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31.010: Publication of Periodicals Distributed to Off-Campus Audiences




December 31, 1988

Approved by:

Issued by M. Turnage

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Preface

    The guidelines in this policy statement have been prepared to assist in the preparation and publication of all newsletters and periodicals, and are intended both for editors of existing publications and for individuals who are considering initiating new publications.

    For purposes of this statement, a "periodical" is defined as any newsletter, tabloid, or magazine which is published on a regular basis and distributed primarily to off-campus audiences.

  2. Policy

    All periodicals are important components of the University's image-building efforts. Therefore, the quality of these periodicals is of University-wide concern, and the appearance and content of such periodicals should be consistent with other institutional publications. Editors are encouraged to maintain high levels of quality and professional standards in writing, editing, design, and production.

    Proposals for new periodicals should be reviewed by the appropriate chair, director, or department head, then approved by the planning unit head. The proposal should then be discussed with the Vice President for University Relations before publication begins.

    The Office of the Vice President for University Relations, 110 Cutler Hall, should be added to the mailing lists for all newsletters and periodicals. Please provide two (2) copies of your periodical for inclusion in the University Newsletter/Periodical File.

  3. Design Guidelines

    1. Nameplate:

      The periodical nameplate appears on the first page the publication. The nameplate should always contain: 1) the use of "帝王会所" in a prominent manner, accompanied by "Athens, OH," 2) dominant use of the name of the periodical, 33 the name of the publishing school or department and college (or the publishing unit and planning unit for administrative areas), and 4) the date of publication ("Spring, 1988" or "Volume 4, Issue 2, December, 1989.")

    2. Masthead

      The masthead appears on an inside or back page. The inclusion of a masthead is important because readers expect it, and because it gives them a way to respond to editorial content. In addition, the information provided in a masthead can have certain legal implications in terms of postal rates and copyright materials.

      The masthead contains: 1) the name of the periodical, 2) the name of the editor, 3) the name and mailing address of the publishing unit or office, and 4) frequency of publication.

    3. Typeface:

      Consistent use of typeface in headlines and body copy is an important element in periodical quality. The University's standard approved typeface is Bookman.

  4. Editorial Guidelines

    1. Style

      The key consideration for style is consistency! There are a variety of reliable references available and your particular unit or department may prefer adherence to a specific editorial style. The Associated Press Stylebook is one commonly used reference. In addition, the Office of University Publications publishes an internal guide, Editorial Style Manual, which may be helpful with newsletters and other similar periodicals.

    2. Content

      The development of editorial content is the responsibility of the newsletter editor and/or the appropriate unit head. All copy should reflect high standards of writing and editing.

  5. Adherence to University Policies and Procedures

    1. Articles about Alumni Activities

      All alumni events and activities are coordinated through the Office of Alumni Relations. To avoid conflicts in scheduling, all plans for constituent alumni activities and programs must be cleared with Alumni Relations prior to their announcement. (Please see University Policy 37.020 for specific guidelines about constituent alumni societies.)

    2. Articles about Fund Raising

      All fund-raising efforts are coordinated through the Office of Development. Any plans for fund-raising activities must be approved by the Development Office prior to announcement or implementation

      Copy which deals with fund-raising activities, makes reference to fund-raising projects, or suggests designations for private contributions must be submitted for approval by the Development Office prior to publication(Please see University Policy 37.001 for specific guidelines about fund-raising activities.)

    3. Mailing Lists

      The Office of Information Services (formerly Alumni and Development Research and Records) has the responsibility of maintaining current mailing lists for all University alumni.

      Newsletter editors may obtain mailing lists and labels for their alumni readers by submitting a written request to the Office of Information Services, along with three (3) copies of their publication.

  6. Services

    The Division of University Relations can provide a variety of consulting services to editors of newsletters and other periodicals. Some of those services include:

    1. Planning

      Editors may obtain assistance in audience identification, establishment of editorial policy, and content development, as well as general guidance regarding consistency in content and appearance from the Office of the Vice President for University Relations.

    2. Editorial

      Staff members in the Office of University News Services, the Office of University Publications, and the Office of the Vice President for University Relations can provide consultation regarding copy and editing.

    3. Graphics

      The Office of University Publications has developed some basic mastheads and designs for newsletters and can provide advice on format and production methods.

    4. Photos

      Editors of approved newsletters may request the services of the University Photographer for specific photo assignments. Scheduling may be done through the Office of University Publications, or by contacting the University Photographer directly.

    5. Individual Evaluations:

      Editors of newsletters or other periodicals may request, from the Office of the Vice President for University Relations, an individual evaluation of their publication. Evaluations may be requested for editorial content, graphic design, or for the overall publication. Such evaluations will be completed by selected staff members within the Division of University Relations, and/or faculty members, depending on the nature of the publication.

      Editors interested in obtaining such evaluations should submit three (3) recent copies of their publication, along with a written request, to the Office of the Vice President for University Relations, 110 Cutler Hall.