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Friends of India Endowment

About the Friends of India Endowment

History and Origin

In 1986, Dr. Rajindar Koshal, Dr. Atmaram Gawande, and Dr. William Harlan and Athens community members founded the Friends of India Endowment to develop a better understanding of India and the United States. 


To achieve our objective of creating a better understanding between the United States and India the Friends of India Endowment undertakes many activities including:

  • Awarding travel funding for study or research pertinent to South Asia
  • Hosting the annual Indo-American Friendship Day Dinner
  • Providing funds to schools and libraries for materials to enhance learning about India
  • Sponsoring scholars and artists to speak or perform locally to enhance the understanding of South Asia, with focus on India
  • Promoting Hindi language courses at OHIO
  • Hosting free Indian movies at the Athena Cinema

Upcoming Friends of India Events

Wednesday, April 16 6:00 PM Heritage Hall

Check out Calendar Archive of Upcoming and Past Friends of India Events

Explore past Friends of India Events on the OHIO Calendar Archive or enjoy photos, below. 


Board of Trustees

Bela Bhatt-Koshal, bhatt-ko@ohio.edu

Brian Collins, collinb1@ohio.edu

Andrew Holzaepfel, holzaepa@ohio.edu

Vipin Koshal (Secretary), koshalv@ohio.edu 

Maria Modayil (Chair), modayil@ohio.edu

Anirudh Ruhil, ruhil@ohio.edu

Manisha Sinha, manishaa@ohio.edu

Yogesh Sinha, sinhay@ohio.edu

Friends of the Board

Rajindar Koshal, koshalr@ohio.edu 

Ashok Gupta, gupta@ohio.edu 

Amish Askri, aa545423@ohio.edu 

Aqeel Ahmad, aa760923@ohio.edu 

Kavita Yadav (Fulbright FLTA- Hindi), ky295624@ohio.edu  

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Support the Endowment

  • Funds donated will help grow the Endowment so that many more Friends of India activities continue for generations to come.