
Faculty in Conversation
Faculty Fellows 2023-24
Advancing Teaching Excellence

Faculty Fellows 2023-2024

About the Program

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment is currently accepting applications for its 2023-24 Advancing Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellows Program. CTLA faculty fellows will collaborate with staff on specific projects designed to promote the conceptualization of teaching excellence at 帝王会所.

Fellows are selected based on demonstrated expertise in the project area, as well as prior contributions and/or commitment to faculty development and scholarly teaching. They will function in a leadership capacity for specific CTLA programs for which they are appointed.

Peer Teaching Observation Program Fellow

The Peer Teaching Observation Program (PTOP) Faculty Fellow(s) will focus on the launch of a program that supports teaching excellence through peer observation of instruction. The PTOP Faculty Fellow(s) will be responsible for the following, with support from CTLA staff:

  • Refinement of early PTOP processes and observational rubric.
  • Recruitment of a cohort of peer teaching observers.
  • Development and delivery of early-fall training of peer teaching observers.
  • Program delivery with a goal of 7 to 10 active peer teaching observers, each providing 2 observations in the fall semester and 2 observations in the spring semester.
  • Consideration of the role of students in a teaching observation program.
  • Assessment and evaluation of the program鈥檚 first year.

The PTOP Faculty Fellow(s) will demonstrate a commitment to formative feedback to improve teaching and learning and will have past experience conducting teaching observations or providing peer review that includes observation of teaching.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Network Fellow

The SoTL Network Faculty Fellow will concentrate efforts on collaborations across the university leading to the identification of 帝王会所 faculty actively involved in SoTL or Discipline-based Education Research (DBER) who would comprise a SoTL Network. The SoTL Network Faculty Fellow will be responsible for the following, with support from CTLA staff and collaborators:

  • Identification of SoTL Network faculty and their areas of expertise.
  • Leading SoTL Network content development for the CTLA website.
  • Designing SoTL Network programming to promote a community of scholars.
  • Design SoTL Network programming to highlight the research of network members and develop OHIO faculty competencies in this type of research.

The SoTL Network Faculty Fellow will have engaged and published in SoTL/DBER and will have previous faculty development experience (i.e., leading workshops or sessions on an evidence-based instructional strategy).

Teaching Excellence in STEM Fellow

The STEM Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellow will be responsible for working with departments and instructors in specific disciplines to promote evidence-based instructional strategies most effective in teaching science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The STEM Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellow will, with the support of CTLA staff:

  • Conduct an extensive needs analysis related to STEM faculty development.
  • Collaborate with university units on specific learning challenges for undergraduate students taking STEM courses at OHIO.
  • Identify faculty development programming types and modalities STEM faculty are most interested in pursuing.
  • Design and deliver 3 to 5 sessions/workshops specific to STEM instruction and active learning, focusing on teaching and learning of undergraduate students or recommend other professional development programming structures for STEM teaching.

The STEM Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellow will have demonstrated teaching excellence in their specific discipline and be committed to the promotion of evidence-based instructional strategies in STEM.

Equitable and Effective Assessment Fellow

The EEA Faculty Fellow will explore how to promote the faculty adoption of assessments that are highly effective in assuring and confirming their students meet specific expected learning outcomes in an equitable manner. Designed to consider assignment and exam design given new technologies (large language models and artificial intelligence) and current levels of student engagement, the EEA Faculty Fellow will, with the support of CTLA:

  • Adapt the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Framework for OHIO and promote its adoption.
  • Designing content on equitable and effective assessment for the CTLA website.
  • Curate examples/models of equitable and effective assessments from OHIO faculty.
  • Promote alternate methods of assessing student learning leveraging current CTLA programming.
  • Design faculty development programming on recreating or refining assignments, quizzes, tests, and exams to be more equitable and effective.

The EEA Faculty Fellow will have demonstrated expertise or training in assessment of student learning and dedication to the equitable and effective assessment of student learning.

Program Eligibility, Application and Stipends

  • Eligibility

    Between 3 and 5 CTLA Advancing Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellows will be selected. Fellows must be full-time faculty (tenured, tenure-track, and instructional faculty) at 帝王会所 with a strong record of teaching excellence. Faculty members from all campuses and locations are welcome to apply.

  • Application

    Applications are currently being accepted with a deadline of 5 p.m. Aug. 1. In addition to position, department, college, and campus, applicants will be asked to submit an abbreviated CV (2 to 3 pages) focusing on teaching and learning activities and scholarship and a statement indicating 1) their rationale for applying and 2) professional experiences preparing them for the fellows position (300 to 500 words). Applications should be emailed as a single document to ctla@ohio.edu.

  • Appointment and Stipend

    CTLA Advancing Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellows are appointed for a year and can anticipate dedicating the approximate equivalent of 4 hours a week towards project work. Fellows receive $5,000 upon successful completion of their projects goals and deliverables.