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FSE - Upcoming changes and open items

March 1, 2018

As we work to operationalize the new Chart of Accounts and close out the Financial System Enhancements project, there are several work-in-progress items that were either deferred until after the launch in December 2017 or have come up as Planning Units utilize the new systems, tools and processes. Below is a detailed list of the pending items and associated status.

Fixed Asset Conversion

The organization numbers attached to assets have not yet been converted from the old five digit organizations to the new six digit organization values. This conversion will be run in March and campus will be notified about how to request future changes.

Balance Sheet

A new dashboard page will be rolled out for Balance Sheet reports in March. This will provide multiple balance sheet views as well as drilldowns to transaction detail.  As a reminder, you can always export balance sheet transactions using the Transaction Export dashboard page.

Object Code Descriptions

Object Code descriptions for Conversion Only Object Codes are in draft and will be updated in OBI as soon as they are complete. This will help in determining the appropriate object code to use when there is not a direct mapping.

New Segment Value Forms

Currently all requests for new General Ledger segment values are routed through Finance Customer Care. New forms are being finalized and will be posted to the Finance website as soon as possible. 

Internal Awards

Currently all requests for new or changed internal awards are routed through Finance Customer Care. Training for campus occurred in late February. Following the training, this will officially transfer to Planning Unit ownership. Training materials are available on the COA Training web page.

Prior Year Adjustments

Some departments have requested that account balances be moved for prior fiscal years. This will be handled as a separate project and is not currently available as the impact on fund balances must be tested before any prior year balances can be moved.

PTA as default account in Concur

Currently, the default accounts on employee records only allow for GL cost centers.  This program is being modified to allow either a GL or Grants cost center. This is a deferred item on the FSE Project Task list and is targeted to be completed in March.

F&A revenue and distribution to Research Incentive Accounts

Research incentive funds were last transferred to researchers for activity posted through November 2017.  Currently, the new configuration for automated distributions is being tested. We anticipate posting the distributions for December 2017 through the present in March 2018 business.

Concur transaction descriptions

The descriptions shown in GL and Grants for Concur transactions do not include the Concur Report name, only the expense description.  A change is underway to modify the description to also include the Concur report name and purpose.  This change should be in production in March 2018.

GL Transaction Export dashboard page

The prompts on the dashboard will be adjusted so that the user can export either Actual transactions or Budget transactions.

Viewing transaction history for internal awards

Prior to the implementation of Grants, most internal award/research incentive accounting was tracked in the GL. When these accounts were converted to Grants Project-Task-Award, the new PTAs were established with their November 30, 2017 balances. Viewing transactions posted prior to this date were only available via the FMS reports. We are creating a dashboard page to view these transactions using the old COA strings. This new page should be available sometime in March.

Mapping Corrections

Units that have submitted mapping corrections via the Finance Customer Care Center can expect these to be completed by the end of March. Due to the number of corrections requiring manual intervention, each one takes time to research and determine the appropriate entries to correct.  As these entries are created and posted, the service request ticket will be updated to keep the department informed of progress.

Questions? Contact Finance Customer Care at financecustomercare@ohio.edu or 740-597-6446.