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Research & Travel Support for Clinical Psychology Graduate Students

Research Support

Each student has access to a research allowance from departmental funds to help defray the costs of thesis, dissertation, and nondegree research. These funds can be used to cover such research costs as supplies, small equipment needs, and mailing costs.

Students may also apply on a competitive basis for departmental funds to support research. These funds may be used to carry out a pilot investigation needed to make a grant application more competitive, to carry out an investigation that is not possible without some financial support (e.g., to pay subjects, to cover extensive mailing costs, or to pay for professional preparation of stimulus materials), or to cover thesis and dissertation costs above the allowance available to all students. Students requesting these funds should write a brief description of the project explaining why the funds are necessary for the project or how the project enhances grant possibilities. The funding request is submitted to the department chair. These additional awards will typically be no larger than $500.

The department website maintains a list of other university funds available to students to support their research.

Travel Support

College of Arts and Sciences provides up to $500 for one trip to present research at a conference for a limited number of students each year. Solicitations for this funding will be made three times a year, coordinated by the Assistant Chair of Graduate Studies. Students should apply for this funding first prior to seeking funding from the department. If they are unsuccessful in receiving this funding, students can be reimbursed for up to $250 when they are the presenting author on a paper, symposium, or poster at a professional conference or up to $150 if they are attending a conference as a non-presenting author on a paper, symposium, or poster through the department. Within a fiscal year, a student may be reimbursed for one trip. The trip must be approved by the department chair prior to the travel. After the trip, receipts must be presented for travel expenses in accordance with university policies and procedures.