

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides a guide to procedures for research administration. This area is currently under construction.

AIdentification of Funding Opportunities
A01How to Use PIVOT
A02Internal Funding
A03Distribute Funding Opportunity Information
A04Sponsored Project Activity Types
A05Eligibility - Institutional and Principal Investigator
A06Gift vs. Sponsored Award
A07Limited Submissions
A08Confirm That Proposal Is In-Line with Departmental and Institutional Mission
A09Proposal Writing Schedule Checklist
A11Departmental Research
BProposal Preparation and Submission
B01Intent to Submit
B03Guideline Interpretation
B04Technology Transfer
B05Budget Preparation
B05.01Budget - Salaries and Wages
B05.02Budget - Compensation - Fringe Benefits
B05.03Budget - Equipment and Other Capital Expenditures
B05.04Budget - Indirect Costs
B05.05Budget - Maintenance and Repair Costs
B05.06Budget - Materials and Supplies Costs, Including Costs of Computing Devices
B05.07Budget - Memberships, Subscriptions, and Professional Activity Costs
B05.08Budget - Participant Support Costs
B05.09Budget - Pre-award costs
B05.10Budget - Subrecipient Costs
B05.11Budget - Professional Service Costs
B05.12Budget - Scholarships and student aid costs
B05.13Budget - Specialized service facilities
B05.14Budget - Training and education costs
B05.15Budget - Transportation costs
B05.16Budget - Travel costs
B05.17Budget - Direct Charge Administrative and Clerical Costs
B05.18Budget - Human Subjects Payments
B05.19Budget - Student Compensation
B06Cost Sharing or Matching
B07Research Incentive (RI) Distribution
B08Space - Coordinate, assign and approve requests
B09Identify Research Compliance Issues (IRB, IACUC, COI, etc.)
B10Verify Research Compliance adherence
B11Fixed Price Agreements
B14Proposal Preparation
B14.01Proposal - Prepare technical proposal
B14.02Proposal - Secure Provost and/or VPFA signature on other attachments as specified in the proposal guidelines
B14.03Proposal - Proposal Submission Deadlines
B14.04Proposal - Technology Transfer
B14.05Proposal - Review proposal packet for completeness and accuracy prior to routing for internal approvals
B14.06Proposal - Proposal Review and Approval Routing
B14.07Proposal - Signature Authority
B15Reporting Other Support
C01Review and Negotiate Sponsored Agreements
C02Maintain proposal pending files and database
C03Departmental Guarantee Memorandum (DGM)
C04Prepare sponsor required just-in-time documents
DRegulatory Environment
D01Human Subjects Research/IRB
D02Animal Subjects Research/IACUC
D03Conflict of Interest (COI)
D04Representations and Certifications
D05Biannual Compliance Notifications
D06Responsible Conduct of Research
D07CITI Training
D08Facility Security
D10Research Data Management, Sharing, and Security
D10.01Export Control
D10.02Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
D10.03Research Data Management Plan
D10.04Research Data Sharing Plans
D11Subaward Monitoring and Management
D12Suspension and Debarment
EAward Negotiation, Acceptance, and Account Establishment
E01Award - Acceptance and Negotiation
E02Award - Special Terms and Conditions
E03Award - Agree to terms and conditions regarding performance clauses
E04Request PTA Account Setup
E05Establish PTA account in oracle
E06Award - Send copy of Award Letter (i.e. Notice of Award) to PI and appropriate unit support (e.g. Business Unit Manager or CFAO) from Leo
E07Research Incentive (RI) Distribution - New Account
E08Provide documentation of certifications of approvals to sponsors
E09Sponsored Project Agreement Types
E11Approve and or negotiate exceptional contract terms and conditions outside of standard practice
E12Award - Budget revision and change of scope due to funding reduction from proposal to Award (document for cost share implications)
F01Internal Audit
F02External Audit
GManaging the Award - Financial
G01Award Management
G02Service Agreements
G03Clinical & Translational Research Unit (CTRU)
HManaging the Award - Non-Financial
H01Conduct the sponsored project and provide overall oversight on all research activities
H02Reconcile expenditures to budget/revenue monthly
H03Personnel - Assign research personnel for the project
H04Personnel - Hire research personnel
H05Progress/Technical Reports
H06Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)
H07Provide oversight on the implementation of University, state and federal policies and regulations
H08Project changes requiring prior approval and expanded authority from the sponsor
IFinancial Reporting
I01Provide information for and prepare financial reports
I02Review and analyze financial reports to external sponsors
I03Provide interim financial reports to the sponsor
JClosing Out the Award
J01Cost Share - Document costs sharing funds as required
J02Investigator Separation
J03Equipment disposition and/or transfer
J04Transfer residuals from fixed-price agreements
J05Closeout Checklist
J06Reports - Notify PI of the need for completion of final technical report
J07Reports - Prepare and submit final technical report to sponsor
J08Reports - Prepare and submit financial report and final invoice as required to sponsor
J09Inactivate grant account
J10File appropriate closeout documentation
KAdministrative Transactions
K01Budget Revision
K02Key Personnel Changes
K03Research Incentive (RI) Distribution - Distribution Change
K04Organizational Code Change
K05No Cost Extension
K06Stop Work Order