
TeamDynamix ticketing internal launch in progress

July 14, 2021

This article was originally published in the July 14, 2021 IT Weekly.

Monday marked the start of the TeamDynamix ticketing internal launch. The new ticketing system and Technology Help Center will be announced to campus starting Thursday, July 15. Here are some key details to know for the next two weeks: 

New email address: Emails from TeamDynamix will soon come from techhelp@ohio.edu instead of support@ohio.edu. We recently learned that the vendor will soon no longer require every ticketing application to use the same email address, and we are taking advantage of this to provide more consistent branding with the Technology Help Center. 

Manual ticket migration: The movement of tickets from Footprints 12 to TeamDynamix will begin on Monday, July 19. Please prioritize work on tickets that can be resolved prior to July 23 and be prepared to move any remaining tickets from Footprints 12 to TeamDynamix. are available for ticket agents to communicate with customers about tickets that will be moved next week. 

TDX quick tips: Make sure to check out the quick tips being posted in the OIT and OHIO IT general channels and OHIO IT TDX channel on Teams. Topics so far have included adding the TDX app to Teams and how to avoid accidentally emailing private comments to customers. A growing list of FAQs is also now available on the training website. 

Reporting training: Three reporting training sessions are now available to managers or their delegates, and they will be recorded for those who cannot attend. The training will focus on reporting and dashboard capabilities rather than how to build specific reports. Please submit any questions in advance to make sure we allow time to address them. Meeting invites will be sent for the following times; each session will cover the same topics: 

  • Tuesday, July 20         1-2 p.m.
  • Thursday, July 22        4-5 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, July 28    1-2 p.m.