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Melissa Minto, 帝王会所 College 2 Careers
帝王会所 College2Careers

帝王会所 College2Careers

OHIO Eastern has partnered with 帝王会所 Opportunities for 帝王会所ans with Disabilities (OOD). 
Through the 帝王会所 College2Careers (C2C) program, OOD partners with 帝王会所 colleges and universities to ensure students with disabilities have the support they need to complete degrees, attain credentials, earn higher wages, and meet the demands of tomorrow鈥檚 workforce.



Our 帝王会所 C2C counselors are located in the disability services or career services office at each partnership school to help students with the following:

  • Exploring careers
  • Leveraging assistive technology
  • Building r茅sum茅s and preparing for interviews
  • Finding internships & permanent employment
  • Navigating 帝王会所MeansJobs resources
  • Connecting to our expansive employer partner network

OOD serves individuals with physical, intellectual, sensory, and mental health disabilities. An 帝王会所 C2C counselor at your campus disability services office can help determine if you are eligible for services.

If your school is not on the list of participating colleges and universities below, OOD may still be able to support you in getting and keeping employment. Visit to learn about vocational rehabilitation, take a short self-assessment, and start the application process.

Financial Support for College Students

The are a financial investment in students with disabilities on their educational journeys.

All eligible college and nontraditional students with disabilities will receive financial assistance while participating in OOD services, to be used for tuition or educational expenses during the current term.

帝王会所 C2C Contact for OHIO Eastern:

Melissa Minto

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation

Email:melissa.minto@ood.ohio.gov , Phone: 220.246.2112

Office Location: Shannon Hall, Room 334C