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Housing and Culinary Services Contract 2025-26

This Housing and Culinary Services Contract (“Contract”) is between you (“you” or “Resident”) and , for the benefit of its Department of Housing and Residence Life (“,” “University” or “Housing and Residence Life”). The terms and conditions herein outline Գ’s responsibilities, and those of . may unilaterally amend this Contract from time to time upon reasonable notice to Resident. Further, this Contract can be terminated only as provided herein.

has a two-year residence requirement. Students under the age of 21, who have completed less than four academic semesters (excluding summer semesters) prior to the start of the semester in which they enroll, must reside in housing owned by (“Campus Housing”), unless an exemption to the housing requirement has been granted. Such students must also participate in the associated meal plan. College credits earned by a student while attending high school (College Credit Plus, Advance Placement, Senior to Sophomore, Senate Bill 140, etc.) which advances a student academically, will not be considered toward housing exemption eligibility. Transfer and re-enrolling students' post high school education history will be subject to verification. Failure to comply with the housing requirement may result in the denial or cancellation of a student’s course registration.

Further, Housing and Residence Life may, as needed by the University, arrange with a nearby landlord to make additional housing options available through the University’s room assignment/selection process. Such additional housing options will be considered Campus Housing, and this Contract, along with the Student Housing Handbook and Student Code of Conduct, will remain applicable to any eligible student residing in the additional housing options.

Once Resident receives “Occupancy” of a room in Campus Housing, this Contract becomes legally binding between Resident and for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters), or for summer semester only, as applicable. Resident receives Occupancy of a room in Campus Housing upon receiving a key/key card and having access to the room for one night.

: Guidelines : Termination : Regulations : Room & Board Rates
 Refund Schedule : Re-billing : Infectious Disease Acknowledgement : Quarantine & Isolation Agreement

*Anchored links to other sections of the Contract are for convenience only. Any documents linked in are incorporated herein by reference and are part of the Contract.

Housing Guidelines

Enrollment Requirements and Preference

While in Campus Housing, Resident must be enrolled in and attending at least one credit hour at (any campus or e-learning) in each of the fall and spring semesters. If Resident

ceases to maintain any enrollment, Resident must vacate Campus Housing within 48 hours of no longer being an enrolled student.

Residents enrolled for the summer semester are bound by the same guidelines.

cannot guarantee any preferences regarding room capacity. Additionally, although students may convey a preference regarding their desired green and residence hall, cannot guarantee that any such preferences will be met.

Criminal Convictions

Students may not be permitted to reside in Campus Housing if they have been convicted of or have pled guilty to a felony or misdemeanor offense, including but not limited to; (1) sexual offenses such as assault or rape; (2) any violent crimes; or (3) any crime including a controlled substance.

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Termination of the Contract By Resident

Resident may terminate the Contract if:

  1. Resident is eligible to reside off campus and has never lived in Campus Housing during the current academic year (fall and spring semesters).
  2. Resident officially withdraws from as a student.
  3. Resident graduates from .
  4. Resident will be away from campus to participate in an approved academic curricular program (i.e. internship, abroad experience, co-op, etc.), and has never lived in Campus Housing during the semester for which Resident will be away.

Resident must do the following to terminate the Contract:

  1. Properly submit a Housing Exemption/Termination Request Form, which must then be approved by ; and
  2. Remove all of Գ’s belongings from Գ’s assigned room, return key and check out with a Housing and Residence Life staff member who will complete a housing termination form.

If Resident is eligible to terminate the Contract, see the Residence Hall Room & Board Refund Schedule section below for the refund rules and schedule.

Note: An approved Housing Exemption/Termination Request Form applies only to Room and Board charges and does not cancel charges assessed by other departments and/or class registration. Questions related to cancellation of registration should be referred to the Registrar.

Termination or Suspension of Contract By University

This Contract may be temporarily suspended or permanently terminated by for:

  1. Գ’s violation of law;
  2. Գ’s violation of 44.102 Interim Administrative Policy Regarding Epidemic, Pandemic and Community Health Requirements;
  3. Գ’s violation of the Quarantine or Isolation Agreement;
  4. Գ’s violation of an regulation or policy;
  5. Գ’s violation of a residence hall’s regulation or policy;
  6. Գ’s violation of the Student Housing Handbook;
  7. Գ’s violation of the Student Code of Conduct;
  8. Conduct or existence of such conditions that would reasonably affect the health, safety or welfare of the Resident or another;
  9. Revocation of Գ’s status as a student;
  10. Nonpayment of housing, dining or other charges and fees; or
  11. Գ’s failure to comply with legitimate directives of officials (including Housing and Residence Life staff), law enforcement, or emergency personnel in the performance of their duties including failure to identify one’s self when so requested.

If takes action to terminate the Contract for Գ’s failure to comply with the Contract’s terms and conditions, the Student Housing Handbook, or for Գ’s violation of the Student Code of Conduct or any policy, rule or procedure, Resident will receive a hearing in accordance with . Resident will receive advance written notice of the hearing. If terminates the Contract because Resident did not complete the steps required under the Termination of Contract by Resident section above, Resident is not entitled to a hearing, and will be financially responsible until the Resident vacates Campus Housing.

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Housing Regulations

Housing Accommodations

provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals who have a disability. In the event that Resident has a disability and wishes to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact The Office of Accessibility Services. The Office of Student Accessibility Services will review each request and work with the Resident to determine appropriate reasonable accommodation(s). Requests for a reasonable accommodation should be submitted no later than March 1 for returning students, and early May for new students for fall residency. Accommodations will be utilized to meet Գ’s needs within Campus Housing.

Entry To A Room

reserves the right to enter Գ’s room without Գ’s permission to assess and repair the physical facilities, complete inspections, verify occupancy, adjust temperature controls, maintain safety standards, assess the Գ’s well-being and/or for other reasons as determined necessary by Housing and Residence Life staff. Conditions that necessitate an immediate entry include:

  1. Perceived threat of physical harm and/or danger to any person;
  2. Damage to property, or reasonable danger thereof;
  3. Instruction from the Police Department to immediately enter;
  4. To silence disruptive noise;
  5. To determine if Resident has vacated during a fire alarm or drill;
  6. To determine if a bed is available for occupancy;
  7. When necessary for the health, safety or welfare of Resident or anyone else in the room; and
  8. For other reasons determined necessary by Housing and Residence Life.


  • reserves the right to reassign Resident to accommodations as may be deemed necessary, and to assign Resident to temporary accommodations until permanent accommodations become available.
  • The University reserves the right to consolidate Resident into under-assigned rooms as a matter of fairness and for energy savings as defined in the "Student Room Consolidation Policy" in the Student Housing Handbook.
  • The University reserves the right to require Resident to move to a different room or residence hall for the health or safety of Resident, other residents, or staff temporarily or permanently for the remainder of the academic year.

Use of Residence Hall Rooms

Resident agrees to all of the following:

  1. Rooms in Campus Housing are designed for residential purposes only. Individuals or outside agencies are prohibited from using the rooms, the residence halls, or adjacent grounds for any commercial purposes, unless written permission has been granted from Housing and Residence Life. This includes the distribution of goods or services for which Resident or an outside solicitor receives compensation. Further, each room in Campus Housing is to be used only by the students assigned to that specific room. All other individuals are prohibited from residing in that room.
  2. The use or possession of intoxicating beverages is governed by the laws of the State of and the rules and regulations of .
  3. The use or possession of drugs without proper medical documentation or supervision is prohibited by .
  4. The use or possession of dangerous weapons or materials within the residence halls is strictly prohibited. Dangerous weapons or materials include, but are not limited to: handguns, automatic and semiautomatic firearms, compressed air guns (e.g. CO2 air guns/paintball guns), pellet guns, BB Guns, ballistic or explosive devices, incendiary devices, fireworks, ammunition, knives used for hunting, or any other item that is used to cause or infer harm.
  5. Gambling of any sort is forbidden.
  6. Pets (except for fish) are not permitted. Service animals and assistance animals may be permitted in accordance with the Housing Accommodations section, above.
  7. Tampering with or misuse of fire alarm systems and firefighting equipment is prohibited.
  8. Resident is financially responsible for any additional charges or fees associated with any room changes.
  9. Resident may not remove -owned property from the Գ’s assigned room.
  10. Costs associated with damage to Campus Housing rooms or extra custodial services will be charged to the Residents assigned to the affected room.
  11. Lofts must conform to requirements established by . Home constructed lofts are not permitted. Unapproved personal furnishings that do not meet requirements are prohibited. Loft information may be found under the “Furnishings and Amenities” tab.
  12. Tapestries or other items may not be suspended from the ceiling.
  13. Residents of a residence hall are liable for damage to furnishings and fixtures in common spaces (i.e., bathrooms, lounges, mods).
  14. The use or possession of high wattage electrical appliances (i.e., hot plates, ceiling fans, additional refrigerators, toasters, popcorn poppers, air fryers, etc.) is prohibited. provided combination microwave/refrigerator/freezer units are available in each room.
  15. Tampering with or altering in any way the electrical fixtures and equipment within the residence hall rooms and/or common areas is prohibited.
  16. Candles and incense are prohibited.
  17. For fire safety, the only torchere-style halogen lamps allowed are those conforming to the most current UL standards.
  18. Cooking in non-designated areas is prohibited. Only the reheating of food using the provided microwave is permitted.
  19. Electronic equipment capable of transmitting radio waves of any frequency (i.e., short wave, citizen, or amateur bands), is not allowed without permission from the Chief of the Police Department and the Department of Housing and Residence Life. External radio and television antennae are also prohibited.

More information on student room decorations is defined in Section D policy 42.501.

Conduct of Guests

  • Resident is accountable for the conduct of Գ’s guests at all times, and Resident will be held responsible for any violations of policy committed by Գ’s guests.

Personal Property

  • is not liable for the loss of or damage to any personal property of a Resident or Գ’s guests. Resident should consider renter’s insurance or contact Գ’s parent(s)’ home insurance agent about acquiring separate student coverage.

Additional Fees

  • Resident is required to pay for the type of accommodations in which Resident resides, beginning with Գ’s initial room assignment, and rates that may be adjusted after any room changes or reassignments. Additionally, reserves the right to charge Գ’s guests for overnight accommodations as deemed necessary, at ’s sole discretion.

The Student Housing Handbook

The terms and conditions of the Student Housing Handbook are hereby incorporated herein, and Resident agrees to be bound by the same. Changes to the Student Housing Handbook may be made from time to time. If changes are made, Resident will be notified in writing and the new Student Housing Handbook will go into effect.

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Room & Board Rates

Room and meal plan rates for the current year are listed online. Designated rate tables associated with the OHIO Guarantee cohort can also be found on the Residents’. It is important to note that meal plans cannot be downgraded after the second Friday of classes at 4PM for fall semester and the first Friday of classes at 4PM for spring semester. Resident is required to pay the rate that corresponds with the type of room in which Resident resides. 

If Resident normally lives off-campus, and is granted permission to live in Campus Housing temporarily, Resident is subject to the terms and conditions herein during the period that Resident lives in Campus Housing. In such a case, Գ’s student account will be billed on a pro-rated, daily rate for room and board, beginning when Resident receives a key/key card. The pro-rated billing will end when Resident has removed all of Գ’s belongings from the assigned room, and a Housing and Residence Life staff member has completed a checkout form and returned it to the Housing and Residence Life central office.

Housing Deposit

The Housing Application governs the terms and conditions of the Housing Deposit.

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Residence Hall Room & Board Refund Schedule

As mentioned above, Resident has Occupancy of a room in Campus Housing upon receiving a key/key card and having access to the room for one night. Resident is obligated to pay room and board for both the fall and spring semesters if Resident had Occupancy for fall semester. Resident is obligated to pay room and board only for the spring semester if Resident began Occupancy for spring semester and did not have Occupancy for the immediately preceding fall semester. These conditions are subject to the exceptions below:

Any student who was admitted and registered to attend beginning the fall or spring semester, but who does not check in with residence hall staff, and did not begin their education with , will be processed as a no show and will receive a 100% housing and dining refund (minus the housing deposit) once the student un-enrolls from courses. In such a case, if you have an outstanding balance on your student account, the refund will first be applied to any outstanding balance with .

Fall Semester

A Resident who has Occupancy of a room in Campus Housing for fall semester may be eligible for a refund if:

(1) the Resident submits, and approves a Housing Exemption/Termination Request Form; or

(2) the Resident properly withdraws from during the fall semester

The Resident must check out of their associated residential space by vacating their room and returning their key prior to 10PM on the Saturday of the associated week below. Upon doing so, Resident may be eligible for a pro-rated refund in accordance with the schedule below.

Fall Semester Refund Schedule 

  • 1st week of fall semester 80%
  • 2nd week of fall semester - 60%
  • 3rd week of fall semester - 40%
  • 4th week of fall semester - 20%
  • 5th week of fall semester or after - NO REFUND 

Spring Semester

A fall semester Resident who has an approved Housing Exemption/Termination Request Form or properly withdraws from for spring semester must officially check out with the residence hall staff no later than 10PM on the Sunday prior to the start of spring semester courses to receive a total refund of spring semester room and board charges. If you have an outstanding balance on your student account, the refund will first be applied to any outstanding balance with .

A Resident who has Occupancy of a room in Campus Housing for spring semester may be eligible for a refund if:

(1) the Resident submits, and approves a Housing Exemption/Termination Request Form; or

(2) the Resident properly withdraws from during the fall semester

The Resident must check out of their associated residential space by vacating their room and returning their key prior to 10PM on the Saturday of the associated week below. Upon doing so, Resident may be eligible for a pro-rated refund in accordance with the schedule below.

  • 1st week of spring semester - 80%
  • 2nd week of spring semester - 60%
  • 3rd week of spring semester - 40%
  • 4th week of spring semester - 20%
  • 5th week of spring semester or after - NO REFUND 

Summer Sessions(s):

A Resident who has Occupancy of a room in Campus Housing for summer sessions may be eligible for a refund if:

(1) the Resident submits, and approves a Housing Exemption/Termination Request Form; or

(2) the Resident properly withdraws from during the fall semester

The Resident must check out of their associated residential space by vacating their room and returning their key prior to 10PM on the Saturday of the associated week below. Upon doing so, Resident may be eligible for a pro-rated refund in accordance with the schedule below.

  • 1st week of summer occupancy - 60%
  • 2nd week of summer occupancy - 40% 

Interim Periods:

The normal rates and refund schedules are inapplicable to students that live in Campus Housing during an “Interim Period.” “Interim Period” is defined as the period between the end of exams, and the start of a new semester. Students who wish to live in Campus Housing during an Interim Period must submit the appropriate interim housing application. If the application is granted, the students are subject to a daily, prorated fee for the duration that they live in Campus Housing during the applicable Interim Period. The remaining terms and conditions of this Contract, as well as all other documents and policies referenced herein, still apply.

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Re-billing Policy

If Resident pays for a certain style of room and is reassigned or requests a change to a different style of room, Resident will be credited or re-billed for the difference, as applicable. Credits or re-billings are prorated on a daily basis.

If Resident is temporarily assigned to a different room for health or safety reasons to quarantine or isolate, Resident will not be re-billed and will continue financially under the original assignment.

Under the Room Consolidation Policy (found in the Student Housing Handbook), rooms that house fewer than the designated number of residents may result in Resident being moved. Under no circumstances can a room house more residents than the occupancy level assigned by Housing and Residence Life.

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Infectious Disease Acknowledgement

While on campus, Resident must comply with the health requirements as established and published by . By executing this Contract, Resident acknowledges and understands that Resident may be exposed to infectious diseases. Resident further understands that it is possible to contract an infectious disease even if Resident complies with all health and safety measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and the Department of Health (“ODH”). Resident further agrees to the following:

  1. Resident will read and comply with the Administrative Policy Regarding Epidemic, Pandemic and Community Health Requirements (the "Policy"). Violations of the Policy may result in disciplinary action under the Code of Conduct.
  2. Because of known risks associated with congregate living, Resident must complete the Vaccination Information Form on their  page to acknowledge whether Resident has received the, Hepatitis B, and Meningitis vaccinations, or sign a waiver acknowledging the risks of not having all required vaccinations.

By agreeing to this Contract, Resident also agrees to the Quarantine & Isolation Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference. The Quarantine or Isolation Agreement applies if the resident is directed to quarantine or isolate by the ACCHD.

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Quarantine or Isolation Agreement

This Quarantine or Isolation Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legally binding agreement between you (“you” or “Resident”) and , on behalf of the Department of Housing and Residence Life (“,” “University” or “Housing and Residence Life”), collectively the “parties.”

If ordered by the Athens City County Health Department (“ACCHD”) to quarantine or isolate due to an infectious disease, Resident must have an individual plan for isolation or quarantine housing (home residence, hotel, etc.). may, under exceptional circumstances, provide isolation or quarantine housing. However, such housing will be extremely limited, if available at all.


  1. “Quarantine” means the restriction of the movements or activities of a well individual who has been exposed to a communicable disease during the period of communicability of that disease, and in such a manner that transmission of the disease may have occurred. The duration of the quarantine ordered shall be equivalent to the usual incubation period of the disease to which the susceptible person was exposed.
  2. “Isolation” means the separation of an infected individual from others during the period of disease communicability in such a way that mitigates the risk of, as far as possible, the direct or indirect conveyance of an infectious agent to those who are susceptible to infection or who may spread the agent to others.

Resident, referred to below as "you", acknowledges and agrees:

  1. That you are legally obligated to comply with any order from ACCHD, including verbal or written orders to quarantine or isolate, and that compliance with this Agreement is critical to the health and safety of you, other students in Campus Housing, and employees.
  2. That you will answer calls and emails from ACCHD and the University and, you will follow the instructions of the Housing and Residence Life staff and other officials.
  3. That you are responsible for making your own arrangements to quarantine/isolate off campus. No housing or culinary rate adjustments or reimbursements will be made available to students who must isolate or quarantine.
  4. If approved to quarantine or isolate in Campus Housing, which such approval is not guaranteed, to only leave your assigned room to receive food, use the assigned restroom, or for those instances described to you in writing by Housing and Residence Life. Additionally, you agree that you will not have guests/visitors while in quarantine or isolation, and you will not congregate with others at any time. You further agree to cooperate with and follow the instructions of the Housing and Residence Life staff regarding your return to your original room in Campus Housing after your release from quarantine or isolation.
  5. You will not be permitted to move back to your original room in Campus Housing until your isolation or quarantine period is completed.
  6. If you violate the terms of this Agreement, you may no longer be permitted to reside in Campus Housing until after you receive an order from the ACCHD releasing you from quarantine or isolation. You understand that failure to comply with an order from ACCHD may result in disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct, as well as criminal charges under . Failure to follow the directive of an official may also result in disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.

Upon your execution of the Housing and Culinary Services Contract, Resident agrees to this Quarantine or Isolation Agreement.