Valerie Young

Associate Professor
Stocker Center 169
Center for Air Quality
Dr. Young joined 帝王会所 in 1996. She has been involved in air quality research everywhere from Nashville, Tennessee to Barrow, Alaska. Dr. Young is the faculty advisor for the 帝王会所 chapter of Omega Chi Epsilon (the chemical engineering honor society) and for the Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Organization.
Research Interests: Air quality, Pollution, Controlled Burn Emission Modeling
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1992 -- BS, Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1988
Journal Article, Academic Journal (25)
- Hughey, K., Tonkyn, R., Harper, W., Young, V., Myers, T., Johnson, . (2021). Preliminary studies of UV photolysis of gas-phase CH3I in air: Time-resolved infrared identification of methanol and formaldehyde products. Chemical Physics Letters; 768: 5. .
- Dickinson, M., Norris, J., Bova, A., Kremens, R., Young, V., Lacki, M. (2010). Effects of wildland fire smoke on a tree-roosting bat: Integrating a plume model, field measurements, and mammalian dose-response relationships. 11. Canadian Journal of Forest Research; 40: 2187-2203.
- Minerick, A., Wasburn, M., Young, V. (2009). Mothers on the Tenure Track: What Engineering and Technology Faculty still Confront. 3. Engineering Studies; 1: 217-235.
- DiCarlo, P., Brune, W., Martinez, M., Harder, H., Lesher, R., Ren, X., Thornberry, T., Carroll, M., Young, V., Shepson, P., Riemer, D., Apel, E., Campbell, C. (2004). Missing OH Reactivity in a Forest: Evidence for Unknown Reactive Biogenic VOCs. Science; 722 鈥 725.
- Kovacs, T., Brune, W., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Simpas, J., Frost, G., Williams, E., Jobson, T., Stroud, C., Young, V., Fried, A., Wert, B. (2003). Direct measurements of urban OH reactivity during Nashville SOS in summer 1999. 1. Journal of Environmental Monitoring; 5: 68-74.
- Young, V., Visharia, F., Lilly, M., Day, C., Bartek, M., Nucifore, B., Moody, J., Shepson, P., Sillman, S., Wimmers, A., Seaman, C., Mitchell, M., Pressley, S., Gilbert, C., Westberg, H., Lamb, B., Schmid, H., Hutton, J. (2002). An aircraft-based investigation of nighttime isoprene decay: support for dynamics as the primary cause. The Journal of Geophysical Research.
- Sumner, A., Shepson, P., Couch, T., Thornberry, T., Carroll, M., Sillman, S., Pippin, M., Bertman, S., Tan, D., Faloona, I., Brune, W., Young, V., Cooper, O., Moody, J., Stockwell, W. (2001). A Study of the Formaldehyde Budget above a Forest Canopy. (D20). The Journal of Geophysical Research; 106.
- Plummer, D., McConnell, J., Neary, L., Kominski, J., Benoit, R., Drummond, J., Narayan, J., Young, V., Hastie, D. (2001). Assessment of Emissions Data for the Toronto Region Using Aircraft-Based Measurements and an Air Quality Model. ER36. Atmospheric Environment; 35.
- Hurst, J., Barket, Jr., D., Herrera-Gomez, O., Couch, T., Shepson, P., Faloona, I., Tan, D., Brune, W., Westberg, H., Biesenthal, T., Young, V., Munger, J., Carroll, M. (2001). Investigation of the Nighttime Decay of Isoprene. (D20). The Journal of Geophysical Research; 106.
- Young, V., Stuart, B. (2000). The Theme Course - Connecting the Plant Trip to the Text Book. 4. Journal of Engineering Education; 89: 475-479.
- Young, V., Stuart, B. (2000). The Theme Course - Connecting the Plant Trip to the Text Book. 4. Journal of Engineering Education; 89: 475-479.
- Lee, Y., Zhou, X., Kleinman, L., Nunnermacker, L., Springston, S., Daum, P., Newman, L., Keigley, W., Holdren, M., Spicer, C., Young, V., Fu, B., Parrish, D., Holloway, J., Williams, J., Roberts, J., Ryerson, T., Fehsenfeld, F. (1998). Atmospheric chemistry and distribution of formaldehyde and several multioxygenated carbonyl compounds during the 1995 Nashville/Middle Tennessee Ozone Study. D17. The Journal of Geophysical Research; 103: 22449-22462.
- Parrish, D., Trainer, M., Young, V., Goldan, P., Custer, W., Jobson, B., Fehsenfeld, F., Lonneman, W., Zika, R., Farmer, C., Riemer, D., Rodgers, M. (1998). Internal consistency tests for evaluation of measurements of anthropogenic hydrocarbons in the troposphere. D17. The Journal of Geophysical Research; 103: 22339-22359.
- Roberts, J., Williams, J., Baumann, K., Buhr, M., Goldan, P., Holloway, J., H眉bler, G., Kuster, W., McKeen, S., Ryerson, T., Trainer, M., Williams, E., Fehsenfeld, F., Bertman, S., Nouaime, G., Seaver, C., Grodzinsky, G., Rodgers, M., Young, V. (1998). Measurements of PAN, PPN and MPAN made during the 1994 and 1995 Nashville Intensives of the Southern Oxidant Study: Implications for Regional Ozone Production from Biogenic Hydrocarbons. D17. The Journal of Geophysical Research; 103: 22473-22490.
- Chen, J., Young, V., Niki, H., Magid, H. (1997). Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies for Reactions of CF3卢CH2CHF2 (HFC-245fa) Initiated by H-Atom Extraction Using Atomic Chlorine. 14. The Journal of Physical Chemistry; 101: 2648-2653.
- Williams, J., Roberts, J., Fehsenfeld, F., Bertman, S., Buhr, M., Goldan, P., H眉bler, G., Kuster, W., Ryerson, T., Trainer, M., Young, V. (1997). Regional ozone from biogenic hydrocarbons deduced from airborne measurements of PAN, PPN, and MPAN. 9. Geophysical Research Letters; 24: 1099-1102.
- Young, V., Kieser, B., Chen, S., Niki, H. (1997). Seasonal Trends and Local Influences on Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Concentrations in the Canadian Boreal Forest. The Journal of Geophysical Research; 102: 5913-5918.
- Chen, J., Young, V., Catoire, V., Niki, H. (1996). FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of the Mechanisms of the Halogen Atom Initiated Oxidation of Haloacetaldehydes. 16. The Journal of Physical Chemistry; 100: 6580-6586.
- Shepson, P., Sirju, A., Hopper, J., Barrie, L., Young, V., Niki, H., Dryfhout, H. (1996). Sources and sinks of carbonyl compounds in the Arctic Ocean boundary layer: Polar Ice Flow Experiment. D15. The Journal of Geophysical Research 鈥 Atmospheres; 101: 21081-21089.
- Honrath, R., Peterson, M., Badhwar, N., Bertman, S., Ellyea, D., Noumie, G., Hastie, D., Norton, R., Parrish, D., Warshawsky, M., Merrill, J., Moody, J., Shepson, P., Young, V. (1996). The Arctic Outflow Study - Measurements of photochemically significant species at a Newfoundland surface site during February through April 1996. 46. EOS Transactions, Supplement; 77.
- Chen, J., Young, V., Hooshiyar, P., Niki, H., Hurley, M. (1995). FTIR Spectroscopic Study of the Cl-Atom Initiated Reaction of Ethylene Oxide in O2/N2 Diluent. The Journal of Physical Chemistry; 99: 4071-4077.
- Niki, H., Chen, J., Young, V. (1994). Long Path FTIR Studies of Some Atmospheric Reactions Involving CF3OO and CF3O Radicals. Research on Chemical Intermediates; 20: 277-301.
- Chen, J., Young, V., Zhu, T., Niki, H. (1993). Long Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Reactions of CF3OO and CF3O Radicals with NO2. 45. The Journal of Physical Chemistry; 97: 11696-11698.
- Chen, J., Zhu, T., Young, V., Niki, H. (1993). Long Path FTIR Spectroscopic Study of the Reactions of CF3O Radicals with Alkenes. 28. The Journal of Physical Chemistry; 97: 7174-7177.
- Young, V., Cox, D., Davis, M. (1993). Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Copper from Copper (II) Dimethylamino Ethoxide. 12. Chemistry of Materials; 5: 1701-1709.
Journal Article, Professional Journal (2)
- Gray, J., Clancy, P., Hernandez, R., Akpa, B., Renner, J., Robinson, A., Young, V. (2023). Effective Practices in Equity and Inclusion for ChE Academic Departments. Chemical Engineering Progress; 34 - 41. .
- Brown, C., Archer, D., Young, V. (2022). Introduction to an Atmospheric Radiation Model. May 2022. Chemical Engineering Progress; 35 - 43. .
Conference Proceeding (47)
- Raffle, H., Smith, M., Young, V., Juedes, D. (2014). Developmental Evaluation of Multi-Level Mentoring Systems for Appalachian STEM Students. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico; 7.
- Young, V., Juedes, D., Raffle, H. (2013). The Appalachian Cohort for Engineering: An evaluation of S-STEM strategies for success. IEEE; .
- Young, V., Juedes, D., Raffle, H. (2013). The Appalachian Cohort for Engineering: An Evaluation of S-Stem Strategies for Success. Proceedings of the 2013 Frontiers in Education Conference; 233-236.
- Prudich, M., Ridgway, D., Sampson, K., Young, V. (2007). Curriculum and Course Assessment at 帝王会所. Salt Lake City, UT: 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Chemical Engineers.
- Minerick, A., Washburn, M., Young, V. (2007). Expecting the Unexpected as an Expectant Faculty Member: A Qualitative Study. Honolulu, Hawaii: American Society for Engineering Education annual meeting.
- Young, V., Liu, C. (2006). Student and Faculty Attitudes Towards Classroom Use of Tablet PCs. San Francisco, California: The 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
- Young, V., Ridgway, D., Prudich, M. (2006). 鈥淭racks鈥 for Specialization within a ChE Education鈥. San Francisco, CA: American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Fall Meeting.
- Liu, C., Young, V. (2006). Student Self-Reported Usage of Wireless Tablet PCs in Classrooms. San Diego, California: Frontiers In Education (FIE'2006).
- Ridgway, D., Young, V., Sampson, K. (2005). Applying a Writing-to-Learn Strategy in a Traditional Material Science and Engineering Course. Portland, Oregon: 2006 American Society of Engineering Education National Meeting.
- Steiner, J., Suciu, L., Young, V. (2004). Mapping Hydrocarbon Source Regions from Ambient Measurements and Back Trajectory Calculations. Athens, OH: 帝王会所 Air Quality and Coal Research Symposium.
- Kovalchick, A., Sandell, K., Luce, T., Coombs, G., Shafie, D., Waltje, J., Bryant, D., Young, V. (2004). Stories from a Slippery Slope: Building a Campus MERLOT Community at 帝王会所. MERLOT International Conference.
- Young, V. (2003). Designing a Statistics Course for Chemical Engineers. Nashville, TN: American Society for Engineering Education 2003 Annual Meeting, Session 3513.
- Prudich, M., Ridgway, D., Young, V. (2003). Integration of Statistics Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum: Use of the Senior Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory as an End-of-Program Statistics Assessment Course. Nashville, TN: 2003 ASEE Annual Conference.
- Young, V., Nucifore, B., Bartek, M., Day, C., Visharia, F., Lilly, M., Moody, J., Thornberry, T., Carroll, M. (2002). Hydrocarbon Observations as a Function of Meteorological Regime. San Francisco, CA: Session A51A, American Geophysical Union 2002 Annual Fall Meeting.
- Tanner, D., Sjostedt, S., Huey, G., Slusher, D., Chen, G., Lefer, B., Shetter, R., Carroll, M., Hengel, S., Fortner, E., Young, V. (2002). Measurement and model results for gas phase OH and H2SO4 during PROPHET 2001. San Francisco, CA: Session A51A, American Geophysical Union 2002 Annual Fall Meeting.
- Weinstein-Lloyd, J., Alaouie, A., Hernandez, N., Kleinman, L., Carroll, M., Fortner, E., Hengel, S., Young, V., Lefer, B., Lamb, B., Westberg, H., Pressley, S. (2002). Measurements of Hydroperoxides during the PROPHET 2001 Summer Intensive in Pellston, MI. San Francisco, CA: Session A51A, American Geophysical Union 2002 Annual Fall Meeting.
- Pippin, M., Bertman, S., Hamlin, A., Thornberry, T., Carroll, M., Huey, G., Tanner, D., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Brune, W., Young, V., Pressley, S., Westberg, H., Lamb, B., Lefer, B., Sillman, S. (2002). Sensitivity of MPAN at the PROPHET site. San Francisco, CA: Session A51A, American Geophysical Union 2002 Annual Fall Meeting.
- Young, V. (2002). Chemical Engineering Principles in Atmospheric Chemistry. Indianapolis, IN: Session 162, American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2002 Annual Meeting.
- Young, V., Velugula, H. (2002). Hydrocarbon Stability in Tedlar Bags. Indianapolis, IN: Session 223, American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2002 Annual Meeting.
- Young, V. (2002). Student Development of Grading and Assessment Criteria. Montreal, PQ, Canada: Session 3213, American Society for Engineering Education 2002 National Meeting.
- Visharia, F., Day, C., Shepson, P., Young, V. (2001). Exploration of the Possible Mechanisms for Nighttime Decay of Isoprene: Evaluation of Atmospheric Kinetics and Transport. Boston, MA: American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting.
- Young, V., Ridgway, D., Prudich, M., Goetz, D., Stuart, B. (2001). Criterion-Based Grading for Learing and Assessment in Unit Operations Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM: 2001 ASEE Annual Conference.
- Young, V., Ridgway, D., Prudich, M., Goetz, D., Stuart, B. (2001). Criterion-Based Grading for Learning and Assessment in Unit Operations Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM: Session 3213, American Society for Engineering Education 2001 National Meeting.
- Ridgway, D., Young, V., Prudich, M. (2001). The Inclusion of Design Content in the Unit Operations Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM: 2001 ASEE Annual Conference.
- Stroud, C., Roberts, J., Goldan, P., Kuster, W., Murphy, P., Williams, E., Hereid, D., Parrish, D., Sueper, D., Trainer, M., Fehsenfeld, F., Apel, E., Riemer, D., Wert, B., Henry, B., Fried, A., Martinez-Harder, M., Harder, H., Brune, W., Li, G., Xie, H., Young, V. (2000). Isoprene and Its Oxidation Products, Methacrolein and Methyl Vinyl Ketone, at an Urban Forested Site during the 1999 Southern Oxidant Study. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting.
- Visharia, F., Young, V. (2000). Loss of Isoprene During Nighttime at Pellston. Kalamazoo, MI: 23rd Annual Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop.
- Xie, H., Crist, K., Young, V. (2000). PM2.5 in Southeastern 帝王会所. Kalamazoo, MI: 23rd Annual Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop.
- Visharia, F., Young, V. (2000). Loss of Isoprene During Nighttime at Pellston. Morgantown, WV: Eighth Annual Regional Chemical Engineering Symposium.
- Young, V., Li, G., Xie, H., Stroud, C., Roberts, J., Daughtrey, H., Oliver, K., Jacumin, Jr., H. (2000). Intercomparison of Field Measurements of VOCs at the Cornelia Fort Airpark Site During the Southern Oxidants Study 1999. Research Triangle Park, NC: Southern Oxidants Study 1999 Data Analysis Workshop.
- Apel, E., Riemer, D., Lonneman, W., McClenny, W., Oliver, K., Daughtrey Jr., E., Young, V., Li, G., Xie, H., Doskey, P., Goldan, P., Kuster, W., Atlas, E., Stroud, V., Shepson, P., Barkett, D., Hurst, J. (2000). VOC Intercomparison Studies During the Nashville 1999 Summer Field Campaign. Research Triangle Park, NC: Southern Oxidants Study 1999 Data Analysis Workshop.
- Young, V. (1999). Using Your Unit Operations Laboratory. Charlotte, North Carolina: American Society for Engineering Education 1999 Annual Conference.
- Young, V., Zika, R., Shepson, P., Sumner, A., Edlin, C., Cooper, O., Higgins, K., Thornberry, T., Witmer-Rich, M., Town, M., Falardeau, L., Tesher, A. (1998). NMHC Measurements of Long-Range Transport in Rural Michigan. San Francisco, California: American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting.
- Young, V. (1998). NMHC Measurements of Long-Range Transport in Rural Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan: 21st Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop.
- Young, V. (1998). Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in Newfoundland: AOS 96 and NARE 97. Telluride, Colorado: Telluride Atmospheric Chemistry Workshop "Uncertainties in Tropospheric Photochemistry".
- Young, V. (1998). A One Woman Show - Outreach Experiences of a New Professor. Dearborn, Michigan: American Society for Engineering Education - North Central Section Annual Conference.
- Young, V. (1998). The Theme Course - Connecting the Plant Trip to the Text Book. Dearborn, Michigan: American Society for Engineering Education - North Central Section Annual Conference.
- Young, V., Honrath, R., Bertman, S., Hastie, D., Norton, R., Parrish, D., Warshawsky, M., Merrill, J., Moody, J., Shepson, P. (1997). NMHC Measurements During the Arctic Outflow Study 1996. San Francisco, California: American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting.
- Young, V. (1997). Seasonal Ambient Biogenic Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in Urban and Rural Canada. Charlottesville, Virginia: American Meteorological Society Workshop on Ambient Hydrocarbons in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer.
- Kuster, W., Goldan, P., Fehsenfeld, F., Young, V. (1996). Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Measurements Made from an Aircraft: A Comparison of Grab Sampling and In-Situ Gas Chromatography Techniques. San Francisco, California: American Geophysical Union Fall 1996 Meeting.
- Young, V., Honrath, R. (1996). The Arctic Outflow Experiment: Preliminary Hydrocarbon Analysis. Purdue University: 19th Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop.
- Shepson, P., Khoo, K., Muthuramu, K., Sirju, A., Young, V., Niki, H., Hopper, J. (1995). Alkyl Nitrates and Their Relationship to Halogen Atom Chemistry in the Arctic at Polar Sunrise. Chicago, IL: American Chemical Society Annual Meeting.
- Chen, J., Young, V., Callaghan, R., Niki, H. (1994). Atmospheric Degradation Mechanisms of CF3OO and CF3O Radicals. Toronto, ON: XXIst Informal Conference on Photochemistry.
- Chen, J., Young, V., Callaghan, R., Niki, H. (1994). FTIR Spectroscopic Study of the Mechanism of the Br Atom Initiated Oxidation of BrCH2CHO and CH2=C=O. Toronto, ON: XXIst Informal Conference on Photochemistry.
- Young, V., Chen, J., Peng, N., Callaghan, R., Niki, H. (1994). Long Path FTIR Studies of Cl- and Br-Initiated Methyl Acetylene Oxidation. Toronto, ON: XXIst Informal Conference on Photochemistry.
- Chen, J., Hooshiyar, P., Callaghan, R., Young, V., Niki, H. (1993). FTIR Spectroscopic Study of the Cl-Atom Initiated Oxidation of Ethylene Oxide. Gaithersburg, MD: Third International Conference on Chemical Kinetics.
- Chen, J., Zhu, T., Young, V., Niki, H. (1993). Long Path FTIR Kinetic and Product Studies of CF3O Radical Reactions. Gaithersburg, MD: Third International Conference on Chemical Kinetics.
- Chen, J., Zhu, T., Young, V., Niki, H. (1993). Long Path FTIR Spectroscopic Study of the Reactions of CF3O Radicals with NO, NO2, Alkanes, and Alkenes. Dublin: Proceedings of the STEP-HALOCSIDE / AFEAS Workshop: Kinetics and Mechanisms for the Reactions of Halogenated Organic Compounds in the Troposphere.