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Inclusive Pedagogy Academy

Inclusive Pedagogy Academy

What is Inclusive Pedagogy?

Inclusive pedagogy honors and celebrates differences within the classroom by engaging faculty in various approaches to teaching and student engagement. Traditional educational practices may not always support students in a way that allows them to reach their full potential.

A student-centered learning approach, inclusive pedagogy acknowledges that the social identities of both instructors and students have an impact on the learning experience. Inclusive pedagogy challenges faculty to think and teach differently by creating a learning environment that works for everyone.

What is the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy?

The Inclusive Pedagogy Academy is a unique offering in which instructors learn more about how to implement inclusive teaching approaches across all disciplines. Led by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, the academy is offered in collaboration with multiple colleges and units.

The academy combines asynchronous learning through online modules with synchronous meetings to allow for deeper discussion, practical application and understanding. Through four online, asynchronous modules and seven synchronous meetings, participants address inclusivity on personal, structural and interactional levels. The online modules provide resources (e.g., video lectures, readings, resources, activities and reflections) to facilitate deliverable changes (e.g., revised content and policy documents) for one course you plan to teach in spring or fall 2024. Modules one and two will occur during the fall semester and module three and four will be completed in spring (review the schedule to learn more).

Schedule and Important Dates

Meeting Information

  • The academy will begin with a hybrid synchronous meeting to orient participants to inclusive pedagogy.
  • A synchronous meeting will follow the completion of each module to allow participants to engage in a deeper discussion about the content covered in the module.
  • In week 8 of fall semester 2024, the academy will have a synchronous meeting to discuss lessons learned and mentor the next cohort of Inclusive Pedagogy Academy participants.
  • January 10, 2025: Before the spring semester begins, there will be a synchronous meeting to discuss changes participants are making in spring classes.

Module Open and Due Dates and Synchronous Meeting Dates

ModuleModule Open DateModule Due DateSynchronous Meeting Dates
Module 1September TBDOctober TBDThe two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Module 2October TBDNovember TBDThe two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Module 3January TBDFebruary TBDThe two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Module 4March TBDApril TBDThe two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

Mission and Goals

The mission of the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy is to empower faculty to maximize student learning and achievement by working with instructors to enact inclusive pedagogy approaches across all disciplines.

Through the academy, participants:

  • Critically engage with and modify courses to infuse inclusive pedagogical practices, paying attention to syllabi creation, choice of readings, pedagogy and/or approach in framing the various identities of those who have created milestones within an academic discipline
  • Embed co-curricular student engagement within course requirements
  • Envision the challenges and possibilities for diversity and inclusion within a field to consider how learning outcomes can align with intercultural competencies in order to assist student achievement in their careers
  • Mentor and/or consult with peers and students in curricular design
  • Reflect on positionality, as well as how privilege and oppression may function within the classroom and metrics for assessment
  • Create guidelines for departmental pedagogical approaches that are inclusive of diverse populations with the objective of increased academic achievement and retention of marginalized communities
  • Provide training and guidance for participants invested in changing the curriculum


The academy will result in concrete products (e.g., revised course syllabus, policy documents and resources) to facilitate inclusivity in a participant's course that can also be used to demonstrate teaching effectiveness in annual reports and promotion/tenure dossiers.


Successful academy completes will receive a $1,000 stipend.

Inclusive Pedagogy Academy Facilitators

The CTLA Inclusive Pedagogy Academy is currently being reimagined and relaunched by three faculty who completed the inaugural Inclusive Pedagogy Academy and began sharing inclusive pedagogy within their respective colleges.

Past Inclusive Pedagogy Academy Facilitators

Application Information

Eligibility Information

Applicants who are committed to change should consider applying, even if they have not engaged with this topic before. Applications will be reviewed on a team-level and each team should include two or three faculty interested in incorporating inclusive pedagogy in their courses and the school/department/campus curriculum. Teams should include tenure track and/or instructional faculty from any of OHIO's campuses. Faculty may propose cross-disciplinary teams at their discretion.

How to Apply

Please collect all required team information before beginning this form. We recommend you save your team's application information in a Word document on your computer as a backup. All form fields must be filled out and submitted in the same session.The application consists of team and individual components along with a support letter from the team’s director/chair/dean. You may view the application form for complete instructions.

The team of faculty applicants from each school/department should submit a joint application (one per team) that includes:

  • List of team members
  • Courses targeted for change
  • A rationale that reflects on (a) the current status of inclusive teaching within your team’s school, department or division; (b) your team’s goals in participating in the inclusive pedagogy academy; and (c) the rationale for the composition of this team and how the team can affect systemic change within your school, department or division.
  • Short biosketches for each team member
  • A letter of support from the team’s chair/director/dean including a commitment to scheduling the team members’ teaching and other obligation in such a way that permits their participation in the synchronous components of the academy

Application Deadline

Ready to get started? Apply by Friday, April 19, at 5 p.m. EST for full consideration. Questions? Send an email to Melinda Rhodes-DiSalvo, Executive Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment.

Apply Now!

Please note: Applicants will be informed about their application status for the academy by April 25, 2024.