


Students are here to reframe their identities through new experiences and explore the possibilities of what they can do and who they can become.


  • 4,000 peer-led community builders and learning engagements for students living in the residence halls
  • 2,800+ first-year students completed interest survey to connect them with up to five student organizations on an individual basis
  • 100+ weekly student programs and 50+ annual arts and entertainment events


  • 550+ active student organizations engaging 27,000+ students, alumni, and staff
  • 12% of undergraduate population engaged in Sorority & Fraternity Life
  • 35 intramural sports leagues gather 10,000 annual participants
  • 32 active club sports engaging 750 participants
  • 25+ how-to-series workshops across interest areas; 28+ singer-songwriter programs that help students develop their craft for writing and music

Safety & Respect

Along the way, our Bobcats build habits and test boundaries. This is an important aspect of their development, and our response and support for them is crucial.

Healthy Lifestyles

  • 450,000 student ID card swipes tallied each year in recreation facilities
  • 25 group fitness classes offered weekly; 30+ outdoor recreation trips offered each semester
  • 2,700+ first-year students complete safety training in alcohol, sexual consent and assault, and bystander intervention
  • Student life communications channels address health and safety weekly through actionable education and resource-centered content


  • 13,200+ individual meetings between residents and their resident advisors — an average of two per student per semester
  • Dozens of participants in community-based addition recovery support
  • Students who violate the code of conduct are engaged in community standards process that explores their actions, holds them accountable, and urges them to make different choices in the future

Student and Parent Communication

Keeping Bobcats Informed is a weekly student newsletter produced by Student Affairs, containing relevant, timely, and actionable content regarding student life, well-being, resources, and safety.

The newsletter is modified and distributed to four diverse audiences according to their needs: on-campus residents, Athens Campus students, Regional Campus students, and parents and families.

parents subscribers
parent open rate
parent click rate
student open rate
student click rate