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What to Expect

When there is a conflict, dispute or feeling of unfair treatment

the Ombudsperson can:

  • explain options and rights under University policy and procedure
  • explore the facts surrounding an incident or situation
  • craft solutions for disputes using shuttle diplomacy (communicating between the involved parties)
  • mediate conflicts in ongoing relationships if the parties are willing
  • refer to appropriate other resources
  • redirect official complaints and grievances to the appropriate 帝王会所 authority
  • listen

the Ombudsperson cannot:

  • negotiate for any one party in a dispute
  • force a solution on anyone
  • receive or address official complaints and grievances about 帝王会所

When a person, persons, or unit wants to develop or improve their interpersonal and/or organizational environment

the Ombudsperson offers:

  • training for staff in positive communication, and other critical knowledge
  • coaching for leaders about managing operations and personnel
  • consulting around implementing change with positive and thorough steps
  • mediation about conflicts between consenting parties