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Students are required to complete a one-year APA-accredited internship. Exceptions must be approved by the Internship Committee before the student applies to the internship.

Students should be aware of the costs associated with application for and completion of the internship. Travel to internships may be costly. In addition, university stipends and tuition waivers are typically not available for students who are off-campus on internship. As a result, registration for credits, access to health insurance, deferring student loans, or accessing financial aid may all be issues that surface during the internship year. Students are advised to stay abreast of current university policies governing these issues and to seek out their mentor/adviser for assistance with planning their coursework and internship schedule.

Students who wish to apply for internship are required to have successfully defended their dissertation proposal prior to being allowed to apply. Students must formally request permission to apply for internship (see below). The deadline for successful defense of the proposal is Oct, 1 in order to apply for that academic year. Confirmation of a passed proposal will need to be provided to the section director in the form of a photocopy of the signed defense proposal approval form, prior to the section director signing the readiness for internship forms that are a required part of the internship application.

to the Director of Clinical Training prior to the Director signing the readiness for internship forms that are a required part of the internship application.

For students who are planning to apply to internship in the following fall semester, materials requesting permission to apply must be submitted to the Director of Clinical Training before the last three weeks of the spring semester.  These materials include: a brief letter to the Clinical Section members requesting approval to apply for internship, which highlights the student鈥檚 readiness for internship; a list of proposed internship sites; and a summary of the student鈥檚 intervention, assessment, supervision, and support hours.  These materials will be discussed by section members, who will then vote on approving the student for internship application. This decision will be communicated to students by the Director of Clinical Training with a brief memo.

Prospective interns are asked to submit the following materials to the Internship and Training Committee by October 1st of the application year. The materials must be in final draft form and must have been reviewed and signed by the student鈥檚 faculty mentor/advisor prior to being submitted.

  1. curriculum vita;
  2. completed APPIC form;
  3. sample cover letter or letters (not for every site);
  4. statement of progress, including any unfulfilled requirements; and
  5. a list of prospective internship sites (in potential order of preference).

The Internship and Training Committee will review the materials and provide feedback to the student applicants.

Students should provide the Director of Clinical Training with official copies of acceptance letters for internships and also with completion letters once their internships are completed. In addition, for every semester that students are on internship (including summer), they should register for STDY 9000 (0 credits) with the Director of Clinical Training, in order to ensure continued library privileges and financial aid during the internship year and to document the internship on their transcripts.