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Promotion/Tenure Dossier Guide: Tenure-Track Faculty

Documents from dossiers to submit for President and Provost review

Provide an electronic PDF of the dossier materials.

  • Submit only the documents listed, in the order shown, for review by the Executive Vice President and Provost and the President.
  • Remove documents from the promotion/tenure documentation and assemble them in the order indicated.

Submit all documents for faculty from each college or regional campus electronically via email or a shared OneDrive file folder, at the same time to: Katie Hartman (email: hartmank)

Section One - Introductory Documents

  1. Review form for promotion and/or tenure (signature sheet) signed as appropriate
  2. College dean letter
  3. College promotion and tenure committee letter (optional, if applicable)
  4. Chair/Director letter
  5. Department/School promotion and tenure committee letter
  6. Regional campus dean non-decision, input letter (if appropriate)
  7. Annual evaluations by chair/director, departmental promotion and tenure progress letters, etc.
  8. Copy of the faculty member's Tenure-Track offer letter (most recent if it was ever modified) – Do not send the annual reappointment letters sent by the president’s office.

Section Two - Promotion/Tenure Summary Documents

Note: For sub-section 4b (below), faculty should follow the guidelines described in Version 1 or Version 2. Faculty with start dates prior to August 15, 2024, may choose either Version 1 or Version 2. Faculty with start dates after August 15, 2024, are required to use Version 2.

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Academic Preparation
  3. Professional Experience
  4. Instruction and Advising
    1. Teaching Load – List of courses taught over the past 3 years (include teaching assignment changes)
    2. Teaching Effectiveness
      1.  (Version 1)
        1. Evidence of course organization, presentation, and requirements (Example: send ONE or TWO course syllabi)
        2. Student evaluation results/reports with one or two sets of course evaluations
        3. List of teaching awards and recognition
        4. Selection for teaching in special programs
        5. Participation, as a student, in teaching enhancement programs
        6. Other evidence of teaching effectiveness (Example: supporting letters from faculty peers)
      2. (Version 2) - evidence (e.g., self-assessment narratives, sample course materials, teaching observations, student evaluations of teaching, peer reviews of teaching, student achievement of learning outcomes, participation in continuing education programs, participation in teaching enhancement programs, and/or teaching honors/awards) must be included to support at least one of the following criteria to demonstrate teaching effectiveness:
        1. Preparation (i.e., planning for teaching)
        2. Engagement (i.e., delivering content and managing the student learning process)
        3. Inclusion (i.e., serving the learning needs of all students
        4. Subject Expertise (i.e., maintaining/developing expert subject knowledge)
        5. Pedagogical Competence (i.e., maintaining/developing timely knowledge and skills in the theories and practice of teaching and learning)
        6. Outcome (i.e., achieving desired teaching results)
        7. Improvement (i.e., revising teaching practices over time)
        8. Adaptability & Innovation (i.e., navigating the evolving nature of teaching and learning)
    3. Interdisciplinary Teaching – List of interdisciplinary activities
    4. Advising and Supervision Activities
  5. Research and Scholarly Accomplishments – Submit a list of the following, not the actual publications
    1. Articles in professional journals
    2. Other publications and presentations
    3. Books or portions of books
    4. Sponsored research projects and grants
    5. Theses and dissertations directed
    6. Proposals
    7. Other
  6. Professional Associations
  7. Committees and Service
  8. Interdisciplinary Contributions
  9. Other Factors

Section Three – External Review

Both the faculty candidate and the department/school promotion and tenure committee should be involved in the process of selecting external reviewers.

  • The committee should NOT select only reviewers proposed by the faculty candidate.
  • Reviewers should NOT be the faculty candidates’ thesis/dissertation advisor(s); former teachers, co- authors, and collaborators; friends, relatives or other persons closely aligned with the faculty candidate.
  • The external reviewers should have appropriate academic accomplishments, rank (in the case of promotion to Professor should be similarly ranked) and be from appropriate institutions.

Reminder: µÛÍõ»áËù prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, age, ethnicity, national origin, national ancestry, sex, status as a parent during pregnancy and immediately after the birth of a child, status as a parent of a young child, status as a foster parent, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, military service, veteran status, mental or physical disability, or genetic information.

  1. External Review Process
    1. Describe the process used
    2. Describe how the reviewers were contacted
    3. Provide a list of the information sent to the reviewers
  2. External reviewers’ letters
    1. Include sufficient number, normally in the range of four to six letters
  3. Provide a short biographical summary of each reviewer, but do NOT include their curriculum vitas
    1. Describe why these particular external reviewers chosen

Note: Regional Campus Deans letters should be solicited and used in the same way as external reviewer letters according to department/school promotion and tenure processes.

Section Four - Curriculum Vitae and Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

  1. Current, comprehensive curriculum vitae
  2. Department/School/Campus promotion and tenure guidelines
  3. College/RHE promotion and tenure guidelines