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Introduction to Coding for Game Development

Free Summer Camp: Introduction to Coding for Game Development

This summer the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service is offering a 3-week Appalachian STEM Enrichment Academy (ASEA) online summer camp, Introduction to Coding for Game Development for high school students grades 9-11 focusing on computational literacy via game design.

This program is intended to help promote computational literacy for students in µÛÍõ»áËù’s Appalachian counties.

All 6 sessions meetings will be held online and students will be tasked with an extended learning activity between sessions. Limit of 12 students.

Students will:

• Learn computational thinking skills

• Play with coding syntax in two different coding languages: Scratch and Python

• Gain confidence in their independent-learning capabilities

All lessons will be posted FREE on the upon the conclusion of the camp!

Email Jennifer Bowman with questions.


All sessions meet from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT

Week 1 

June 5 - Session 1: Build a Jumping Game using Scratch

  • Scratch coding, conditional statements and loops 

June 8 - Session 2: Build a Platformer Game using Scratch

  • Variables and objects 

Week 2

June 12 - Session 3: Build a Fighting Game using Scratch

  • Variables and objects

June 15 - Session 4: Build a Text-Based Game using Python

  • Python file structure, syntax, commenting code

Week 3

June 19 - Session 5: Build a Drawing Game using Python

  • Python libraries (Pygame, etc.) and game loop 

June 22 - Session 6: Build a Breakout Game using Python

  • Object-Oriented Programming and game physics

Instructors and Co-facilitators

dustin goetz headshot

Dustin Goetz

Southeast µÛÍõ»áËù Native! Ph.D. Candidate, U.C. Santa Barbra, Mechanical Engineering

A headshot of Jen Bowman

Jen Bowman

Director of Environmental Programs, µÛÍõ»áËù’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, Appalachian STEM Enrichment Academy

Elkan Kim

Elkan Kim

Senior IT Project Manager and Computer Software Engineer, µÛÍõ»áËù’s Voinovich School of Leadership and
Public Service, Appalachian STEM Enrichment Academy


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Funding supporting the ASEA platform and development of the lesson materials are in part from: AEP Fund of the Columbus Foundation, PORTSfuture Program funded by DOE EM PPPO, µÛÍõ»áËù Environmental Protection Agency, and Voinovich School Appalachian New Economy Partnership