Coal to Graphene(C2G) Process
This invention is enabled by a patent pending technology, the “Coal to Graphene” Process, or C2G process, invented by Dr. Gerardine Botte, at (OHIO). With this proposed technology breakthrough, coal can be selectively manipulated to synthesize a clean, advanced, and high value material, through an energy efficient and clean process. The inventor has been working on the development of the C2G process for several years whereby graphene can be grown directly on substrates, transferred onto other substrates, or scraped from the substrates according to the final application. CEER’s “graphene syrup” is produced by a simple process that utilizes coal at a cost of $0.019 per lb. Current methods for graphene synthesis utilize graphite at a cost of $1.5 per lb. When compared to current technologies, CEER’s “graphene syrup” allows a cost reduction of over 700% in the feedstock source used, which in return will create a significant advantage for the manufacturing of advanced graphene based materials. High temperatures and/or vacuum conditions are not required in the process.

Tech ID: 14008
(France, Germany, United Kingdom)
Gerardine (Gerri) Botte, Ph.D. Russ Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Director, Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research, Center for Electrochemical Processes and Technology (CEProTECH)
Santosh Vijapur