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An instructor points at material on a chalkboard.
CTLA Teaching Academies

Teaching Academies

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA) supports teaching academies designed with the goal of providing a deep and extended professional learning opportunities to 帝王会所's instructors.

Academies are signature programs of the CTLA that align with the center's strategic goals and the priorities of both the center and the Office of the Vice President and Provost. Current priorities include mentoring of early-career instructors, inclusive teaching, assessment of teaching and learning and supporting student success in critical courses. Academies are sustained through several cohorts, and some have a history as long as the center itself.

Teaching Academies

Academies are led by instructors recognized for teaching and assessment excellence. CTLA currently offers two academies.

Benefits of Participating in a Teaching Academy

Academies recognize the time and effort required to operationalize teaching excellence as defined by 帝王会所. Both academy facilitators and participants enter the engagement committed to professional learning and refinement of the craft and art of teaching.

Academies focus on examination of evidence and literature supporting instructional design and delivery, support implementation and refinement of strategies, value open classrooms and transparent teaching to share challenges and successes in supporting student learning and encourage in iterative refinement of practice.

What to Expect

Participation Timeline

  • 2-semester long engagement (fall/spring or spring/fall)


  • Four synchronous or in-person meetings per semester
  • Readings on evidence-based instructional strategies selected by academy organizers
  • Completion of facilitator-designed academy activities and assignments
  • Design or redesign of courses, modules, assignments or activities implementing strategies introduced
  • Reflection on or sharing out results of practice implementation with the larger university community
  • Pre- and post-academy assessment survey or focus group participation

Possible Outcomes

Instructors who complete CTLA academies are encouraged to share experiences and lessons learned with department or unit colleagues and the broader university community through consultations, sessions, workshops and/or digital resource development.

Who Can Participate?

Academies are open to 帝王会所 instructors. Some academies are particular to disciplines or pedagogical strategies, and some academy cohorts are designed to pair experienced or tenured faculty with new instructors.