Timothy Anderson

NIMH Postdoctoral Fellowship (1993 鈥 1996)
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Mentor: Hans H. Strupp, Ph.D.
Ph.D. in psychology (clinical) (1986 鈥 1993)
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Director of Dissertation: Larry M. Leitner, Ph.D.
APA Internship: Northwestern University (1992-1993)
B.A. in Psychology with honors and distinction (1979 鈥 1983)
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Work-Related Experience
Courses Taught
Committees Served
Dr. Anderson is not accepting new Ph.D. students.
Publications & Presentations
- Awards and Honors
- Books and Book Chapters
- Graduate Students
- Grants
- Journal Publications (full list)
- Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
- Professional Activities and Associations
Research Areas
Clinical Psychology
Research Interests
Dr. Anderson directs the Psychology and Interpersonal Process lab (P.I.P lab) at 帝王会所. Research data is collected from multiple laboratory and clinic sites. From OHIO, P.I.P. collects data from within the clinical training program鈥檚 in-house Psychology and Social Work Clinic. Research is also conducted within the P.I.P. lab and the lab is used to record, store, and analyze psychotherapy sessions. The P.I.P. lab also maintain collaborations worldwide, including sites with university labs similar to our own as well as medical centers. The research extends to the use of web-based and tele-therapy media.
The P.I.P. lab鈥檚 major contribution has been through a series of articles on therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills (FIS). FIS is facilitative in that most of the indicants identified of FIS were selected because of their proven association to psychotherapy outcome (Dr. Anderson鈥檚 contributions to these findings is summarized in the above section). FIS is Interpersonal in that the skills being tested are both relational and common across all forms of psychotherapy. Finally, FIS involves skill, which, involves ability or talent.
The P.I.P. lab鈥檚 findings on therapist FIS have provided some of the first indications of the therapist characteristics that account for the therapist effect (i.e., differences among therapists in their clients鈥 outcomes). Taken together, findings on therapist FIS provide a meaningful explanation for why some therapists have significantly better outcomes than others. This line of research has important implications for how therapists are selected and trained.
In the past two years, the P.I.P. lab has directed attention to how FIS can be used within clinical training. This includes adapting the FIS task as an outcome of training procedures. The lab has developed trainings that aim to enhance therapists鈥 FIS, which integrate work on alliance rupture and repair (Jeremy D. Safran), Helping Skills (Clara Hill), Contextual Model Integration (Bruce Wampold), Responsiveness (William B. Stiles), and Outcome Expectations (Michael Constantio) 鈥 all of whom have been collaborators.
Secondarily, the P.I.P. lab has contributed research on client treatment expectations, including the development of interventions to enhance help-seeking for psychotherapy services. For example, the P.I.P. lab has developed interventions to encourage help-seeking through a multi-media informational module, a public service announcement, an intervention developed for Mainland China, and help-seeking for athletes. Dr. Anderson鈥檚 research also has examined common relational influences of the working alliance for persons with chronic medical conditions and who also may suffer from distress or mental disorders. Dr. Anderson鈥檚 longstanding collaboration with colleagues Timothy Heckman and Bernadette Davantes Heckman at the University of Georgia has addressed common relational factors through the use of tele-therapy treatment for Depression with Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH). This collaboration has shown that common relational variables influence treatment progress with group tele-therapy for PLWH. In a study with individual tele-therapy, it was discovered that the working alliance did not directly influence depressive symptom change, however, the alliance influenced interpersonal changes, which in turn influenced changes in depressive symptoms. Dr. Anderson also has investigated the working alliance in interventions designed to ameliorate physical and psychological symptoms for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
At a Glance
Anderson, T., McClintock, A. S., McCarrick, S. M., Heckman, T. G., Heckman, B. D., Markowitz, J. C., & Sutton, M. (in press). Working alliance, interpersonal problems, and depressive symptoms in tele-interpersonal psychotherapy for HIV-infected rural persons: evidence for an indirect effects model. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Weibel, D., McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2017). Does loving-kindness meditation reduce anxiety? Results from a randomized controlled trial. Mindfulness, 8, 565-571. DOI: 10.1007/s12671-016-0630-9
McClintock, A.S., Perlman, M.R., McCarrick, S., Anderson, T., & Himawan, L. (2017). Enhancing Psychotherapy Process with Common Factors Feedback: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64, 247-260. DOI:10.1037/cou0000188.
Heckman, T. G., Heckman, B. D., Anderson, T., Bianco, J. A., Sutton, M., & Lovejoy, T. (2017). Common factors and depressive symptom relief trajectories in group teletherapy for persons aging with HIV. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24, 139-148. DOI:10.1002/cpp.1989
MacFarlane, P., Anderson, T., & McClintock, A.S. (2017). Empathy from the client's perspective: A grounded theory analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 27, 227-238. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1090038
McClintock, A. S., McCarrick, S. M., Anderson, T., & Hirschfeld, R. (2017). Development and validation of a six-item version of the Interpersonal Dependency Inventory. Assessment, 24, 360-370. DOI: 10.1177/1073191115605178
Courses Taught
- Clinical Skills
- Clinical Practicum
- Fundamentals of Psychotherapy
- Intelligence Testing
- Personality Assessment
- Psychotherapy
- Abnormal Psychology
- Personality
National Institute of Health (2013-2014)
- Project Title: Telephone IPT Intervention for HIV-Infected Rural Persons
- Co-Principal Investigator. Total Award $40, 856.
National Institute of Health (2011-2013)
- Project Title: Telephone-Delivered Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression for HIV-Infected Adults in Rural Areas
- Co-Investigator (Timothy Heckman, Principal Investigator).
National Institute of Health (2007-2010)
- Project Title: Telephone Delivered Coping Improvement Intervention for HIV-Infected Older Adults
- Co-investigator (Timothy Heckman, Principal Investigator)
- Total Award: $354,460 Project Number: GL0014209
The Arthritis Foundation (1999-2004)
- Project Title: Clinician-Assisted Emotional Disclosure: Effects on Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Co-Principal Investigator, 帝王会所 site (with Frank Keefe, Duke University)
- Description: This two site study (Duke and 帝王会所 Universities) examines the effects of Emotional Disclosure as a means of controlling Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain.
- Total Award: $450,000 ($190,000 to 帝王会所 site)
Fetzer Institute (1999-2004)
- Project Title: Interpersonal Process within Clinician-Assisted Emotional Disclosure
- Co-Principal Investigator, 帝王会所 site (with Frank Keefe, Duke University).
- Agency: Fetzer Institute
- Description: This two site supplement explores the interpersonal processes and alliance formation between nurse-clinicians and rheumatoid arthritis patients during emotional disclosure sessions.
- Total Award: $175,000 ($70,000 to 帝王会所 site)
帝王会所 Research Committee Grant (1997-2000)
- Project Title: 帝王会所 Helping Relationships Study
- Principal Investigator
- Agency: 帝王会所 Research Council
- Description: Small grant for research on therapist=s Facilitative Interpersonal Skills and alliance formation,
- Total Award: $12,000
Published Journal Articles
Anderson, T., McClintock, A. S., McCarrick, S. M., Heckman, T. G., Heckman, B. D., Markowitz, J. C., & Sutton, M. (in press). Working alliance, interpersonal problems, and depressive symptoms in tele-interpersonal psychotherapy for HIV-infected rural persons: evidence for an indirect effects model. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Weibel, D., McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2017). Does loving-kindness meditation reduce anxiety? Results from a randomized controlled trial. Mindfulness, 8, 565-571. DOI: 10.1007/s12671-016-0630-9
McClintock, A.S., Perlman, M.R., McCarrick, S., Anderson, T., & Himawan, L. (2017). Enhancing Psychotherapy Process with Common Factors Feedback: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64, 247-260. DOI:10.1037/cou0000188.
Heckman, T. G., Heckman, B. D., Anderson, T., Bianco, J. A., Sutton, M., & Lovejoy, T. (2017). Common factors and depressive symptom relief trajectories in group teletherapy for persons aging with HIV. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24, 139-148. DOI:10.1002/cpp.1989
MacFarlane, P., Anderson, T., & McClintock, A.S. (2017). Empathy from the client's perspective: A grounded theory analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 27, 227-238. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1090038
McClintock, A. S., McCarrick, S. M., Anderson, T., & Hirschfeld, R. (2017). Development and validation of a six-item version of the Interpersonal Dependency Inventory. Assessment, 24, 360-370. DOI: 10.1177/1073191115605178
Perlman, M.P., Dawson, A.E., Dardis, C.M., Egan, T., & Anderson, T. (2016). The association between childhood maltreatment and coping strategies: The indirect effect through attachment. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177, 156-171. DOI:10.1080/00221325.2016.1220912
Heckman, T.G., Heckman, B.D., Anderson, T., Lovejoy, T.I., Markowitz, J.C. Shen, Y., & Sutton, M. (2016). Tele-Interpersonal Psychotherapy acutely reduces depressive symptoms in depressed HIV-infected rural persons: A randomized clinical trial. Behavioral Medicine. Advance online publication. DOI:10.1080/08964289.2016.1160025
Anderson, T., Crowley, M.E., Binder, J. L., Heckman, B. D., & Patterson, C. L. (2016). Does the supervisor鈥檚 teaching style influence the supervisee鈥檚 acquisition of prescribed techniques and attitudes toward clients? Psychotherapy Research. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1136442
Anderson, T., Crowley, M. J., Himawan, L., Holmberg, J., Uhlin, B. (2016). Therapist facilitative interpersonal skills and training status: A randomized clinical trial on alliance and outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 26, 511-529. DOI:10.1080/10503307.2015.1049671
McClintock, A. S., Stiles, W. B., Himawan, L., Anderson, T., Barkham, M., & Hardy, G. E. (2016). An investigation of client mood in the initial and final sessions of cognitive- behavioral therapy and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 26, 377-385. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1034796
Hill, C.E., Anderson, T., Kline, K., McClintock, A. S., Cranston, S.M., McCarrick, S.M., Petrarca, A., Himawan, L., Bhatia, A., Gregor, M., Gupta, S., & Rojas, P. (2016). Helping skills training for undergraduate students: Who should we select and train? The Counseling Psychologist, 44, 50-77. DOI: 10.1177/0011000015613142.
Anderson, T., McClintock, A. S., Himawan, L., Song, X. & Patterson, C. L. (2016). A prospective study of therapist facilitative interpersonal skills as a predictor of treatment outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 57-66. DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000060.
MacFarlane, P., Anderson, T., & McClintock, A.S. (2015). Empathy from the client's perspective: A grounded theory analysis. Psychotherapy Research. Advance online publication. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26442647 DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1090038
McClintock, A. S., McCarrick, S. M., Anderson, T., & Hirschfeld, R. (2015). Development and validation of a six-item version of the Interpersonal Dependency Inventory. Assessment. DOI: 10.1177/1073191115605178 (Published online first at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26349499). DOI: 10.1177/1073191115605178
Heckman, T. G., Heckman, B. D., Anderson, T., Bianco, J. A., Sutton, M., & Lovejoy, T. (2015). Common factors and depressive symptom relief trajectories in group teletherapy for persons aging with HIV. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. (Published online first at Wiley Online Library wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/cpp.1989
McClintock, A. S., Anderson, T., & Cranston, S. (2015). Mindfulness therapy for maladaptive interpersonal dependency: A preliminary randomized controlled trial with college students. Behavior Therapy, 46, 856-868.
MacFarlane, P., Anderson, T., McClintock, A. S. (2015). The early formation of the therapeutic alliance from the client's perspective: A qualitative study. Psychotherapy, 52, 363-372. doi: 10.1037/a0038733
Anderson, T., & Strupp, H.H. (2015). Training in time-limited dynamic psychotherapy: A systematic comparison of pre- and post-training cases treated by one therapist. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 595-611. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2014.935517.
McClintock, A. S., Anderson, T., & Petrarca, A. (2015). Treatment expectations, alliance, session positivity, and outcome: An investigation of a three-path mediation model. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71, 41-49. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22119
Song, X., Anderson, T., Beutler, L.E., Wu, G., Sun, S., Kimpara, S., Hogan, L., & Michelson, A. (2015). Cultural adaptation in measuring common client characteristics with an urban mainland Chinese sample. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 473-483. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2014.913322.
McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2015). The application of mindfulness for interpersonal dependency: Effects of a brief intervention. Mindfulness, 6, 243-252. DOI: 10.1007/s12671-013-0253-3
Heckman, B. D., Lovejoy, T., Heckman, T. G., Anderson, T., Grimes, T., Sutton, M., Bianco, J. (2014). The moderating role of sexual identity in group teletherapy for adults aging with HIV. Behavioral Medicine, 40, 134-142.
McClintock, A. S., McCarrick, S., & Anderson, T. (2014). Excessive reassurance-seeking and interpersonal dependency: Assessing incremental associations. Personality and Individual Differences, 69, 94-97.
Patterson, C. L., Anderson, T., Wei, C. (2014). Clients鈥 pretreatment role expectations, the therapeutic alliance, and clinical outcomes in outpatient therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70, 673-680. DOI 10.1002/jclp.22054.
Anderson, T., Patterson, C.L., McClintock, A. S., & Song. X. (2013). Factorial and predictive validity of the Expectations About Counseling 鈥 Brief Form with clients seeking counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60, 496-507.
Seng, E.K., Lovejoy, T.L., & The Project SAFER Intervention Team (T. Anderson) (2013). Reliability and validity of a treatment fidelity assessment for motivational interviewing targeting sexual risk behaviors in people living with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 20, 440-448. DOI 1007/s10880-012-9343-y
Levy, K. N. & Anderson, T. (2013). Is clinical psychology doctoral training becoming less intellectually diverse? And if so, what can be done? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 20, 211-220.
Heckman, T. G., Heckman, B. D., Anderson, T., Lovejoy, T. I., Mohr, D., Sutton, M., Bianco, J., Gau, J. (2013). Supportive-expressive and coping Group teletherapies for HIV-infected older adults: A randomized clinical trial. AIDS and Behavior, 17, 3034-p3044. DOI 10.1007/s10461-013-0441-0
Heckman, B. D., Merrill, J. C., & Anderson, T. (2013). Race, psychiatric comorbidity, and headache characteristics in patients in headache subspecialty treatment clinics. Ethnicity and Health, 18, 34-52. DOI:10.1080/13557858.2012.682219
Anderson, T., Crowley, M.J., Patterson, C. L., & Heckman, B. D. (2012). The influence of supervision on manual adherence and therapeutic processes. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68, 972-988.
Anderson, T., Knobloch-Fedders, L. M., Stiles, W. B., Ordonez, T., & Heckman, B. D. (2012). The power of subtle interpersonal hostility in psychodynamic psychotherapy: A speech acts analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 22, 348-362. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2012.658097
Demyan, A. L., & Anderson, T. (2012). Effects of a brief media intervention on expectations, attitudes, and intentions of mental health seeking. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 222-229. DOI: 10.1037/a0026541
Lovejoy, T.I., Heckman, T.G., Suhr, J.A., Anderson, T., Heckman, B.D., & France, C.R. (2011). Telephone-administered motivational interviewing reduces risky sexual behavior in HIV- positive late middle-age and older adults: A pilot randomization controlled trial. AIDS and Behavior, 15, 1625-1634.
Cosio, D., Heckman, T.G., Anderson, T., Heckman, B.D., Garske, J.M. (2010). Telephone administered motivational interviewing to reduce risky sexual behavior in HIV infected rural persons: A pilot randomized clinical trial. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 37, 140-146.
Anderson, T., Fende Guajardo, J., Luthra, R., & Edwards, K. M. (2010). Effects of clinician assisted emotional disclosure for sexual assault survivors: A pilot study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 1113-1131.
Orchowski, L. M., Uhlin, B., Probst, D. R., Edwards, K. M., & Anderson, T. (2009). An Assimilation Analysis of Clinician-Assisted Emotional Disclosure Therapy with Survivors of Intimate Partner Sexual Assault. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 293-311.
Anderson, T., Ogles, B.M., Patterson, C. L., Lambert, M. J., & Vermeersch, D. A. (2009). Therapist Effects: Facilitative Interpersonal Skills as a Predictor of Therapist Success. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 755-768.
Keefe, F. J., Anderson, T., Lumley, M., Caldwell, D., Stainbrook, D., Mckee, D., Waters, S. J., Connelly, M., Affleck, G., Pope, M. S., Weiss, M., Riordan, P. A., & Uhlin, B. D. (2008). A randomized, controlled trial of emotional disclosure in rheumatoid arthritis: Can clinician assistance enhance the effects? Pain, 137, 164-172.
Ransom, D., Heckman, T. G., Anderson, T., Garske, J., Holroyd, K., Basta, T. (2008). Telephone-delivered, interpersonal psychotherapy for HIV-infected rural persons with depression: A pilot trial. Psychiatric Services, 59, 871-877.
Patterson, C. L., Uhlin, B., & Anderson, T. (2008). Clients鈥 pretreatment counseling expectations as predictors of the working alliance. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 55, 528-534.
Anderson, T. (2007). In Memoriam: Hans H. Strupp (1921-2006). Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 17, 287-291.
Connelly, M., Keefe, F. J., Affleck, G., Anderson, T., Lumley, M., & Waters, S. (2007). Effects of Day-to-Day Affect Regulation on the Pain Experience of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Pain, 131, 162-170.
Mitchell, D., Heckman, T., Anderson, T., Garske, J., & Holroyd, K. (2007). A telephone- delivered, interpersonal therapy intervention for HIV-infected rural persons with psychological distress. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 60.
Heckman, T. G., Mitchell, D., Anderson, T., Garske, J., Holroyd, K. (2007). A videophone- delivered, interpersonal therapy intervention for HIV-infected rural persons diagnosed with depression: Outcomes from a pilot intervention. Annals of Behavioral Mediciine, 33, 210.
Guajardo-Fende, J. M. & Anderson, T. (2007). An investigation of psychoeducational interventions about therapy, Psychotherapy Research, 17, 120-127.
Goldman, G. A. & Anderson, T. (2007). Quality of Object Relations and Security of Attachment as Predictors of Early Therapeutic Alliance. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54, 111- 117.
Lunnen, K. M., Ogles, B. M., Anderson, T. M., & Barnes, D. L. (2006). A comparison of CCRT pervasiveness and symptomatic improvement in brief therapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 289-302.
Scipio, C.; Keefe, F.; Anderson, T.; Caldwell, L.; Goldman, G.; Caldwell, D.; Stainbrook, D. (2005). Links between social communication skills and physiological and psychoosocial functioning in patients with RA. Journal of Pain, 6, S24. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2005.01.093
Thorn, B. E., Keefe, F. J., & Anderson, T. (2004). The communal coping model and interpersonal context: Problems or Process? Pain, 110(3) 505-507.
Anderson, T. (2004). Cultivating Therapist's Facilitative Interpersonal Skills, Psychotherapy Bulletin, 39, 15-20.
Heiby, E. M., DeLeon, P. H., & Anderson, T. (2004). A Debate on Prescription Privileges for Psychologists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 35, 336-344
Anderson, T., Carson, K. L., Keefe, F., & Darchuk, A. C. (2004). The influence of social skills on private and interpersonal emotional disclosure of negative experiences. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23, 635-652.
Heckman, T.G., Anderson, E.S., Sikkema, K. J., Kochman, A. Kalichman, S.C., & Anderson, T. (2004). Emotional distress in non-Metropolitan persons living with HIV disease enrolled in a telephone-delivered mental health intervention. Health Psychology, 23, 94-100.
Keefe, F. J., Lumley, M., Anderson, T., Lynch, T., Studts, J. L., Carson, K. L. (2001). Pain and emotion: New research directions. Erratum. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 1597.
Keefe, F. J., Lumley, M., Anderson, T., Lynch, T., & Carson, K. L. (2001). Pain and emotion: New research directions. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 587-607.
Bein, E., Anderson, T., Strupp, H. H., Henry, W. P., Schacht, T. E., Binder, J. L., & Butler, S. F. (2000). The effects of training in Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy: Changes in therapeutic outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 10, 119-131.
Anderson, T., Holmberg, J. L. K., & Carson, K. L. (2000). The Contextual Therapeutic Relationship: Ecological Considerations in Psychotherapy Research and Practice. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 37,107-116.
Anderson, T., Ogles, B. M., & Weis, A. (1999). Creative use of interpersonal skills in building a therapeutic alliance. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 12, 313-330.
Leitner, L. M., Faidley, A. J., & Anderson, T. (1999). Continuing education in humanistic psychology. The Humanistic Psychologist, 25, 319-320.
Anderson, T., Bein, E., Pinnell, B. J., & Strupp, H. H. (1999). Linguistic analysis of affective speech in psychotherapy: A case grammar approach. Psychotherapy Research, 9, 88-98.
Strupp, H. H., & Anderson, T. (1997). On the limitations of therapy manuals. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 4, 76-82.
Anderson, T. & Strupp, H. H. (1996). The ecology of psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64, 776-782.
Anderson, T., & Leitner, L. M. (1996). Symptomatology and the use of affect constructs to influence value and behavior constructs. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 77-83.
Anderson, T. & Dixon, W. E. (1995). Confirmatory factor analysis of the WISC-R with normal and psychiatric adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 5, 319-332.
Dixon, W. E., & Anderson, T. (1995). Establishing covariance continuity between the WISC-R 1and the WISC-III. Psychological Assessment, 7, 115-117.
Anderson, T. & Dixon, W. E. (1993). The factor structure of the Rorschach for inpatient adolescents with conduct, depressive, and severe disorders. Journal of Personality Assessment, 60, 319-332.
Anderson, T. (1993). 'A hard nut to crack': English metaphors for insanity. American Imago, 50, 111-130.
Stiles, W. B., Meshot, C. M., Anderson, T. & Sloan, W. W. (1992). Assimilation of problematic experiences: The case of John Jones. Psychotherapy Research, 2, 81-101.
Anderson, T. & Meshot, C. M. (1992). The relationship of the Eating Disorders Inventory with the SCL-90 and MMPI in college women. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 249-253.
Anderson, T. & Leitner, L. M. (1991). The relationship between the Defense Mechanisms Inventory and reported symptomatology in college females. Personality and Individual Differences, 12, 967-969.
Anderson, T. & Schmitt, P. R. (1990). Unique first names in male and female psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Social Psychology, 130, 835-837. [6]
Anderson, T. (1990). The hermeneutic dialogue: A psychodymanic method for the teaching of writing in psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 17, 18-22.
Wolowitz, H. & Anderson, T. (1989). Contributions to psychohistory XV. Structural characteristics as an index of mental health in Freud's, his patient's and his colleagues's manifest dreams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 68, 811-819.
Anderson, T. (1986). The specimen dream as a childhood trauma. American Imago, 43, 171-190.
Anderson, T. (1985). Unique and common first names of males and females. Psychological Reports, 57, 204-206.
Castonguay, L., Muran, J. C., Angus, L., Hayes, J. A., Ladany, N., & Anderson, T. (2010). Bringing psychotherapy research to life: Understanding change through the work of leading clinical researchers. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Book Chapters
Anderson, T., & Hill, C. E. (2017). The Role of Therapist Skills in Therapist Effectiveness: Does therapist skill explain the therapist effect? In L. G. Castonguay & C. E Hill (Eds.), Therapist effects: Toward understanding how and why some therapists are better than others (pp. 139-157). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Anderson, T., McClintock, A. S., & Song, X. (2014). Psychotherapy. In D.S. Dunn (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hill, C. E., Castonguay, L. G., Farber, B. A., Knox, S., Stiles, W. B., Anderson, T., Angus, L. E., et al. (2012). Corrective experiences in psychotherapy: Definitions, processes, consequences and research directions. In L. G. Castonguay and C. E. Hill (Eds.) Transformation in Psychotherapy: Corrective Experiences Across Cognitive Behavioral, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic Approaches (pp. 355-370). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Anderson, T., Ogles, B. M., Heckman, B. D., & McFarlane, P. (2012). Varieties of corrective experiencing in context: A study of contrasts. In L. G. Castonguay and C. E. Hill (Eds.) Transformation in Psychotherapy: Corrective Experiences Across Cognitive Behavioral, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic Approaches (pp. 281-316). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Angus, L., Hayes, J. A., Anderson, T., Ladany, N. Castonguay, L. G., Muran, C. J. (2010). Future directions: Emerging opportunities and challenges in psychotherapy research. In L. Castonguay, J. C. Muran, L. Angus, J. A. Hayes, N. Ladany, & T. Anderson (Eds.) Bringing Psychotherapy research to life: Understanding change through the work of leading clinical researchers (pp. 353-362). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Anderson, T., Lunnen, K. M., & Ogles, B. (2010). Putting Models and Techniques in Context. In B. Duncan, S. Miller, & B. Wampold (Eds.) The Heart and Soul of Change. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Moras, K., Anderson, T., & Piper, W. (2010). Hans Strupp: A Founder's Contributions to a Scientific Basis for Psychotherapy Practice. In L. Castonguay, J. C. Muran, L. Angus, J. A. Hayes, N. Ladany, & T. Anderson (Eds.) Bringing Psychotherapy research to life: Understanding change through the work of leading clinical researchers (pp. 51-61). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Heiby, E. M., DeLeon, P. H., Anderson, T. (2008). A debate on prescription privileges for psychologists. In D. N. Bersoff (Ed.) Ethical Conflicts in Psychology, (pp. 370-375).
Published Book Reviews
Anderson, T., & Song, X. (2012). Psychotherapy inside out: What鈥檚 real is in the context. [Review of the book Inside the Session: What Really Happens in Psychotherapy, by Paul L. Wachtel]. PsychCRITIQUES, 57.
Anderson, T., & MacFarlane, P. (2011). Exploratory Theory Development of the Moment-to- Moment Therapeutic Relationship: Can Infact-Mother Research Help? [ Review of the book Change in Psychotherapy: A Unifying Paradigm, by N. Bruschweiler-Stern, K. Lyons Ruth, A. C. Morgan, J. P. Nahum, L. W. Sander, D. N. Stern, A. M. Harrison, & E. Z. Tronick (The Boston Change Process Study Group)]. PsychCRITIQUES, 56, 4
Anderson, T., & Uhlin, B. (2007). An in vivo look at Paul Wachtel's psychotherapy integration. PsycCRITIQUES, 52.
Anderson, T. (2006). Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy: Promoting Change in Nonresponders, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 43, 119-121
Anderson, T. (2005). From Transference to Common Sense, A book review of Jeffrey L. Binder鈥檚 Key Competencies in Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy: Clinical Practice Beyond the Manual, PsycCRITIQUES, 50, 2005.
Anderson, T., & Weis, A. (1999). Book review of M. McCallum & W. E. Piper=s APsychological Mindedness: A contemporary understanding. Psychotherapy Research, 9, 124-125
Anderson, T. (1998). Book review of R. Plutchik & H. R. Conte鈥檚 Circumplex models of personality and emotion. Psychotherapy Research, 8, 359-360.
Anderson, T. (1998). Book review of P. Cushman鈥檚 Constructing the Self, Constructing America: A cultural history of psychotherapy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 186, 195-197.
Anderson, T., & Crowley, M. J. (1998). Book review of E. D. Hibbs and P. S. Jenson鈥檚 A Psychosocial treatments for child and adolescent disorders: Empirically based strategies for child practice. Psychotherapy Research, 8, 239-240.
Anderson, T. (1997). Book review of W. M. Epstein鈥檚 The Illusion of Psychotherapy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 185, 649-650.
Anderson, T. (1997). Attachment: Returning to an interdisciplinary approach. Contemporary Psychology, 42, 520-521.
Anderson, T. (1996). Human learning with a purpose Contemporary Psychology, 41, 558-559.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
David, K.C., Pasqual, L. J., Filby, J. R., & Anderson, T. (2016, November). Gender differences in empathy on the facilitative interpersonal skills performance task. Poster presented at the Cleveland State Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Cleveland, 帝王会所.
McCarrick, S. & Anderson, T. (2016, October). Treatment Preferences of LGB Individuals. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Cooper, D. & Anderson, T. (2016). Interpersonal Subtypes within Social Anxiety: The Identification of Distinct Social Features. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Song, X & Anderson, T. (2016, August). The Effects of a Multimedia Intervention on Help- Seeking Process with A Chinese, College Student Sample. Poster presented at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
Anderson, T. (2016, August). On Monoculture: Theoretical, Organizational, and Cultural Nondiversity in Psychology. Symposium presented at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
Anderson, T., Perlman, M.R., McCarrick, S.M., & McClintock, A.S. (2016, August). The Determination and Promotion of Expertise in Psychotherapy. Symposium presented at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
Anderson, T. (2016, May). Illusory Causation in Psychotherapy? Observational Perspective and Relational Valence Influence Perceptions of Psychotherapy Interpersonal Process. Poster presented at at the 28th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, IL.
Cooper, D., Williams, E., & Anderson, T. (2016, May). The Influence of Social Anxiety on the Quantity and Type of Self-Disclosures. Poster presented at at the 28th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, IL.
Choi, W. K., Heckman, B. D., Anderson, T., Sikkema, K. J., Hanson, N., Heckman, T. G. (2016). It hurts more when I鈥檓 depressed: The moderating effect of gender on reported pain in aging HIV-positive adults. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2015, November). "Mindfulness-Based Treatment for Maladaptive Interpersonal Dependency: A Randomized Controlled Trial with College Students" Poster presented at the annual ABCT meeting, Chicago, IL.
Anderson, T., & Levy, K. (2015, June). Beyond intellectual diversity: Faculty psychotherapy theoretical orientations, gender and racial diversity, and scholarly productivity in clinical psychology graduate programs. Symposium Paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Levy, K. N., & Anderson, T. (2015, June). Is clinical psychology doctoral training becoming less intellectually diverse? And if so, what can be done? Symposium Paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Perlman, M. R., McCarrick, S.M., Anderson, T., & Levy, K.N. (June, 2015). Psychotherapy theoretical orientations of clinical psychology graduate programs and graduate student characteristics. Symposium Paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Conference, Baltimore, MD.
McClintock, A. S., Anderson, T., & Adams, C. (2015, June). Mindfulness-based treatment for maladaptive interpersonal dependency: Preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Cooper, D. M., & Anderson, T. (2015, June). Interpersonal dysfunction in social anxiety: Examining the role of prosocial/supportive communication. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Cranston, S.M., & Anderson, T. (2015, June). Development and validation of the corrective experience questionnaire. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
McCarrick, S., Anderson, T., Perlman, M. (2015, June). Relationship between LGB client characteristics and appeal of LGB affirmative therapy. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
McCarrick, S., Anderson, T., & McClintock, A. S. (2015, June). Sexual orientation, treatment preferences and appeal of LGB affirmative strategies. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Kline, K., Hill, C. E., & Anderson, T. (2014, August). Can Self-Reported Traits and Interpersonal Skills Predict Change in Helping Skills? Symposium presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Cranston, S., McClintock, A.S., McCarrick, S., Anderson, T., & Hill, C.E. (2014, August) Pretraining Characteristics Among Students Receiving Helping Skills Training. Symposium presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Petrarca, A., Anderson, T., & Hill, C.E. (2014, August). Do Prior Helping Experiences and Attitudes Predict Success in Helping Skills Training? Symposium presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Rojas, A. P., Hill, C.E., & Cranston, S., & Anderson, T. (2014, August). Therapist Helping Skills: What do We Know So Far? Symposium presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Anderson, T. & Hill, C.E. (2014, August). Do Pre-training Helper Characteristics Predict Success in Learning Helping Skills? Symposium presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
McClintock, A. S., Stiles, W. B., Himawan, L., Anderson, T., Barkham, M., Hardy, G. E., (2014, June). Session Impact as change in client mood within session: Examining links to treatment processes and outcome. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Anderson, T., Cranston, S., Petrarca, A., Hill, C.E. (2014, June). Does helping skills training work? Do the helpers鈥 prior helping experiences and helping attitudes matter? Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Bhatia, Avantika, Hill, C.E., & Anderson, T. (2014, June). Can changes in helping skills be predicted by reported traits and interpersonal performance measures? Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
McFarlane, P. D., Anderson, T. (2014, June). Empathy from the psychotherapy client鈥檚 perspective: A qualitative examination. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2014, June). An investigation of the mechanisms underlying therapy: A three-path mediation analysis. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
McCarrick, S. M., McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2014, June). Correlations of traits, experiences, and attitudes with interpersonal performance behaviors among students receiving helping skills training outcome. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hill, C.E., & Anderson, T. (2014, June). Can pre-training measures of helper emotional and interpersonal characteristics predict who learns helping skills training? Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Anderson, T. (2014, March). Why Deny the Obvious? Searching for the ROLE of Therapist Effects in Psychotherapy Relationships. Invited colloquium, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Bianco, J. Heckman, T., Heckman, B., Anderson, T., & Heh, V. (2013, October). Relational predictors and trajectories of change in group teletherapy for HIV-Infected older adults. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Memphis, TN.
Anderson, T., Binder, J., Heckman, B., & Patterson, C.L. (2013, October). Supervisor teaching style and the supervisee鈥檚 acquisition of prescribed techniques and attitudes toward clients. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Memphis, TN.
Song, X., Anderson, T., McClintock, A., Jiang, Y., & McCarrick, S. (2013, October). Cultural adaptation of the Expectations About Counseling 鈥 Brief form (EAC-B) with Non- Clinical China and U.S. Samples. Poster presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Memphis, TN.
McClintock, A., Anderson, T., Song, X., & Petrarca, A. (2013, October). Treatment process expectations, therapeutic alliance, and outcome: A bootstrapping mediation analysis. Poster presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Memphis, TN.
McClintock, A., Anderson, T., & Scherma, H. (2013, May). An investigation of the SEQ as a predictor of outcome and as a mediator of the link between the therapist alliance and outcome. Paper presented at the 85th annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Song, X., Beutler, L. E., Anderson, T., Sun, S., Wu, G., Kimpara, S., Michelson, A., & McClintock, A. (2013, May). Cross-cultural adaptation of systematic treatment selection Innerlife in China. Paper presented at the 85th annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Anderson, T., Patterson, C., McClintock, A. S., & Song, X. (2013, May). Factorial and predictive validity of the EAC-B for therapy clients. Poster presented at the 85th annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Anderson, T., Ogles, B. M., Heckman, B. D., & MacFarlane, P. (2012). The corrective contrast experience as a contextual principle of change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA, June 2012.
Knobloch-Fedders, L., Critchfield, K. L., Anderson, T. (2012). Change in therapist and patient interpersonal behavior over the course of therapy: Associations with outcome. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA, June 2012.
MacFarlane, P., Anderson, T., & McClintock, A. S. (2012). The therapeutic alliance from the client鈥檚 perspective: A qualitative approach. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA, June 2012.
McClintock, A. S., & Anderson, T. (2012). The application of mindfulness for interpersonal dependency: Effects of a brief intervention. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA, June 2012.
Anderson, T. (2012). Corrective experience: It鈥檚 not always obvious. Presentation and discussion at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA, June 2012.
McClintock, A. S., Song, X., Jameson, G., Anderson, T., Patterson, C., Goldman, G. A., Uhlin, B., MacFarlane, P., Goldman, E. D. (2012). Reliability of therapist facilitative interpersonal skills for brief responses to 鈥渢hin slice鈥 client video simulations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA, June 2012.
Anderson, T., Patterson, C., Goldman, G. A., Uhlin, B., MacFarlane, P., Goldman, E. D., Song, X., McClintock, A. S. (2012). Therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills (FIS) as a prospective predictor of alliance and outcome. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach, VA, June 2012.
Song, X., Beutler, E. L., Wu, G., Anderson, T., Sun, S., Kimpara, S., Hogan, L., Michelson, A., & McClintock, A. (2012, June). Cultural adaptation of the Systematic Treatment Selection Innerlife (STS-Innerlife) with an urban mainland China sample. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Virginia Beach.
Anderson, T.,. Patterson, C. Goldman, G. A., Uhlin, B., MacFarlane, P., Goldman, E. D., Reynolds, D., Song, X., McClintock, A., & Mahoney, M. (2011). The influence of pre- training therapist facilitative interpersonal skills on trainee working alliance: A prospective design. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Banff, Canada, September 2011.
Castonguay, L., Muran, J. C., Angus, L., Hayes, J., Ladany, N., Anderson, T. (2011). Past, current, and future of psychotherapy research: A tribute to luminaries of NASPR. Closing plenary discussion at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Banff, Canada, September 2011.
Casonguay, L., Elkin, I., Kaechele, H., Orlinsky, D., Boswell, J. Dagnino, P., Jong, K., Muran, C., Angus, L, Hayes, J. Ladany, N, & Anderson, T. (2010). Hallmarks of psychotherapy research, take 2: A renewed dialogue between two generations of researchers. Structured discussion at the International Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Asilimar, California, June, 2010.
Mitchell, D., Heckman, T., & Anderson, T. (2006). Brief interpersonal therapy delivered via telephone: A telehealth intervention for HIV-Seropositive rural persons with psychological distress. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Athens, 帝王会所, October, 2006.
Davis Goldman, Liz, & Anderson, Timothy (2006). Can an LGBT Safezone workshop improve attitudes and counseling self-efficacy of psychologists in training? Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Athens, 帝王会所, October, 2006.
Goldman, G., & Anderson, T. (2006). Attachment, expectations, and the therapeutic alliance. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Athens, 帝王会所, October, 2006.
Patterson, C., & Anderson, T. (2006). The relationship between clients鈥 counseling expectations and working alliance. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Athens, 帝王会所, October, 2006.
Uhlin, B., Anderson, T., Edwards, K. Probst, D., & Orchowski, L. (2006). The assimilation model and the internalized voices of abusive others: Exploring implication for survivors of intimate partner sexual assault. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Athens, 帝王会所, October, 2006.
Orchowski, L., Anderson, T., Probst, D., Edwards, K. Uhlin, B., Luthra, R., & Fende, J. (2006). How rape myths influence assimilation processes during clinician-assisted emotional disclosure of an intimate partner sexual assault. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Athens, 帝王会所, October, 2006.
Cindy D. Scipio, BA, Francis J. Keefe, PhD, Timothy Anderson, PhD, Loren R. Caldwell, BA, Gregory A. Goldman, BA, David S. Caldwell, MD, David. G. Stainbrook, Jr., (2005). Links between social communication skills and physiological and psychosocial functioning in patients with RA. American Psychological Society. Submitted.
Goldman, G., Perri, L. C., Anderson, T., & Keefe, F. (2004). Narrative Sequence Indicators and Narrative Type: Implications for the Therapeutic Alliance. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Springdale, Utah.
Bouffard, B., Anderson, T., & Angus, L. (2004). Autobiographical Memories and Affective Arousal: An Analysis Using the Lexical Analysis of Verbalized Affect. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Springdale, Utah.
Anderson, T., Keefe, F., Perri, L., & Goldman, G. (2004). Narrative Process of Clinician-Assisted Emotional Disclosure: Narratives for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Springdale, Utah.
Wang, V., Anderson, T., & Hatfield, D. (2004). Development of a Self-Report Measure of Therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Springdale, Utah.
Anderson, T., Ogles, B., Vermeersch, D., & Lambert, M. (2004). The Relationship of Therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills and Outcome in the BYU Counseling Center. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Springdale, Utah.
Leitner, L. M., & Anderson, T. (2004). Depersonalization, Culture, and Experiential Constructivism. Paper presented at the 112th meeting of the American Psychological Association Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Weibel, D. & Anderson, T. (2004). Meditation for Helpers: Developing Empathy and Awareness Using Mindfulness and Loving Kindness Practices. Paper presented at the 4th annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Fende, J., Anderson, T., & Luthra, R. (2004). Short-term Emotional Disclosure Therapy for Survivors of Sexual Assault. Paper presented at the 4th annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Wang, V. & Anderson, T. (2004). Assessing the Therapeutic Alliance from the Observer Perspective: Making Ratings 鈥楤etter, Stronger, Faster鈥. Paper presented at the 4th annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Anderson, T. (2004). It鈥檚 Only Words: Computerized Analysis of Psychotherapy Transcripts. Paper presented at the 4th annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Anderson, T. (2003). Alliance Categories and Contents: A Multi-methodological Approach. Symposium paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island.
Fende, J. & Anderson, T. (2003). Altering Undergraduates鈥 Expectations and Fears About Therapy Using a Video-Enhanced CD-ROM. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island.
Wang, V. & Anderson, T. (2003). An Examination of Interpersonal Matching Effects on Therapeutic Alliance and Outcome. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island.
Goldman, G. A., White, J. L., & Anderson, T. (2003). Changes in Affect and the Therapeutic Alliance. Poster presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island.
Goldman, G. A., Anderson, T., Holmberg, J. K., & Davis, E. H. (2003). Open Coding of Client Descriptions of the Therapeutic Relationship. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island.
Anderson, T. M. (2003). Practitioners Can Specify Those Fuzzy Nonspecific Factors. Symposium paper presented at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Anderson, T. (2003). From Symptom Reduction to Well Being. Chair and organizer of Cluster-level event at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Anderson, T. (2003). Beyond Feeling Good: New Wine in Old Bottles? Chair and organizer of Cluster-level event at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Anderson, T. (2003). Is Happiness Enough? Defining and Measuring Well Being. Chair and organizer of Cluster-level event at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Fende, J. M., & Anderson, T. M. (2003). Altering expectations and anxiety about therapy using an educational CD-ROM. Poster presented at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Wang, V. C., & Anderson, T. M. (2003). Effects of Matching Therapist Persuasiveness With Client Dominance. Poster presented at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Goldman, G. A., & Anderson, T. M. (2003). Lexical Analysis and the PANAS: Divergent Measures of Affect. Poster presented at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Goldman, G. A., White, J. L., & Anderson, T. (2003). Affect Change as a Predictor of the Therapeutic Alliance. Poster presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Fende, J. M., & Anderson, T. (2003). The Effects of an Educational CD-ROM on Undergraduates鈥 Expectations and Fears about Therapy. Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Wang, V., Anderson, T., & Darchuk, A. (2003). A Comparison of Three Models of Obervor-based Ratings of the Therapeutic Alliance. Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Wang, V., & Anderson, T. (2003). Investigating Interpersonal Matching Effects of Client Dominance with Therapist Persuasiveness on Alliance and Outcome. Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Athens, 帝王会所.
Anderson, T. (2002). Debate: Role of Prescription Authority for the Psychologist. Chair and organizer of debate including P. DeLeon and E. Heiby at the 110th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Anderson, T. (2002). Further Basis of Practice: Debate on Empirically Supported Treatments. Chair and organizer of debate including D. Barlow, D. Chambless, L. Beutler, & B. Wampold at the 110th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Anderson, T. (2002). On the Development and Specification of the Empirically Supported Treatment Model. Chair and organizer of Cluster-level event at the 110th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Anderson, T. (2002). Role of Alternatives to Evidence-Based Treatments. Chair and organizer of Cluster-level event at the 110th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Weibel, D. & Anderson, T. (2002). The Effects of Therapist Interpersonal Skill on Client Experiencing. Paper presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Santa Barbara, California.
Anderson, T., Crowley, M., & Wang, V. (2002). Therapist and Client Social Skills Relate to Working Alliance Ratings: Evidence from the 帝王会所 Helping Relationships Study (OUHRS). Paper presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Santa Barbara, California.
Maskit, B., Bucci, W., Dahl, H., Teller, V., Darchuk, A., & Anderson, T. (2002). Talking-Bytes in Psychotherapy: Computer-Based Text Analysis of Psychotherapy Sessions. Workshop Conducted at the 33rd annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Santa Barbara, California.
Baldrachi, R. Darchuk, A., & Anderson, T. (2002). Relationships Among Varying Factors Within Emotional Disclosure of Traumatic Events. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Weibel, D., Noice, J., & Anderson, T. (2002). The Effects of Therapist Interpersonal Skill and Training on Client Experiencing. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Wang, V. & Anderson, T. (2002). The Relation of Therapist and Client Social Skills to the Working Alliance. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Baldrachi, R., Darchuk, & Anderson, T. (2002). Psychological Assessment of Self- Concsciousness, Affect and Alliance in Emotional Disclosure. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Anderson, T. (2002). Sharing Psychotherapy Data and Data Collection within 帝王会所. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Anderson, T. (2001). Therapist Interpersonal Skills Effect Alliance and Outcome: The 帝王会所 Helping Relationships Study (OUHRS). Paper Presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Weibel, D., & Anderson, T. (2001). Influence of Therapist Skill on Therapist Interventions. Paper Presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Fende, J., & Anderson, T. (2001). The Effects of Educating Clients about the Therapeutic Relationship. Paper Presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Wang, V., Fende, J., & Anderson, T. (2001). Development of a Manual for the Working Alliance Inventory - Observer Form (WAI-O). Paper Presented at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Anderson, T., Fende, J., Wang, V., & Weibel, D. (2001). Understanding Therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills Through Participant-Observation Case Studies. Paper presented at the 109th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Anderson, T., Crowley, M. E., & Carson, K. L. (2001). Therapist Interpersonal Skills (but Not Training) Influences Outcome and Alliance. Paper presented at the 109th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Anderson, T., Weibel, D., Fende, J., Wang, V., & Baldrachi, R. (2001). Understanding Therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills. Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Darchuk, A. J., & Anderson, T. (2001). The Effects of Private Self-Disclosure on Individuals with a Vulnerability to Depression. Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Baldrachi, R., & Anderson, T. (2001). Psychological Assessment of Affect, Self- Consciousness, and Alliance in Emotional Disclosure. Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Wang, V., Fende, J., & Anderson, T. (2001). Manual Development for the Working Alliance Inventory - Observer Form (WAI-O). Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the 帝王会所 Society for Psychotherapy Research, Oxford, OH.
Anderson, T., Deisseroth, K. C., Carson, K. L., Darchuk, A., & Angus, L. (2000). Client narrative processes and therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills: Do clients with interpersonally skilled therapists tell different stories? Paper presented at the 31st annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Chicago.
Vermeersch, D., Anderson, T., Ogles, B., & Lambert, M. (2000). Brigham-Young study on the efficacy of therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills. Paper presented at the 31st annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Chicago.
Carson, K. L., & Anderson, T. (2000). Social skill influences affective experience following disclosure of traumatic experiences: A comparison of therapist-assisted and non- assisted disclosure. Paper presented at the 31st annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Chicago.
Keefe, F., Anderson, T., Lumley, M., & Elliott, R. (2000). Clinician-assisted emotional disclosure: A proposed treatment for Rheumatoid-Arthritis Pain. Paper presented at the 31st annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Chicago.
Weis, A. C., Anderson, T., & Baldrachi, R. (2000). Reliability and validity of a rating scale for the facilitative interpersonal skills performance analysis. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Chicago.
Crowley, M. E., Anderson, T., & Carson, K. L. (2000). Client and therapist pretreatment characteristics as predictors of the therapeutic alliance. Paper presented at the 31st annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Chicago.
Anderson, T., Bailey, C. M., Brown, M. R., Shah, S., & Carson, K. L. (2000). The influence of social skills and interpersonal complementarity on the selection of helping responses to problematic interpersonal encounters. Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research, Evanston, IL.
Bray, A., & Anderson, T. (2000). Testing interpersonal complementarity with parent- child matching in an international student-exchange program. Poster presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research, Evanston, IL.
Bein, E., Anderson, T., Nelson, K. L., & Strupp, H. H. (2000). Therapists initial emotional reactions to patients: Consensus, correspondence, and idiosyncracy. Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research, Evanston, IL.
Keefe, F., Anderson, T., & Carson, K. (1999). Clinician-assisted emotional disclosure: Development of a psychosocial intervention for rheumatoid arthritis. Paper presented at the Arthritis Research Conference, Alexandria, Virginia.
Anderson, T. (1999). Specifying non-specifics in therapists: The effect of facilitative interpersonal skills in outcome and alliance formation. Paper presented at the 30th annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Braga, Portugal.
Anderson, T., & Carson, K. L. (1999). The Influence of Social Skills on Emotional Disclosure in Dyadic Interactions. Paper presented at the 2nd annual Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research, Madison, Wisconsin.
Boyer, D. A., Anderson, T., & Weis, A. C. (1999). Assessing Incremental Validity of an MMPI-2 Bulimia Subscale. A poster presented at the 11th annual convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Anderson, T., Garske, J.P., Crowley, M. J., Dowdall, C. (1998). Body as Canvass: Constructivist and Interpersonal Approaches to Health Psychology. Paper presented at the 106th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California.
Anderson, T., Aronoff, J, Crowley, M. J., Deisseroth, K., Klimik, J. L., & Weiss, A. (1998). Measurement of interpersonal process skills through performance analysis. Paper presented at the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Deisseroth, K. C., & Anderson, T. (1998). Vocal cues of interpersonal process in the Vanderbilt II psychotherapy project. Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Snowbird, Utah.
Anderson, T., Crowley, M. J., Binder, J. L., & Strupp, H. H. (1998). Interpersonal skill in psychotherapy: Can training make a difference? Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Snowbird, Utah.
Lunnen, K. M., Ogles, B. M., Anderson, T., & Baker, S. (1998). An evaluation of CCRT pervasiveness in the Vanderbilt II psychotherapy project. Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Snowbird, Utah.
Ordonez, T. L., Anderson, T., & Garske, J. P. (1998). The immediate effects of transference interpretations in time-limited dynamic psychotherapy (TLDP). Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Snowbird, Utah.
Anderson, T. (1997). Therapists creative capacity for forming positive therapeutic alliances. Paper presented at the 105th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Anderson, T. (1997). Disorders of construction: Assessment and psychotherapy in constructivist psychology. Discussant for symposium at the 105th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Anderson, T., Klimek, J. M., & Crowley, M. J. (1997). Illustrations and implications of ecological phenomena within the psychotherapeutic context. Paper presented the 12th international congress for personal construct psychology, Seattle, Washington.
Anderson, T., Crowley, M. J., & Martin, D. (1997). Educating therapists: The training phase of the Vanderbilt II psychotherapy research project. Paper presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Geilo, Norway.
Tomarken, A, J., Shelton, R. C., Elkins, L., & Anderson, T. (1997). Sleep deprivation and anti-depressant medication: Unique effects on positive and negative affect. Poster session at the 9th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Anderson, T., & Strupp, H.H. (1996). The ecology of psychotherapy research. Paper presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amelia Island, FL.
Strupp, H.H., & Anderson, T. (1996). On the limitations of therapy manuals. Paper presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amelia Island, FL.
Anderson, T., & Strupp, H. H. (1995). Exploring issues of therapist training using research-informed case histories. Paper presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Anderson, T. (1995). The lexical analysis of verbalized affect in Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy. Paper presentation at the 26th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Anderson, T., & Londa-Jacobs, J. (1994). Some lessons from research-informed case histories. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Tennessee Psychological Association, Nashville, TN.
Strupp, H. H., Anderson, T., & Londa-Jacobs, J. (1994). Success and Failure in Psychotherapy. Panel presentation and discussion at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, York, England.
Anderson, T. & Leitner, L. M. (1994). Changes in Affect, Value, and Behavior Constructs. the 6th biennial conference for the North American Personal Construct Network, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Anderson, T. (1991). The ROLE of freedom: Individual and family interventions in personal construct psychotherapy, the 9th international congress for personal construct psychology, Albany, New York.
Anderson, T. & Leitner, L. M. (1990). The relationship of defense mechanisms and reported symptomatology in college females, the 21st annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Wintergreen, VA.
Anderson, T. & Biran, M. (1989). Early memories in college females. Poster session at the European meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland.
Stiles, W. B., Meshot, C. M., Sloan, W. W. & Anderson, T. (1989). Change processes in psychotherapy: Micro- and Macroperspective. Panel presentation and discussion at the 20th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Toronto.
Graduate Students
- Danielle Cooper
- Saryn Cranston
- Kevin David
- Shannon McCarrick
- Andrew McClintock
- Matthew Perlman
- Xiaoxia Song
Professional Activities and Associations
Editorial Position
- Associate Editor, Behavioral Medicine (2014 - 2017)
- Advisory Editor, Psychotherapy Research (2016 - 2019)
Ad Hoc Journal Reviews (since 2013)
- Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Ad hoc Reviewer
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Ad hoc Reviewer
- Psychotherapy Integration, Ad hoc Reviewer
- Psychotherapy Research, Ad hoc Reviewer every 1-2 months
- Behavioral Medicine, Ad hoc Reviewer
- SAGEOpen, Ad hoc jornal reviewer
- APA Full Book Reviewer for L. Benjamin鈥檚 IRT book
- Family Process
- Journal of Counseling Psychology
- Reviewer for Sage Publications textbook, Personality Theories (2015)
Conference Reviewer
- Reviewer student research award, International Society for Psychotherapy Research (2014)
- Reviewer for American Psychological Association Conference (Division 38) (2015 )
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association 鈥 Psychotherapy (Div. 29) (2010)
- International Society for Psychotherapy Research (1990)
- North American Society for Psychotherapy Research (2000)
- Personal Construct Psychology Network (2000)
- Midwestern Psychological Association (2012)
- Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research (charter)
- Society for the Exploration and Integration of Psychotherapy (2013)
- Association for Psychological Science (2015)
Committees Served
- Graduate Council (University Standing Committee) (2012-2015)
- Clinical Comprehensive Exam Review and Revision (Ad Hoc Committee)
- Chair, Clinical Admissions Committee
- Psychology and Social Work Clinic, Advisory Committee Member
- Faculty Senate, Arts & Science Representative
- University Curriculum Counsel, Arts & Sciences Representative
- Educational Policy and Student Affairs
- Program Review Committee, Reviewed and Evaluated 3 programs for UCC
- College of Arts and Sciences Promotion & Tenure Committee (2010 鈥 2012)
- Advocate, Bernadette D. Heckman Promotion & Tenure Appeals
- OUCOM Social Medicine Promotion & Tenure Committee (2012- 2015)
- SPR Graduate student travel award committee
Work-Related Experience
Professional Positions
Assistant Professor, 帝王会所, Athens, 帝王会所 (1996-2001)
Associate Professor, 帝王会所, Athens, 帝王会所 (2001-Present)
Licensed Clinical Psychologist (1996-Present)
The State of 帝王会所, Psychology License # 5117 First Issued August 1996
帝王会所, Athens, OH (1996 - present)
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (1994-1995)
Miami University, Oxford, 帝王会所 (1991-1992)
Indiana University-East, Richmond IN (1988-1991)
Wilmington College, Wilmington, 帝王会所 (1990-1991)
Private, Research, & Didactic-based Clinical Practice (1996-present)
Health Recovery Services (1998-2002)
- Psychological Evaluations for mixed diagnosis clients, Clinical supervisor for counselors, and individual treatment of patients
Tri-County Community Mental Health Center (1999)
- Clinical psychology supervision for counselors and clinical director
- Psychological treatment and evaluation of patients
Vanderbilt University Counseling Center (1993-1996)
- Clinical supervisor for psychology interns in the Vanderbilt internship consortium and individual psychotherapy with patients.
Psychology Intern, Northwestern Memorial Hospital (1992-1993)
- Outpatient Treatment Center: Responsibilities included long-term individual psychotherapy, diagnostic intake assessment, medication coordination, and diagnostic testing.
- Rehabilitation Clinic: Individual psychotherapy, diagnostic assessment, and treatment team participation with a severely disturbed population in the Rehabilitation Clinic.
- Emergency and Crisis Coverage: "On-call" coverage included emergency assessment for hospitalization, alcohol and chemical dependency assessment, and short-term (maximum of 6 sessions) crisis treatment in the hospital's Emergency and Crisis program.
- Supervisors: Steven Gryll, Ph.D., JoAnn Marengo, Ph.D., Edward Tudor, M.D., Charles Kitchen, M.D., Ann Sauer, Ph.D., Nancy Slagg, Ph.D., Douglas Morrison, Ph.D., & John Stuttesman, Ph.D.
Doctoral Associate, Miami University Psychology Clinic (1990-1991)
- A clinical, administrative, and research position in the university psychology clinic.
- Supervisors: William B. Stiles, Ph.D. & Larry M. Leitner, Ph.D.
Miami University Counseling Center (1989-1991)
- Individual and group psychotherapy and counseling with young adults.
- Supervisors: Mark Harris, Ph.D. & Jim Slager, Ph.D.
Emerson A. North Hospital (1988-1991)
- Diagnostic Assessment: Three supervised rotations in adolescent diagnostic assessment and adolescent group inpatient psychotherapy were the primary responsibilities of this placement. Adolescent psychodiagnostic assessments involved administering, interpreting, and writing psychological assessments. The battery of tests included the Bender-Gestalt, WISC-R, BDI, MMPI, Sentence Completion, Draw a Person, TAT, and the Rorschach.
- Adult Inpatient Psychotherapy: One rotation in adult inpatient psychotherapy of severely disturbed patients and adult inpatient treatment in chemical dependency.
- Supervisors: Christina Kaminsky, Ph.D., Cynthia Dember, Ph.D. & Richard Grant, Ph.D.
Miami University Psychology Clinic (1987-1989)
- Personal Construct Psycholotherapy Practicum: Individual psychotherapy with clients from the community.
- Supervisor: Larry M. Leitner Ph.D.
- Family Therapy Practicum: A variety of family and systemic perspectives applied to some family, but mostly individual psychotherapy.
- Supervisor: Carl E. Paternite, Ph.D.
- Object Relations Practicum: Long-term psychotherapy with clients from a psychodynamic perspective.
- Supervisor: Mia W. Biran, Ph.D.
Awards and Honors
Psychotherapy Research Work Group, Pennsylvania State University, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014
(see )
Nomination for President-Elect, North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, 2006
International Society for Psychotherapy Research, 2004
Outstanding Early Career Achievement Award; Rome, Italy
Center for Teaching Excellence Program, 帝王会所, Athens, 帝王会所, 1997
The Patton Prize, 1992
Annual award for the outstanding graduate student in the psychology department
Miami University, Oxford, 帝王会所
Patrick J. Capretta Award, 1991
Annual award for the outstanding graduate research of the year in the psychology department
Miami University, Oxford, 帝王会所
Graduate student representative to the clinical faculty Miami University, Oxford, 帝王会所, 1988