
How to Partner with the OHIO BSC

There are a number of ways a planning unit or department may partner with us. The OHIO BSC works in the following areas:

  • Purchasing and Travel
  • Employment Coordination
  • Administrative Financial Operations
  • Budget Planning and Analysis

If you have a need for these services due to attrition or simply embrace new technology, and you are interested in gaining additional support and efficiencies by expert staff, please reach out at any time to Heather Krugman (krugman@ohio.edu) to discuss.

Once contacted, the OHIO BSC works with you to determine what services might be appropriate and how best to handle the transition. During a discovery phase, we work together to:

  • analyze your needs,
  • understand the existing levels of transactions,
  • discuss the current staffing model, and
  • determine how best to integrate new technology to make the process more transparent and efficient.

In many cases open, unfilled lines may be used to cover the cost of this operation, but the OHIO BSC also works with units as needed for FTE/staff conversions and/or utilizing other available resources. This is all discussed and decided upon by the planning unit during the discovery phase.

Our staff are highly trained in customer service and select staff are assigned to your unit. Additional backup staff are available for heavy traffic times, vacations, unexpected leaves, etc. It is our goal that planning units have a seamless experience with personalized staff, but also benefit from the additional breadth and depth of staff expertise to handle all day-to-day processes. Take a look at what our partners are saying about our staff and services.