., Bharti, H. (2009). Analyzing the Semantic Breakdown of Functionality in RFID Applications. Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Koonce, D., Shah, N. (2008). A Classification For Maps Between WBS Elements To Support Automated Hierarchical Cost Estimation. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology.
- Roth, S., Koonce, D. (2008). A Model to Predict 帝王会所 Student Retention from Admissions and Involvement Data. Proceedings of the 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Koonce, D., Ganduri, C., Sormaz, D. (2006). A Cell Formation Algorithm Based on Dimensionality Reduction of the Part-Machine Incidence Matrix. Groningen, The Netherlands: 3rd National Conference on Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing 2006.
- Koonce, D., Matta, V. (2005). Resistance In Adoption Of Radio Frequency Identification Systems In The Supply Chain Industry. Proceedings of the IIE 2005 Annual Conference.
- Matta, V., Koonce, D. (2005). Resistance in Adoption of Radio Frequency Identification Systems in the Supply Chain Industry.
- Koonce, D., Ghandi, R., Judd, R. (2005). Calibration and Algorithmic Approach. Fort Worth, TX: 2005 Conference on Next Generation Concurrent Engineering.
- Sormaz, D., Koonce, D., Judd, R. (2005). Manufacturing Knowledge Capture for FIPER Cost Estimation Tool. Fort Worth, TX: 2005 Conference on Next Generation Concurrent Engineering.
- Ganduri, C., Weckman, G., Koonce, D. (2004). A Reactive Neural Network that Identifies Schedule Fitness in a Job-Shop Environment. Houston, TX: Proceedings of the IIE 2004 Annual Conference.
- Koonce, D., Gandhi, S. (2004). Applying inductive logic programming for knowledge discovery in genetic algorithm's solutions to a job shop schedule. Proceedings of the IIE 2004 Annual Conference.
- Koonce, D., Sormaz, D., Masel, D., Judd, R. (2004). Cost Estimation Methodology using Hybrid Hierarchical Approach. Proceedings of the IIE 2004 Annual Conference.
- Shah, N., Koonce, D. (2004). Using Distributed Genetic Algorithms For Solving Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Proceedings of the IIE 2004 Annual Conference.
- Koonce, D., Sormaz, D., Masel, D., Judd, R. (2004). Cost Estimation Methodology using Hybrid Hierarchical Approach. Houston, Texas: 13th Industrial Engnieering Research Conference IERC 2004.
- Sormaz, D., Judd, R., Koonce, D., Nambiar, A. (2004). Development of Cost Library for Manufacturing Processes in Cost Estimation Tool. Houston, Texas: 13th Industrial Engineering Reseawrch Conference IERC-2004.
- Koonce, D., Mehta, A. (2003). Refined Rule Induction for Job-Shop Scheduling. Proceedings for IIE 2003 Annual Conference.
- Koonce, D., Chenhansa, S. (2002). An Approach In Applying XML To Logistics Communication. Proceedings for IIE 2002 Annual Conference.
- Chinchilla, R., Hoag, J., Koonce, D., Kruse, H., Osterman, S., Wang, Y. (2002). Characterization of Internet Traffic and User Classification: Foundations for the Next Generation of Network Emulation. Proceedings of the The 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis.
- Kantak, S., Koonce, D. (2002). Improving The Data Mining Exploration Technique For Job Shop Schedules By Using Multiple Data Sets. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation; 31-36.
- Trasi, A., Koonce, D., Judd, R. (2001). Cost Estimation with Feature Recognition. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation; 208-222.
- Koonce, D., Trasi, A., Judd, R. (2001). Cost Estimation with Feature Recognition. Las Vegas, NV: 5th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation; 208-222.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Keyser, T., VerDuin, B., Bailey, M., Kolonay, R., Wujek, B., Cawley, N., Benejamin, M. (2000). A Federated Intelligent Product Environment (FIPER). Orlando, FL: 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation; 106-109.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Keyser, T., VerDuin, B., Bailey, M., Kolonay, R., Wujek, B., Cawley, N., Benjamin, M. (2000). A Federated Intelligent Product Environment (FIPER). Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation; 106-109.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Keyser, T. (2000). A Cost Estimation Tool Integrated into FIPER. Melbourne, Australia: 4th International Conference on Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Majeti, V. (1999). An Integration of Common Manufacturing Design Tools Using the IMDE Architecture. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation.
- Koonce, D., Dhamija, D., Judd, R. (1999). Using Meta-Data to Integrate Cost Estimation into the Manufacturing Design Process. Proceedings of 1999 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Nie, C. (1999). VQL a Visual Query Language for EXPRESS. Proceedings of the 1999 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Judd, R., Nie, C., Koonce, D. (1999). VQL, A Visual Query Language for STEP Data Files. Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Conference on Engineering Design and Automation.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Majeti, V. (1999). An Integration of Common Manufacturing Design Tools using the IMDE Architecture. Vancouver, BC: 3rd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation; 746-752.
- Judd, R., Nie, C., Koonce, D. (1999). VQL, A Visual Query Language for STEP Data Files. Vancouver, BC: 3rd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation; 545-552.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R., Nie, C. (1999). VQL, A Visual Query Language for EXPRESS. Phoenix, AZ: 1999 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Koonce, D., Dhamija, D., Judd, R. (1999). Using Meta-Date to Integrate Cost Estimation into the Manufacturing Design Process. Long Beach, CA: 1999 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference.
- Koonce, D., Judd, R. (1998). An EXPRESS Based Integration of CIM Tools. Maui, HI: 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation.
- Dhamija, D., Koonce, D., Judd, R. (1998). Consistency Issues in Manufacturing Data Integration. Maui, HI: 2nd International Cnoference on Engineering Design and Automation.
- Han, J., Sormaz, D., Koonce, D., Parks, C. (1998). Formation of Machine and Part Cells wtih Consideration of Alternative Process Plans. Maui, Hawaii: Engineering Design and Automation Conference, EDA 1998.
- Judd, R., Dhamija, D., Koonce, D. (1998). The Integration of Data from Multiple Heterogeneous Manufacturing Software Systems. 7th Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Koonce, D., Dhamija, D., Judd, R. (1997). An Integrated Model for Manufacturing Information Exchange. 6th Industrial Engineering Research Conference; 531-536.
- Parks, C., Koonce, D., Judd, R. (1995). Model Based Engineering Software Systems Integration. Minneapolis, MN: 1996 Industrial Engineering Reseasrch conference; 742-757.
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book (1)
- Judd, R., Parks, C., Koonce, D. (1998). Manufacturing systems Modeling with Integrated Design Models. Concurrent Design of Product, Manufacturing Processes and Systems.
Conference, Poster (1)
- Matta, V., Koonce, D. (2009). Refining the Semantic Model of Functionality of RFID Systems.
Technical Report (1)
- Judd, R., Sormaz, D., Koonce, D., Zhang, W. (2003). Cost Elements Version 1.0 User Manual FIPER Technical Report. 帝王会所.