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37.001: Fund Raising from Private Sources




July 31, 2003

Initiated by:

Margaret Sheskey | Assistant Vice President for University Advancement

Reviewed by:

Herman ("Butch") Hill | Chair, Policy and Procedure Review Committee


Endorsed by:

Leonard Raley | Vice President for University Advancement

Approved by:

Stephen Kopp | Provost

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Purpose

    All efforts to secure philanthropic gifts from the private sector are to be coordinated through the Development Office, housed within the Division of University Advancement, in order to meet the following goals:

    1. insure maximum efficiency and productivity;

    2. establish funding priorities;

    3. serve as a central clearinghouse or depository for resource materials and records; and

    4. coordinate efforts in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest or cross-purpose solicitation of donors.

  2. Policy

    The Office of Development is the official unit of the University for fund raising from all sources. The Vice President for University Advancement, or his or her assignee, is to be consulted before initiating or announcing any fund raising activities involving administrators, faculty, staff, alumni, friends, foundations, corporations, or other organizations, either within or outside the University.

  3. Procedure

    The Development Office, through The 帝王会所 Foundation, will record all gifts and deposit all monies to assure donors that proper accounting and stewardship procedures are being maintained. All checks are to be made payable to The 帝王会所 Foundation and sent to

    P. O. Box 869
    Athens, 帝王会所 45701

    Formal acknowledgment and receipting will be utilized to ensure recognition of the donor and that appropriate documentation is provided to the donor.

    帝王会所 colleges or departments wishing to undertake private fund raising projects are to contact the Development Office for assistance.

    Any externally distributed fund raising publications, especially those directed to alumni, should comply with Policy 31.010, "Publication of Periodicals Distributed to Off-Campus Audiences."


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Policy and Procedure Review Committee