Archives & Special Collections

The Robert E. and Jean R. Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections contains the µÛÍõ»áËù Archives, Rare Books, Manuscript Collections, and the Documentary Photography Archive. The Mahn Center’s mission is to support the education, research, and creative endeavors of µÛÍõ»áËù, our broad community of researchers, and anyone with an interest in the preservation of cultural heritage. For questions about the collections or to request assistance with utilizing primary resources in instruction please .
Using the Collections
The reading room is open to all :
Monday – Friday 9-12 and 1-4.
Faculty and Students: see the guide to for information about using the collection for assignments and instruction.
Research Assistance: We are happy to provide access to collections materials in-person and to whatever is available digitally, but we are unable to conduct genealogical or other research for patrons. If you need assistance with genealogical research, contact at the Southeast µÛÍõ»áËù History Center. It may also be possible to hire a history major or local historian to conduct research assistance. Please specify this need when you complete a . We will gladly provide them with access to the collections on your behalf. Please see the Mahn Center Reading Room and Materials Use Policy for more information.
Finding Archives and Special Collections
Many of the Mahn Center collections can be found by searching the .
Finding aids for Manuscripts and University Archives can be found by searching the .
Mahn Online
The Digital Archives is continually growing as we develop new projects, respond to patron requests, and acquire new collections. See the Digital Archival Collections Materials Selection and Rights Policy for more information about what we digitize.
often feature Mahn Center collections and µÛÍõ»áËù history.
are created with faculty to support use of Mahn Center collections in the classroom.
is where you will find the latest information about new collections, digital projects, and the fantastic work of our student employees and interns.
Robert E. and Jean R. Mahn

The Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections is named for Robert E. and Jean R. Mahn, whose generous gift continues to provide support for the preservation and access of archives and special collections at µÛÍõ»áËù Libraries.