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Psychotherapy & Interpersonal Process Lab

Current Projects

  • Factorial and Predictive Validity of Psychotherapy Expectations (Final Stages)
  • Mindfulness Intervention for Interpersonal Dependency (Final Stages)
  • Cross-cultural adaptation of Systematic Treatment Selection Innerlife in China (write-up)
  • SEQ as a predictor of outcome and as a mediator of the link between the therapist alliance and outcome (writing)
  • Therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills as a Pre-training Predictor of Alliance and Outcome
  • Supervisory Teaching Style and Acquisition of Techniques and Client Attitudes (writing)
  • Early Formation of Alliance from the Client's Perspective (writing)
  • Empathy from the client's perspective (data analysis)
  • Therapeutic Alliance and Trajectories of change in telephone-administered therapy (data analysis)
  • Telephone Administered Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Patients with HIV / AIDS (current w/ T. Heckman, U. of Georgia)
  • Facilitative Interpersonal Skills as a Predictor of the Acquisition of Helping Skills (planning w/ C. Hill, U. of Maryland)
  • Therapist Cultural Competency in Therapy Alliance and Outcome (planning w/ B. Heckman, U. of Georgia)
  • Therpaist Skills and the "Therapist Effect" (ongoing project w/ C. Hill and the Penn State Psychotherapy work Group)
  • Cultural adaptation of the Expectation about Counseling-Brief form with Mainland China sample and US sample (ongoing project w/ Shanghai University, China)

Lab Members

  • Tim Anderson, Director
  • Peter MacFarlane (ABD - Dennmark)
  • Xiaoxia Song
  • Allison Petrarca

Lab History

First Generation Lab (2000): From left to right - Jennifer Klemik Holmberg, Andrew Weis, M.E. Crowley, Karen Deisseroth, Jodi Aronoff, Tim Anderson Second Generation Lab (2004): (back row, left tor right): Greg Goldman, Ryan Baldrachi, David Weibel, Edgar Wing, (front row, left to right): Tim Anderson, Jen Fende, Liz Davis, Victor Wang Third Generation (2010): (From back Left to right): Liz Davis, Greg Goldman, Brian Uhlin, Tim Anderson, Peter MacFarlane, (front row, left to right): Candace Patterson, Amy Demyan

Fourth Generation (2013):

Andrew S. McClintock, Tim Anderson, & Xiaoxia Song

Recent Publications

The following articles are from direct efforts of projects coming out of this lab. Some of the lab projects were in collaboration with other labs, but all involved some form of group and/or lab effort. Additional publications of "non-lab" projects may be found on individual web pages.

McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2013). The Application of mindfulness for interpersonal dependency: Effects of a brief intervention. Mindfulness. (Manuscript revise and resubmit, due May 2013)

Anderson, T., Patterson, C.L., McClintock, A. S., & Song. X. (in press). Factorial and Predictive Validity of the Expectations About Counseling ? Brief Form with Clients Seeking Counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, (Accepted with minor revisions, April 2013).

Heckman, T. G., Heckman, B. D., Anderson, T., Lovejoy, T. I., Mohr, D., Sutton, M., Bianco, J., Gau, J. (2013). Supportive-Expressive and Coping Group Teletherapies for HIV-Infected Older Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. AIDS and Behavior, DOI 10.1007/s10461-013-0441-0

Anderson, T., Crowley, M.J., Patterson, C. L., & Heckman, B. D. (2012). Supervision of Time?Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy: Short?term Influences on Manual Adherence and Therapeutic Processes. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68, 972-988.

Anderson, T., Knobloch-Fedders, L. M., Stiles, W. B., Ordonez, T., & Heckman, B. D. (2012). The power of subtle interpersonal hostility in psychodynamic psychotherapy: A speech acts analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 22, 348-362. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2012.658097

Anderson, T., Song, X. (2012). Psychotherapy Inside Out: What?s Real is in the Context. A Review of What?s Inside the Session: What really Happens In Psychotherapy. American Psychological Association. Vol. 57.

Demyan, A. L., & Anderson, T. (2012). Effects of a Brief Media Intervention on Expectations. Attitudes, and Intentions of mental health seeking. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 222-229. DOI: 10.1037/a0026541

Anderson, T., Ogles, B. M., Heckman, B. D., & McFarlane, P. (2012). Varieties of corrective experiencing in context: A study of contrasts. In L. G. Castonguay and C. E. Hill (Eds.) Transformation in Psychotherapy: Corrective Experiences Across Cognitive Behavioral, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic Approaches (pp. 281-316). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Anderson, T., Lunnen, K. M., & Ogles, B. (2010). Putting Models and Techniques in Context. In B. Duncan, S. Miller, & B. Wampold (Eds.) The Heart and Soul of Change. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Anderson, T., Fende Guajardo, J., Luthra, R., & Edwards, K. M. (2010). Effects of clinician assisted emotional disclosure for sexual assault survivors: A pilot study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 1113-1131.

Orchowski, L. M., Uhlin, B., Probst, D. R., Edwards, K. M., & Anderson, T. (2009). An Assimilation Analysis of Clinician-Assisted Emotional Disclosure Therapy with Survivors of Intimate Partner Sexual Assault. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 293-311.

Anderson, T., Ogles, B.M., Patterson, C. L., Lambert, M. J., & Vermeersch, D. A. (2009). Therapist Effects: Facilitative Interpersonal Skills as a Predictor of Therapist Success. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 755-768.

Keefe, F. J., Anderson, T., Lumley, M., Caldwell, D., Stainbrook, D., McKee, D., Waters, S. J., Connelly, M., Affleck, G., Pope, M. S., Weiss, M., Riordan, P. A., & Uhlin, B. D. (2008). A randomized, Controlled trial of emotional disclosure in rheumatoid arthritis: Can clinician assistance enhance the effects? Pain. 137, 164-172.

Ransom, D., Heckman, T. G., Anderson, T., Garske, J., Holroyd, K., Basta, T. (2008). Telephone-delivered, interpersonal psychotherapy for HIV-infected rural persons with depression: A pilot trial. Psychiatric Services, 59, 871-877.

Related Links

  • International Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR)
  • American Psychological Association ? Psychotherapy (Div. 29)
  • North American Society for Psychotherapy Research ?
  • Personal Construct Psychology Network
  • Midwestern Psychological Association
  • Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research
  • Society for the Exploration and Integration of Psychotherapy

Recent Awards

Andrew S. McClintock: Edward S. Bordin Memorial Award from the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research (2013)