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E. Document Preparation Considerations

1. Workload

Changes in workload and workload expectations must be documented to contextualize performance throughout the review period. Documentation of the most current workload distribution is required. The inclusion of this documentation is the responsibility of the candidate. In all review cases, the weight given to each section of the workload must be considered in light of other demands made on the faculty member by hiring agreements or activities necessary to fulfill the unit鈥檚 mission. For example, a candidate may have been hired with the understanding that the workload would include administrative responsibilities or may have received resources for scholarly activities that include a reduced teaching, service, or clinical workload.
Specific workload responsibilities will occur through dialogue between the faculty member. the IHS Chair and the unit鈥檚 PC will reflect the goals and needs of the program (including interdisciplinary teaching and research if applicable) and the professional goals of the individual faculty member.

The IHS Chair shall provide a written record of decisions that may later affect promotion decisions to the faculty member and copies retained in his/her permanent file. To this end, the candidate must maintain accurate documentation (e.g., summary notes of conversations with the Director/Chair, email correspondences) of any changes in workload and expectations that may occur during the pre-promotion period. If workload requests are made and not addressed in a timely manner documentation by the candidate is needed so that the PC and those on the PTAC can be advised of the gaps. These documents will be used in the evaluative materials submitted by the candidate at the time of review.

2. Annual Reviews

All candidates seeking promotion should submit annual merit reviews and pre-promotion reviews where applicable. It should be noted that annual review letters do not guarantee the outcome of the promotion process. They are a single component that is considered by the members of the unit PC,

The timeline for the annual review for IHS is as follows:

  • On the first Monday in November, activities and accomplishments from the previous calendar year are submitted in accordance with the faculty member's workload and sent to the IHS chair.
  • Before the last day of the Fall semester, the IHS chair will meet with each faculty member and discuss their workload, goals, and progress toward promotion.
  • By February 1 faculty will receive an annual evaluation letter from the IHS chair.

3. Electronic Submission

Candidates must submit digital versions of their materials according to the template provided by the Provost and documented in these guidelines. IHS PC will consult with the candidate in a timely manner if their materials require reformatting. Formatting alone should not be a reason for denial of promotion and candidates should be given an opportunity to address formatting concerns. Candidates should also be given opportunities to provide missing documentation. Clarification but not additional content may be added according to the unit's individual guidelines. All changes and/or additions of material must occur before the IHS PC formally votes.