Cats’ Cupboard

Hours of Operation: 8 am to 5 pm, Monday - Friday
Location: Brasee Hall, First Floor, Left of Elevator
Today’s student faces increased costs of higher education while federal grants and loans continue to shrink. A percentage of our students are food insecure or one emergency away from dropping out of school because of their inability to pay their bills. These challenges can negatively impact the success of students impacting their class attendance, GPA, and overall sense of well-being.
National Statistics on Student Food Insecurity
- 48% of all respondents reported food insecurity in the previous 30 days.
- 22% of all respondents are qualified as hungry.
- 25% of all respondents who identified as having low food security attended regional colleges.
- 56% of 1st generation students were food insecure.
- 32% of food insecure students in the study believed that hunger or housing issues impacted their education.
- 61% of food insecure students reported that their household had utilized at least one existing aid service in the past 12 months.
Study Demographics: 3,765 students in 12 states attending 8 regional colleges and 26 4-year institutions.
The Bobcat’s Care Cupboard is a valued resource for OHIO Lancaster students. We welcome donations of canned goods, quick grab and go snacks and other food items.
Before making a donation, please consider the following:
* Check the expiration dates and packaging. Expired or damaged items cannot be used.
* All items must be in their original packaging. Please refrain from donating items that have been opened or previously used.
* Donations can be left in the decorated box located directly above the shelving units.
Suggested Items
Food Pantry
- Coffee K-cups (pods) and Coffee Creamer
- Hot Chocolate K-cups (pods)
- Protein, Granola and Cereal Bars
- Flavored Rice and Noodle Pouches
- Canned Meats (such as chicken, tuna, Vienna sausages)
- Ramen Noodles (in packages and cups)
- Canned Fruits, Vegetables, and Beans
- Cheese or Peanut Butter Cracker Combo Packs
- Pudding, Jello, Fruit, and Applesauce Cups
- Microwaveable Popcorn
- Peanuts and Nuts (in single-serve packages)
- Microwaveable Meals (such as ravioli, Spaghettio's, beef stew, pop-top soups, mac & cheese)
- Meat Sticks/Jerky (in single-serve packages)
- Peanut Butter
- Breakfast Items (such as oatmeal packets/bowls, poptarts, cereal bowls)
- Beverages (such as on-the-go drink mixes, juice boxes, sports beverages, shelf stable milk or milk products (almond milk, soy milk, etc.))
Hygiene Products
- Period products
- Soap
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Floss
- Mouthwash
- School Supplies
- Notebooks
- Construction Paper
- Poster Board
- Markers
- Pens/Pencils
- Index Cards
- Highlighter
*When purchasing canned goods, please consider purchasing items that can be easily opened as most students do not have access to can openers.