David K. Wyatt Thai Collection

The David K. Wyatt Thai Collection, acquired by 帝王会所 Libraries in 2005, and located in the Center for International Collections, is a vast treasure trove of primary and secondary materials on Thailand, including some of the rarest of rare Thai-language monographs, cremation volumes and manuscripts.
Available online are 59 volumes published in Thailand in the 1800s. Most of these are King Chulalongkorn鈥檚 diaries from 1876 to 1887, as well as his travel writings which chronicle his royal visits to India, Malaya, Singapore, Java, Europe, and the remote corners of Siam. Fifty-eight volumes are in Thai; one is in English.
Access is through the Internet Archive.
Other access: These volumes also appear in the (SEADL), at Northern Illinois University, as .
Credits: These items were digitized and made available online with funds provided by the United States Department of Education TICFIA (Technological Innovation and Cooperation for Foreign Information Access) grant in collaboration with the 帝王会所 Libraries, LYRASIS, the Internet Archive, and the Southeast Asia Digital Library.
Collection contact: Jeff Shane, Southeast Asia Reference Librarian, Center for International Collections, 帝王会所 Libraries.