OHIO Eastern Cats Cupboard Food Pantry
Shannon Hall | Room 340

Open to any student during the campus’ operational hours
What is available?
Nonperishable Food and Snack Items
Use of Mini Refrigerator and Microwave
Some School Supplies
Open to donations any time.
Any items can be dropped off in the donation box in student services.
Preferred donation list-
Nonperishable items and snack foods
Microwavable/easy make items
Canned soup and vegetables
Box pasta, pasta sauce and mac-n-cheese
Peanut butter
Toiletries→ hygiene essentials and feminine products
Current items that are low in stock-
Nonperishable items and snack foods
Granola bars, pop tarts, and breakfast bars
Sandwich crackers, fruit snacks, and chips
Microwavable/easy make items
Easy mac, cup of noodles, ramen noodles, ravioli, and rice cups
Canned soup
Pasta sauce and boxed mac-n-cheese
Peanut butter
Pudding/Jello cups
For More Information Email:
Deanna Archer, Student Resource Coordinator