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JET Rules and Guidelines

Rules and Guidelines for Journal Entries

  • Do not correct multiple transactions on a single line. Correct an individual transaction or partial transaction per line. Use Transaction Export in the General Ledger section of the OBI Finance Dashboard to find details for General Ledger Transactions & Expenditure inquiry in the Grants section of the OBI Finance Dashboard to find details for Grants Transactions.
  • Payroll module transactions should be corrected by completing a Payroll Expense Accounting Correction (PEDS) form and email to department identified on form.
  • Cashiering corrections- send email to cashier@ohio.edu with transaction number, amount, original GL string, correct GL string.
  • Receipts related to Foundation accounts should be corrected by contacting Treasury@ohio.edu.
  • SIS corrections - send email to bursar@ohio.edu with description of transaction, date, amount, original GL string, correct GL string.
  • Accounting Corrections must be completed within 90 days of transaction date. Special circumstances for late entries must be documented in the 90 Day Correction Reason field. The journal entry may be reversed if it is late and the circumstances are not appropriate for a late entry.
  • Internal Billings must be completed within 30 days after the month of service. Special circumstances for late entries must be documented in the line description. The journal entry may be reversed if it is late and the circumstances are not appropriate for a late entry.