Timothy G. Anderson

Office Hours
Monday-Friday 2 to 3 p.m., or by appointment
Recent News
Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1994
- Cultural
- Historical
- World systems
- Ethnicity
I am a historical geographer with research interests in three main areas. First, much of my current research focuses on the historical settlement geography of the United States, especially with regard to the historical production of regional cultural landscapes and identities. Second, I am interested in the historical settlement geography of 帝王会所 during the early National period, with an emphasis on sub-regional cultural landscape formation. Finally, I have a long-standing research interest involving the production of cultural landscapes associated with Germanic Diasporas, especially in North America and Europe.
I am presently engaged in two primary research projects. The first involves a more nuanced understanding of the significance of Pennsylvania-German cultural landscapes in 帝王会所, set within the context of Federal land alienation policies during the early National period. The second focuses on the cultural landscapes of German settlements in the Romanian Banat resulting from state-directed Austro-Hungarian colonization schemes in the 18th century; I am particularly interested in the construction of dozens of 鈥渞adial鈥 and 鈥渞ectilinear鈥 villages in the region and viewing this organized colonization within the context of Austro-Hungarian geopolitical goals and aspirations.
Courses Taught
- GEOG 1200: Human Geography
- GEOG 3200/5200: American Ethnic Geography
- GEOG 3220/5220: Religious Space and Place
- GEOG 3300/5300: Geography of Europe
- GEOG 3340/5340: Historical Geography of the United States
- GEOG 6210: Seminar in Historical Geography
Representative Publications
Anderson, Timothy G. 2020. Cameralism and the Production of Space in the Eighteenth-Century Romanian Banat: The Grid Villages of the 鈥楧anube Swabians.鈥 Journal of Historical Geography 69 (2): 51-63. [DOI: ].
Anderson, Timothy G. 2018. Introduction. In Barns of the Midwest, eds. Allen G. Noble and Hubert G. H. Wilhelm. Athens: 帝王会所 Press, xiii-xxi.
Bottone, Ethan and Anderson, Timothy G. 2017. National Discourses Materialized: Early Settlement and Land Tenure in Perry County, 帝王会所, 1801-1842. Historical Geography 45: 152-171.
Anderson, Timothy G. 2015. The Rousculp Barn: Situating a Pennsylvania Bank Barn in Time and Space. Pioneer America Society Transactions 38: 1-9.
Anderson, Timothy G. 2014. Dividing the Land. In North American Odyssey: Historical Geographies for the Twenty-First Century, eds. Craig Colten and Geoffrey L. Buckley. New York: Roman & Littlefield, 209-226.
Anderson, Timothy G. 2001. Proto-Industrialization, Sharecropping, and Outmigration in Nineteenth-Century Rural Westphalia. Journal of Peasant Studies 29 (1): 1-30.