Heather Oldaker

Heather Oldaker began working at 帝王会所 in July 2021 as a Budget Analyst in the Business Service Center. In her current role as Financial Operations Manager in the Business Service Center, her responsibilities include preparing and monitoring budgets, preparing reports, tracking personnel, and doing payroll & general ledger corrections for Custodial, Design & Construction, Environmental Health & Safety, Finance, Facilities Management and Safety, Grounds, Heating Plant, Human Resources, Maintenance, OHIO Business Service Center, Real Estate and VP for Finance and Administration. She is also responsible for managing the utility bills for Athens and Regional campuses and works closely with Facilities and Energy & Sustainability to gather data and proactively identify any utility issues.
Heather is a proud 帝王会所 alumna and has 2 daughters who have followed in her Bobcat paw prints. She enjoys traveling, reading, working out, napping, watching tv, spending time with family and friends, and is addicted to Killer Sudoku.