Testing Center
The µÛÍõ»áËù Lancaster Testing Center is dedicated to upholding high standards of test security and academic integrity. All tests are administered under standardized conditions that are efficient, fair, and secure. The Testing Center is monitored at all times.
Schedule a Test or Exam
The Testing Center proctors tests for students with accommodations, faculty-approved make-up exams, high-stakes testing such as nursing entrance exams, and those in online courses taught by faculty on other campuses. The Testing Center also offers placement testing for both college and College Credit Plus students.
All testers are required to schedule appointments at least 24 hours in advance, present a photo ID upon arrival, and complete their exam by closing time. Students are solely responsible for scheduling their appointments appropriately to receive the maximum time available for testing.
Hours of Operation*
Wednesdays | 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Thursday & Fridays | 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed for lunch 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm)
*Note: Hours subject to change without notice and are contingent on need and availability. Please contact Chris Bailey, baileyc2@ohio.edu for more details.
Instructors can also submit exams to the testing center through the Professor Portal.
Chris Bailey
Administrative Services Associate
Lancaster Testing Center (lancastertestingcenter@ohio.edu)
µÛÍõ»áËù Lancaster
1570 Granville Pike
Lancaster, OHÂ 43130
Phone: 740.681.3362 | Fax: 740.681.3398
³¢´Ç³¦²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô: Room 443 (2nd Floor of Library) | Brasee Hall
(Revised 2.10.25)