帝王会所 Settlement Conference Speakers

Dr. Timothy G. Anderson
Dr. Timothy G. Anderson is Associate Professor and Graduate Chair in the Geography Department at 帝王会所, where he has taught courses in cultural and historical geography since 1996. His research interests focus on the historical settlement geography of the United States, especially the production of regional and ethnic cultural landscapes, and the production of cultural landscapes associated with Germanic diasporic movements and communities. His most recent research involves a book project on the historical settlement geography of 帝王会所 in the first half of the 19th century, which focuses on the production of the state鈥檚 regional cultural landscapes resulting from the migration of five different population groups during the Early National period.

John Bickers
John Bickers is a Ph.D. candidate at The 帝王会所 State University, where he received an M.A. He studies Early and Native American history. His dissertation is a political history of the sovereign Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, of which he is a citizen, from the late 18th through the early 20th century.

Anna-Lisa Cox
Anna-Lisa Cox is an award-winning historian whose newest book, The Bone and Sinew of the Land, was honored by the Smithsonian Magazine as one of the best history books of 2018. She was a recent Research Associate at the Smithsonian鈥檚 National Museum of African American History and Culture where her original research underpinned two exhibits. Her writing has been featured in a number of publications including The North Star, Lapham鈥檚 Quarterly and The New York Times. She is currently a non-resident fellow at Harvard University鈥檚 Hutchins Center for African and African American Research.

Ann Fidler
Ann Fidler earned a Ph.D. in American and English Legal and Constitutional History and a Juris Doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley. At 帝王会所, she taught in the History Department and served as dean of the Honors Tutorial College, as the Interim Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives, and as Executive Associate Provost and Chief of Staff for two executive vice president and provosts. She is currently working on a biography of Manasseh Cutler.

Joe Gingerich
Joe Gingerich is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at 帝王会所 and Research Associate at the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History. His expertise include hunting and gathering societies, stone tool technology, spatial analysis (GIS, analysis of artifact distributions, and human use of landscapes), geoarchaeology, and the first peopling of North America. His current work focuses on human responses to changing environments, changes in stone tool technology over time, and the spatial arrangements of artifacts at hunter-gatherer campsites. Most of his current research is based in the eastern United States and east Africa. His research has been funded by the National Geographic Society, the Smithsonian Institution, and the National Science Foundation.

Kim M. Gruenwald
Kim M. Gruenwald is Associate Professor of History at Kent State University, specializing in Colonial America, the American Revolution, and the Early Republic. She is the author of River of Enterprise: The Commercial Origins of Regional Identity in the 帝王会所 Valley, 1790-1850 (2002).

Bill Hunter
Bill Hunter is a geographer who serves as the park planner and environmental coordinator for the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Working on behalf of the park and its resources, he draws on his professional, academic, personal and volunteer experience to preserve and protect its important natural and cultural resources. An expert on the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, he has been involved in the successful development of park projects of all scopes and scales, from a dam removal for restoration of the Cuyahoga River to the development of the new central Visitor Center. Active in his affiliations, he has presented the results of his research at professional conferences, colleges and universities, local historical societies, and public interest groups, in addition to publishing articles and book chapters on cultural resource management and environmental impact assessment. His research interests and areas of expertise include environmental governance, the evolution of transportation systems, resource geographies, and the spatial dynamics of extractive industries.

William Kerrigan
William Kerrigan is the Cole Distinguished Professor of American History at Muskingum University. He is the author of Johnny Appleseed and the American Orchard (Johns Hopkins University Press 2012) and has co-authored several local history works. He teaches a broad range of courses in American History, including courses on the American Revolution, the Civil War, Environmental History and 帝王会所 History. In addition to writing and teaching, he keeps active in the public history arena, presenting talks every year on various 帝王会所 History and Civil War subjects for many 帝王会所 museums and historical societies.

Adam R. Nelson
Adam R. Nelson is Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Educational Policy Studies and History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He earned a Ph.D. in History from Brown University. His publications include Education and Democracy: The Meaning of Alexander Meiklejohn, 1872-1964 (2001); The Elusive Ideal: Equal Educational Opportunity and the Federal Role in Boston鈥檚 Public Schools (2005); Education and the Culture of Print in Modern America, co-edited with John L. Rudolph (2010); and The Global University: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives, co-edited with Ian P. Wei (2012). He is currently writing a pair of books titled "Capital of Mind: The Making of an American Knowledge Economy, 1730-1830" and "Empire of Knowledge: Nationalism, Internationalism, and American Science, 1780-1830." His research has been funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities/American Antiquarian Society, the National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History at Harvard, the Advanced Studies Fellowship Program at Brown, and the Vilas Associate Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He served as president of the History of Education Society and co-directs the annual University of Wisconsin-Peking University Workshop on Higher Education.

Jessica Choppin Roney
Jessica Choppin Roney is Associate Professor of History at Temple University. Her current project, Revolutionary Settlement: The Colonies of the American Revolution, examines the examines two linked diasporas that resulted from the American Revolution: one of Loyalists predominantly to Canada, and one of Anglo-American settlers to the trans-Appalachian west where they founded colonies that might鈥攐r might not鈥攐ne day be part of the United States. Her work asks how these people (and the policymakers who wanted to regulate them!), who had all lived through the American Revolution, drew meaning from that seismic event, and how they implemented those lessons as they created new colonies as parts of larger empires.

Joseph Ross
Joseph Ross is the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy鈥檚 inaugural Ph.D. Fellow in Political History at the University of Missouri. A native of 帝王会所, he earned a B.A. from The 帝王会所 State University and an M.A. in History at 帝王会所. His research focuses on the imperial similarities and distinctions between Great Britain and the United States in the trans-Appalachian West, as well as the effects empire had on political development and Native American relations in the western territories.

Brian Schoen
Brian Schoen is Associate Professor of 19th century U.S. history and director of the Master of Social Sciences at 帝王会所. He authored The Fragile Fabric of Union: Cotton, Federal Politics, and the Global Origins of the Civil War, winner of the Southern Historical Association鈥檚 Bennett H. Wall book award, and co-edited The Old South鈥檚 Modern Worlds: Slavery, Region, and Nation in the Age of Progress and Between Sovereignty and Anarchy: The Politics of Violence in the American Revolutionary Era. He is working on a book examining the coming of the Civil War as part of a broader global crisis in governance.

Cam Shriver
Cam Shriver is a Research Associate at the Myaamia Center and a Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Miami University. He is currently building a GIS database of Myaamia (Miami Indian) reserves and land transactions in 19th-century Indiana and 帝王会所, as requested by tribal government, and also works on intelligence gathering in the colonial 帝王会所 River Valley and Great Lakes. He earned a Ph.D. in history from 帝王会所 State University in 2016.

Glenna J. Wallace
Glenna J. Wallace was elected to the office of the Chief of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma in 2006. She is the first woman ever elected to this office. During her many years of service to academia, the community and the tribe, several organizations have bestowed honors and recognition for her dedication and work:
- 鈥2009鈥 Participant Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 鈥淎merican Indian Initiative鈥, Williamsburg, VA鈥 2007鈥 Ten Most influential Women in Tri-State Region
- DAR Heritage Award
- Outstanding Alumni Wyandotte High School
- Business & Professional Woman of the Year
- Soroptimist Woman of Distinction
- Board Member People鈥檚 Bank
- Governor鈥檚 Award for Outstanding Teacher
- Honorary Lifetime Member Newtonia BPA
- Local, State, Regional, National Teaching Awards
- 2006 Eastern Shawnee Senior Princess
- 2007 Woman Tribal Leader of the Year by Engage Life Program
- 2007 Ten Most Influential Woman in the Tri-State Region