MSES Curriculum
The curriculum for the Master of Science in Environmental Studies (MSES) is designed to help you develop a high level of professional expertise and education in the interdisciplinary environmental discipline. In order to account for diverse student interests, the program of study allows flexibility to tailor a degree to the student’s interests. Additionally, we offer three formats for a final research project to complete your degree: thesis, leadership practicum, or mentored writing capstone.
The culminating experience for MSES students is a thesis, mentored writing capstone, or a leadership practicum that is orally defended before a three-person faculty committee (plus a partner representative for the leadership practicum). To receive a master’s degree in environmental studies, you must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours. Always consult with your MSES advisor and committee chair regarding course selection and requirements.
Students must complete all core courses, one research methods course and four electives approved in consultation with an advisor. At least one of these electives is required to be an Environmental Studies listed elective. Students choose to complete either a leadership practicum, a thesis, or a mentored writing capstone.
Core Courses (13 Credits)
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours |
ES 6815 | Sustainable Communities | 3 credits |
ES 5620 | Environmental Science and Public Policy | 3 credits |
ES 6820 | Ecology and Environmental Issues | 3 credits |
ES 6810 | Environment and Society | 3 credits |
ES 6580 | Colloquium | 1 credit |
Electives (12-15 Credits)
Complete four electives, one of which must be an Environmental Studies listed elective.
Research Methods (1-4 Credits)
Complete one of the following courses. You may petition to receive credit for methods courses from these or other departments:
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours |
PBIO 5150 | Statistical Methods in Plant Bio | 4 credits |
EDRE 5010 | Introduction to Research Methods | 4 credits |
GEOG 5710 | Quantitative Methods in Geography | 4 credits |
GEOG 5711 | Qualitative Methods in Geography | 4 credits |
GEOG 5712 | Field Methods in Geography | 4 credits |
MATH 5510 | Applied Statistics | 3 credits |
PSY 6111 | Advanced Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (must be taken with PSY 6100) | 3 credits |
PSY 6100 | Data Management (must be taken with PSY 6111) | 1 credit |
SOC 6540 | Social Research Methods | 3 credits |
POLS 6010 | Quantitative Research Methods | 3 credits |
MPA 6010 | Research Methods in Leadership and Public Affairs | 3 credits |
MPA 6020 | Quantitative Research Methods in Public Administration | 3 credits |
MPA 6030 | Qualitative Research Methods in Public Administration | 3 credits |
Research or Thesis Credits
Complete a minimum of one credit hour of the following:
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours |
ES 6950 | Environmental Studies Thesis | 1 - 8 credits |
ES 6940 | Environmental Studies Research | 1 - 5 credits |
The thesis option involves conducting original research under the guidance of a faculty member. This includes collection of original data that addresses significant research questions. You will analyze and interpret your data and present it in writing in the format required by µÛÍõ»áËù. Results will be presented in front of a committee of three interdisciplinary faculty members.
Leadership Practicum
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours |
ES 6920 | Environmental Studies Practicum | 1 - 12 credits |
The MSES program offers a Leadership Practicum for students who want to pursue research through a learning-by-doing partnership with a public or private organization. Students choosing the Leadership Practicum work in the field to explore and solve problems in collaboration with an agency or organization involved in environmental leadership across a wide variety of disciplines. In consultation with your external partner and interdisciplinary three-person faculty committee, you produce tailored Leadership Practicum products that capture your work and your findings. Leadership Practicums have covered a broad range of subjects reflecting the diversity of students' backgrounds and interests.
- Example of recent practicum partners have included:
- Land Conservancy NGO
- City government
- Solar energy manufacturing company
- Rural sustainability and environmental education NGO
- Primary school district
- International organization
- Science research center