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Timelines and Deadlines

This appendix contains a summary of critical dates and deadlines from selected sections of the Faculty Handbook (2021-22).  Material is collected here only as a convenience to faculty; the referenced sections, not this appendix, are part of the faculty contract with the University.

A. Notification Deadlines

Timeline of Promotion and Tenure Review Process
All the dated deadlines are based upon published schedules from the Faculty Handbook at 帝王会所.

Last day of spring semester exams each promotion and/or tenure candidate notifies his/her School Director of the decision to stand for promotion and/or
tenure. If the candidate is the School Director he/she notifies the Dean of his/her decision to stand for promotion.

The School Director appoints the PTC Chair and committee for the following year. All faculty members shall be notified of this phase of the promotion and/or tenure process.

First day of Fall Semester Candidates submit the name, title, address, and phone number of 5 persons external to 帝王会所 whom they believe are qualified to assess/evaluate their scholarly accomplishments and their contributions to the profession.

Second Monday of September all candidates for promotion and/or tenure submit a completed dossier and supplementary notebook, according to the College and University format, to the Chair of the PTC in the School. Materials will be kept in a secure location within the school.

September 15 Tenured faculty eligible for promotion request a letter of evaluation from School Director if desired. (Probationary faculty receive evaluation letter annually without requesting one.)

November 1 Letters from all external reviewers are due to the PTC Chair.

First Monday of December The School PTC will have met, reviewed the candidate鈥檚 entire dossier, and voted on the issue(s) of promotion and/or tenure. The PTC Chair will have prepared a written summary of the committee鈥檚 deliberations, including the outcome of voting. This letter becomes a permanent part of the candidate鈥檚 dossier. If the voting outcome is positive, the dossier is sent to the School Director. If the voting outcome is negative, the dossier is sent to the Dean.

Last day of fall semester exams the School Director notifies the faculty member in writing of the School PTC recommendation for promotion and/or tenure.

In the case of a positive recommendation, the School Director will submit a written recommendation to the Dean. If the candidate is a School Director, only the PTC submits its recommendation to the Dean. Dossiers go to the Dean鈥檚 office by the first day of Spring semester.


B.1. Nonrenewal of Probationary Appointments (Section II.D.3)

Deadline Action
February 1 Nonrenewal notification during the first year of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year (or no later than 3 months before expiration for other contracts).
November 15 Nonrenewal notification during the second year of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year (or no later than 6 months before expiration for other contracts).
May 30 Nonrenewal notification after two or more years of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year (or no later than 12 months before expiration for other contracts).

B.2.    Promotion and Tenure (Sections II.D.1, II.E.2, II.E.7, II.E.8, and II.E.10)

Deadline Action
September 15 Tenured faculty eligible for promotion request letter of evaluation from chairperson if desired. (Probationary faculty receive evaluation letter annually without requesting one.)
February 1 Chairperson provides probationary faculty with annual letter of evaluation regarding progress toward tenure.
Last Day of Fall Semester Exams Chairperson notifies faculty member in writing of departmental recommendation for promotion and/or tenure.
March 1 Dean notifies chairperson and candidate in writing of rejection of department recommendation for promotion/tenure.
April 1 Provost notifies dean, chairperson, and candidate in writing of rejection of department recommendation for promotion/tenure.

B.3. Evaluation and Contracts of Continuing Faculty (Sections II.D.1, II.D.3, and II.E)

Deadline Action
February 1 Chairperson provides faculty member with written statement of annual departmental evaluation.
March 15 Faculty member receives formal notice of reappointment for next year. Continuing faculty, excluding those undergoing active consideration for promotion/tenure are sent contracts, if feasible.
July 15 Contracts sent to all continuing faculty members unless deadline extended by Faculty Senate. Second-year contract for probationary faculty includes written form verifying tenure dates and deadlines.

B.4. Resignations (Section II.K)

Deadline Action
April 15 Faculty member gives notice of resignation in writing to dean (or no later than 30 days after receiving written notification of terms of employment for the following year).

B.5. University Faculty Fellowships (Sections V.A.11 and V.A.12)

Deadline Action
First day of Spring semester Written application from faculty member to department chairperson.
March 15 Written notification of President's approval or disapproval to faculty member.

C. Time Limits

C.1. Appeal of No reappointment or Denial of Tenure or Promotion(Section II.F)

Deadline Action
45 days For faculty member's initial appeal (time counted from date of notification of denial, excluding intersessions and summer terms).
30 days For appeal by the faculty member to each higher administrative level (time counted from date of last notification of denial, excluding intersessions and summer terms).
30 days For each administrative level (department chairperson, dean, and Provost) to rule on the grievance.
30 days For appeal by faculty member to Promotion and Tenure Committee of Faculty Senate (time counted from date of notification of denial by Provost, excluding intersessions and summer terms).
45 days For petition to Promotion and Tenure Committee, after it issues its report, to recommend a formal proceeding.

C.2. Grievances other than Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (Section II.G)

Deadline Action
30 days For each administrative level to render a decision in writing (time counted from date of receipt of grievance).

C.3.  Minimum Period for Retention of Student Records (Section IV.A7)

Deadline Action
One semester For retention of all material used to determine a student's grade, unless returned to student or alternate policy provided at beginning of semester. Spring-semester material must be kept on file through Fall semester.