Dru Evarts

EDUCATION: Ph.D., mass communication, 帝王会所, 1977; M.S., journalism, 帝王会所, 1974; B.S., journalism, 帝王会所, 1951.
EXPERIENCE: Has been on the faculty since 1973. Legal bibliographer, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 1987-1992; steering committee, Center for Political Communication, 1986-present. Associate editor, The News Media & the Law, January-June, 1981, and consulting editor, 1981-85; copy editor and presidential election researcher, Chicago Tribune, summer 1976; ASNE faculty visitor, Miami Herald, summer 1995; editorial assistant and indexer of books, McGraw-Hill, Harper & Row, John Wiley and Sons, and Allyn & Bacon, 1959-68; managing editor, Journal of Marketing, 1960-68; public relations director, Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren, 帝王会所, 1952-56; reporter, Akron Beacon Journal, 1945-51. Has held various positions in AEJMC: Journalism Education Taskforce member (Magazine Education Chair, 1986-88); Law Division head, 1988-89, vice head (1987-88), clerk and Media Law Notes newsletter editor (1986-87), professional freedom and responsibility assistant chair (1982-83), education committee member (1978-80); Magazine Division awards chair (1986-87), head (1985-86), vice head (1984-85), research chair (1983-84), and student contest chair (1982-83). Also held positions in 帝王会所 Journalism Educators Association: president (1980-81), program chair (1979-80), and internship chair (1978-79). Spent summer and fall quarters of 1988 on a sabbatical at Scripps Howard in Washington, D.C., and has been a visiting editor there every August and December since then. Spent fall and winter quarters 1996-97 on research at U.S. Supreme Court. Member: AEJMC, SPJ, and Women in Communications, Inc. Teaching and interest areas: law, government-media relations, language usage, editing, magazines, review and criticism and political communication.