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Sustainability Project Laboratory

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The Sustainability Project Laboratory is a database of sustainability-related project proposals. This resource hosts projects and project ideas that can be adopted by faculty, staff, and students for course projects, capstone or senior projects, theses, and more! Projects are divided into two tables: "Project Database", where full projects are available, and "Project Idea Database", where raw ideas, often from public comments, are stored until they are developed into full projects.

For projects external to the university, please check the website. Check our Frequently Asked Questions for details and funding opportunities.

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Feel free to be creative! Contact the Office of Sustainability (sustainability@ohio.edu) for assistance understanding project details or breaking large projects into smaller tasks or for more information.

Project Database

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Project TitlePossible Academic ConnectionProject lengthExperiential Learning?Community Engagement?Connection to Sustainability Plan*Project Information SheetBrief description
Impacts of LaundryChemistry, Energy Engineering, Environmental Science and Sustainability, Environmental Science, BusinessSemesterYesNo ClimateWaterEnergy, EngagementMore InformationFind and quantify the impact of student laundry on campus sustainability, including the carbon footprint, and supply recommendations for reductions.
OHIO Carbon OffsetsEnvironmental Studies, Plant Biology, Geography, Restaurant, Hotel & TourismSemester, multi-yearYesNoClimateMore InformationCreate a proposal for an 帝王会所 certified carbon offset program.
Hammock Stand Proposal - COMPLETERecreation & Sport Pedagogy, Urban Planning & SustainabilitySemesterYesNoGrounds, Student Life, Human Resources

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Create OHIO hammock stand proposal:  determine best practices, location(s), costs and benefits.
Green Roof Project Engineering, Communications, Public Health, Public Policy, Business, EconomicsMonth, semester, weekYesYesGrounds, Buildings, Water, EnergyMore InformationBroad opportunities to create projects related to green roof infrastructure.  Engage students in public health, policy, business and economics while exploring benefits of green roof infrastructure.
Hocking River Channel Biodiversity Environmental Studies, Plant Biology, Public Policy, GeographyYear, thesisYesYesGroundsWater, ClimateMore InformationInvestigate process for updating the Hocking Conservancy District's charter to allow for less mowing and greater biodiversity.
Plant-based Burgers Taste Testing Human & Consumer Sciences; Nutrition; Restaurant, Hotel, & TourismSemesterYesNoFood, Student Life, ClimateMore InformationEvaluate opportunities for replacing all-beef burgers with a beef/mushroom mix
Surface Water Hydrocarbon Baseline DeterminationChemistry; Civil Engineering; Environmental Studies; Urban PlanningSemesterYesYesWaterMore InformationDevelop sampling plan; collect and analyze surface water samples along the 帝王会所 River for a community group
Determining Carbon Emissions from Commuting 鈥 Average DistanceGIS, Geography, Environmental StudiesMonth (repeated annually)YesNoClimate, TransportationMore InformationUtilize GIS data from Parking Services to determine average distance commuted by 帝王会所 faculty, staff and students
Triple bottom line cost-benefit analysis tool GUIComputer ScienceSemesterYesYesClimate, Procurement, InvestmentsMore InformationCreate GUI for an open access triple bottom line cost-benefit analysis tool.
People-Powered Transit Bike BusCivil EngineeringSemester, yearYesNoClimate, Transportation, Student LifeMore InformationCreate a human-powered bike bus (bike with 8-12 seats) to increase healthy active transportation among students on campus.
Solar InstallmentsCivil EngineeringMulti-yearYesNoEnergy, ClimateMore InformationCover rooftops and other surfaces with solar panels/other solar installments to use a better type of energy and reduce electricity consumption on campus.
Water Leak Detection SystemCivil Engineering, BusinessSemesterNoNoWater, BuildingsMore InformationDetermine which leak detection system is the most effective and will cost the least for the University.
Shop Local! MarketingSemesterYesYesFood, Investments, Student LifeMore InformationCreate a marketing plan that can be utilized to encourage 帝王会所 students to buy goods and services from local businesses.
Educational Campaign for District Recycling Drop-off Locations Marketing, Graphic DesignSemester, year or thesis/dissertationYesYesWaste, ClimateMore InformationCreate an educational campaign for the Solid Waste District to promote District Drop-Off locations to improve recycling regionally.
Energy Competition MarketingSemesterYesNoEnergy, ClimateMore InformationDevelop a marketing plan for an 帝王会所 Energy Competition.
Move-out Waste Marketing, Environmental StudiesSemester, year or thesis/dissertationYesYesWasteMore InformationCreate a proposal for the Solid Waste District for 鈥淢ove Out鈥 of dorms, college rentals, empty nesters, relocation and relatives of the deceased.
Crowdfunding Green Revolving Fund Marketing, Visual Communication, Graphic DesignSemesterYesNoAdministrative Support, Curriculum, EngagementMore InformationCreate a crowdfunding campaign for a student Green Revolving Loan Fund.
Increase Public Transportation Marketing, Urban Planning and SustainabilitySemesterYesYesTransportationMore InformationDevelop marketing materials to promote the use of public transportation on campus.
Promoting Use of Reusable Bags Marketing, Visual CommunicationSemesterYesNoWasteMore InformationDesign a graphic to be used around campus and in local businesses encouraging shoppers to opt for a reusable bag instead of plastic.
Encouraging Local Food ConsumptionMarketing, Visual Communication, Graphic DesignSemesterYesYesFood, Student LifeMore InformationCreate marketing for 帝王会所 dining halls encouraging local food consumption.
Aquatic Center Energy Capture Civil EngineeringSemesterYesNoEnergyMore InformationDevelop a method of capturing hydroelectric energy from falling water in the pool filtration system in the University Aquatic Center and generate a corresponding cost and benefits analysis.
Drone-Based Tree InventoryPlant Biology, Environmental Studies, Geography, GISSemester, Thesis  GroundsMore InformationDetermination of species, size and diversity of trees on 帝王会所 campuses.

* 帝王会所's Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (SCAP)

Project Idea Database

Project Idea TitlePossible Academic ConnectionProject lengthConnection to Sustainability Plan*Brief description
Outdoor Recycling ImplementationOperations Research, Management CoursessemesterWasteReduce the overall number of waste locations by developing a multi-tier plan to co-locate recycling at every location.
Pipette Tip Sterilization and ReuseBiochemistry, Biology, Chemical Engineering, ChemistrySemester or thesis/dissertationWasteGenerate a cost-benefit analysis and grant proposal for the purchase of pipette tip sterilization equipment to reduce plastic usage in 帝王会所 labs.
Pollinator Habitat Development and Increased Natural Growth Nearby Residence Halls with SignagePlant Biology, BiologysemesterGroundsCreate a plan to increase pollinator habitat development, maintenance, and natural plant growth by residence halls. Include clear signage at naturalized/pollinator sites to explain to students that these are significant areas, not just unmaintained spaces
Educating Faculty Researchers on 'Sustainability Research' DefinitionTeacher EducationsemesterHuman ResourcesCreate a plan to educate Faculty Researchers on the definition  for sustainable research, and to encourage them to conduct research which meets the definition. 
Determining Carbon Emissions from Commuting- Mode Share Determination Civil Engineering - Transportation groupsemesterClimate, Energy Set up a transportation study on campus to determine mode share (% of walkers, bikers, SOV, carpoolers, bussers).
Solar PV Panels for Groundskeeper Shed near ClippingerEnergy EngineeringsemesterEnergy, GroundsThe project would be to size the PV installation needed to power the electric equipment and to estimate triple bottom line costs for the installation. 
Reforming Plastics - EquipmentETM, Mechanical EngineeringsemesterWaste,Build and/or optimize use of shredders, melters, extruders to create recycled plastic feedstock 
Reforming Plastics - UsageCOFA, Mechanical engineering, Public Administration, Environmental StudiessemesterWasteDetermine circular economic use of recycled plastic feedstock 
Energy Reduction: Increase use of Natural LightInterior Architecture; PsychologysemesterBuildingsWhy do faculty/staff/students turn on lights in buildings with plenty of natural lighting?  Which buildings could be targets for lighting use reduction, and how could this be achieved? 
Energy Competitions- Implementation (annual)Energy EngineeringannualEnergyTrack progress and results from energy competitions. 
Carbon Emissions from InvestmentsFinance, Environmental StudiesMS projectClimateDetermine the carbon emissions from OHIO Foundation investments. 
LEED LabCE 4540/5540thesis or dissertationBuildingsEvaluate existing buildings on campus for LEED certification 
Renewable Energy Cost Benefit AnalysisEnergy Engineeringsemester ClimateUse SAM and the TBL CBA framework to determine costs and benefits of various renewable energy systems for campus. 
Storm Water Best Management PracticesGeography, Civil EngineeringsemesterGrounds, BuildingsDesign a stormwater BMP for a building or parking lot on campus, considering water retention, potable water use replacement, feasibility of cost and maintenance (only should convert already maintained grounds to BMPs that need maintenance), etc.
Analysis of Low Flow FixturesCivil EngineeringsemesterBuildingsDetermine flow/flush rates needed in fixtures and toilets for the water line slopes found in buildings on campus.
Hebbardsville Farm: Business Plan for Sustainable Tree HarvestingPlant Biology, BusinesssemesterGroundsCreate a business plan for sustainably harvesting mature trees at Hebbardsville Farm and reusing timber to renovate barn on site.
Video Projects:  How to recycle, compost and landfill at OHIOVisual Communications, JournalismsemesterWasteCreate a short, fun video for orientations about handling waste on campus
Video Projects:  Stormwater Management at OHIOVisual Communications, JournalismsemesterWaterCreate a short, fun video about stormwater management at OHIO for EPA stormwater permit regulations
Storm Drain Outlet SamplingCivil EngineeringsemesterWaterHave students locate dry weather storm drain discharges; sample and analyze for pH, alkalinity, fluoride, E. coli, etc., and produce report.
Transportation on Campus:  What are the best routes and small mobility devices to choose to navigate campus? Civil Engineering, Urban Planning & SustainabilitysemesterTransportationCreate maps and recommendations for non-automobile travel on campus.  Record travel times for walking, bicycling, e-scootering, etc. from select locations to select destinations
Green bikes programSport & Rec PedagogysemesterTransportationCreate loaner program for used bikes, and a bike maintenance shop, both staffed by volunteers
Plastic Bricks Civil Engineering, Construction ManagementsemesterWastePartner with service organizations and community groups to create plastic bricks, determine best use, and incorporate into structures
Pollution Prevention ChallengeEnvironmental Studies, Environmental Health & Safetyone weekWasteCreate and implement plan to market and encourage participation in the Pollution Prevention Challenge (part of US EPA Pollution Prevention Week)
Canopy CoverPlant Biology, Environmental Studies, Geography, GISsemesterGroundsQuantification of greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential and ecological services provided by trees on 帝王会所 campuses; use i-Tree.
Riparian Zone/Flood Protection Project Plant MaintenancePlant Biology, Urban Planning and SustainabilityMonthGroundsClimateWork with Hocking Conservancy District and local governments to create updated flood protection project maintenance plan that allows for pollinator habitat
Increased Green Roof DevelopmentEnvironmental Studies, Plant BiologyYear, Multi-yearClimateWaterDevelop green roofs on campus to better manage storm water runoff balance out carbon emissions.
Annual Climate ConferenceGeography-Urban Planning & SustainabilityAnnuallyClimatePlan an annual climate conference including students, faculty, and speakers on campus.
Local Solar Electricity ProductionEnergy EngineeringMulti-yearEnergyIncrease local solar electricity production, specifically on rooftops and parking lot car ports.
Use Cleaner Fuel SourcesGeography- Urban Planning& SustainabilityMulti-yearClimateReplace lawn mowers, vehicles, and air conditioners/heaters with a cleaner fuel source to reduce emissions.
Green WallPlant BiologyMulti-yearEnergyWaterCreate a green wall to help heat inside of buildings and reduce storm water management. 
Recycling Education ProgramEducation MajorYear, Multi-yearWasteWaterCreate a recycling education program to prevent stream  contamination and promote a cleaner campus.
Compost Bins near Residence HallsEnvironmental StudiesSemesterWasteWaterPut compost bins near residence halls to reduce the amount of waste that goes into the landfill.
Dining Hall Competitions/ Start Composting ProgramsEnvironmental StudiesSemesterStudent LifeWasteCreate dining hall competitions and programs for composting to reduce the amount of waste that goes to the landfill.
Benches Around Pond AreaMechanical EngineeringSemester, YearGroundsWaste (if made from recyclable plastics)Make benches from recycled polystryene to put around pond areas to make the area more attractive to faculty/ students. 
Student Employment/ Volunteer Opportunities through Campus RecyclingCommunity LeadershipSemester, YearStudent LifeWastePromote student employment and volunteer opportunities through Campus Recycling to increase student involvement and educate students about benefits of recycling.
Additional Funding for Student Sustainability Majors/Certificates/ProgramsBusinessCould do fundraiser multiple times per year



Create a fundraiser to get scholarship funding for students in sustainability majors/ certificates/ programs
Create Sustainable Study Abroad ExperiencesAny- see the Office of Global Opportunities for more informationYearCurriculum Create and promote sustainability study abroad experiences, such as the urban planning in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Create a required Environmental Studies/ Sustainability CourseEnvironmental Studies, Environmental Science and Sustainability, University College, EducationSemester, AnnuallyCurriculumCreate a Gen-ed required Environmental Studies/Sustainability course every undergraduate would have to take regardless of major. Implement sustainability curriculum into the Learning Community Program to provide a one-time lesson to first year students.
Carbon OffsetsBusiness/ AccountingSemester Investments Create a budget management plan for purchasing carbon offsets for older/high-emitting buildings that aren't scheduled for renovation. 
Energy Usage EducationEducation MajorAnnually



Educate students on how to limit their energy usage to reduce the amount of energy used in residence halls.
Student Education about negative impacts of wasteEducation MajorSemesterWasteEducation students about negative of waste and advantages to recycling, composting and not purchasing things they don't need.
Add Vegetarian/international food optionsCulinary ArtsYearFoodAdd more vegetarian and international food options to cafeterias to promote sustainable foods.
Offer discounts for own reusable cutlery sets
Business, Center for Entrepreneurship SemesterStudent Life, InvestmentsOffer discounts for those who show their own reusable cutlery sets at checkout to promote reusable silverware.
More food awareness signs at checkoutMarketing SemesterWasteCreate more educational/ awareness signs to put at checkout to remind students about how much food they will actually be able to eat (to prevent food waste)
Add Bike Routes on Campus and Reduce Routes Open to CarsUrban Planning and Sustainability, Civil Engineering, Outdoor RecreationYear, Multi-yearClimate TransportationAdd bike routes and reduce the amount of routes open to cars on campus to make it more bike-friendly, promote human transportation, and reduce emissions from gas vehicles.
Give students a discount/extra meal swipe for healthy food choicesBusinessSemester, year


Student Life

Incentivized students to make healthy/ vegetarian choices by providing them with a punch card/ discount/ extra meal swipe as these choices should be less expensive, and should be reflected in how much they pay.
Reduce the amount of red meat soldHuman and Consumer Sciences, NutritionYear, Multi year



Reduce the amount of red meat served ( meat industry generates 18% of annual global greenhouse gas production) to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Host farmers marketBusiness, Center for Entrepreneurship Semester


Student Life

Host farmers market with local foods and goods to promote sustainable food options.

* 帝王会所's Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (SCAP)