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  • September 24, 2019
    OBI Dashboard Updates

    OBI Dashboard changes were deployed on the evening of September 17.  These changes deliver some new functionality that further enhance our existing dashboards and include drilldowns to supporting detail in other modules. 

  • September 24, 2019
    Concur Default Cost Centers

    On September 18th, a new OBI dashboard was deployed to provide planning units with access to the Concur default cost center information that they’ve established for their employees.  Concur is a third party software product, and every night we feed HR updates from eBiz to Concur via an integration.  If ther

  • July 11, 2019
    OBI General Ledger Balances for FY20

    During the months of July & August some of your accounts might reflect an incorrect balance.  If you had a Beginning Balance loaded into your account for FY19, that FY19 Beginning Balance is currently loaded in your account in FY20.  This is not the FY20 Beginning Fund Balance.

  • May 1, 2019
    Access requests for financial systems

    Beginning on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, faculty and staff must contact the IT Service Desk instead of Finance Customer Care when requesting access to Finance-related system

  • March 21, 2019
    Support resources and payment options for the University's new travel provider

    The University’s upcoming travel program will launch on April 1, 2019 and will include a partnership with Christopherson Business Travel (CBT), an updated travel policy and procedures, improved booking experience in Concur and will be supported by a University travel manager.

  • March 14, 2019
    How to prepare for the transition to the University's new travel provider

    The University’s upcoming travel program is aimed at delivering clear processes, improved services to travelers, and providing access to discounts that save the University money by partnering with Christopherson Business Travel (CBT).

  • February 11, 2019
    Unable to view Delete and Append button in Concur Expense

    On Tuesday, February 5, the Concur Expense user interface was upgraded to a new version. Finance has received several calls since the upgrade from users that could not view the Delete/Detach and Append buttons. In some cases, simply reducing the zoom to 100% will allow the buttons to be viewed properly.

  • February 11, 2019
    Adding and deleting receipts in Concur Expense

    On Tuesday, February 5, the Concur Expense user interface was upgraded to a new version. Since then, Finance Customer Care has received several phone calls with questions regarding adding and deleting receipts.

  • February 6, 2019
    Concur upgrade complete

    As announced via email, Business Matters, and the Business Forum, a Concur Expense user interface was scheduled to be upgraded Tuesday, February 5. The u

  • January 24, 2019
    Reference Materials for Concur Expense Interface Upgrade

    As previously announced, the Concur Expense user interface is scheduled to be upgraded on Tuesday, February 5, with minimal impact on the overall user experience.