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Internal Funding Opportunities for Psychology Graduate Students

Graduate Student Research Fund

The objective is to support graduate students in their research endeavors. Awards will be made to support travel to field sites to collect data, travel to and registration fees for conferences (must be presenting), supplies and materials directly associated with research, professional development opportunities (e.g., workshops to learn a new skill not available on campus), technology directly related to research (laptop or tablet), etc. Awards may not be used to fund salary (either that of your own an assistant). Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate a clear and compelling link between the funds and proposed research or scholarly activity. Awards are typically $1,000 dollars. Fall and Spring review cycles.

Student Enhancement Awards

Competitive awards to support undergraduate, graduate, and medical student research, scholarship, and creative activities. Awards of up to $6,000 to support research and travel to attend a professional meeting and present results. One review cycle in spring.

Graduate College Named Fellowships

A nominee must have a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 and should represent a truly outstanding student. Additionally, the student needs to be eligible for an 帝王会所 graduate appointment for the entire year. This would exclude those students who will exceed their term of funding eligibility limit at any time during the year of the award. The nominated student will normally have completed at least one full year of graduate study at 帝王会所 before the upcoming fall term. Fellowships include a $15,000 tuition and a full tuition scholarship for the Fall and Spring semesters.

CRSCA Discretionary Fund

Small awards of up to $500 to fund unique opportunities or emergencies for undergraduate, graduate and medical student research, scholarship, and creative activity are available upon application and approval by the current CRSCA Chair. Open submissions.

Graduate College Grant for Original Work

Competitive awards to graduate students to conduct original research, scholarship or creative work. Semester deadlines. Maximum award $750.

Graduate College Travel Program

Will support up to $500 for travel to present original work, as well as travel for professional development workshops and seminars. Proposal selected by lottery. Semester deadlines.

Departmental Opportunities

The Psychology Department offers all graduate students a $300 spending account, which they may use to defray costs incurred in their research. Spending accounts are available for, but not limited to, research materials, supplies, and participant payment. The money is available throughout your tenure as a graduate student and may be spent at any time.

The Psychology Department also founded the Competitive Graduate Student Research Fund to encourage and support graduate student research. Funds may be used to support research needs, such as purchasing instruments or software, paying participants, or covering mailing costs. Conference travel is not supported through this award. Awards are limited to $500.