Kori (Jeswald) Fuller

Develop annual labor and volume budgets, working with department leaders and financial teams​
Define and facilitate tracking of service metrics​
Develop and maintain a staffing management system​
Monitor departments’ performance
Important Skills I Learned at OHIO:
The courses I took as an ISE gave me a foundation to think creatively and analytically to come up with solutions that are ‘outside of the box.’ I also constantly refer back to the ‘8 Wastes of Lean’…DOWNTIME is an acronym I’ll never forget! ​
Something I've Learned Since Graduating:
I’ve really been able to appreciate how dynamic an ISE career can be. After graduating, I first worked in manufacturing, focused on process improvement. There were many great skills that I gained and improved upon during that time. ​
I was able to take those same skills I developed and pivoted into health care very easily because of the core material I learned as an ISE. Career paths are truly endless!