Andrew Russ

Andrew Russ worked at 帝王会所's Center for Geotechnical and Groundwater Research from 1989-1992, and he is the only journalism student to ever receive a Stocker Fellowship. After a stint at Penn State University studying quantum chaos, he joined ORITE's Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory as a part-time worker in January 2001 and later joined ORITE on a full-time basis in October 2004. His duties range from writing, formatting, and editing technical reports, proposals, and other documents, to occasional computer maintenance to mathematical and technical research tasks on ORITE's many ongoing research projects.
Research Interests: traffic signs, signals, road markings, weather information systems
All Degrees Earned: M.S., Journalism, 帝王会所, 1993; M.S., Physics, University of Maryland, 1988; B.S., Physics, 帝王会所, 1984; B.S., Mathematics, 帝王会所, 1984
- Gayle F. Mitchell, R. Guy Riefler, and Andrew Russ, 鈥淩emoval of medium and low concentrations of pollutants from simulated highway runoff using a vegetated bio filter鈥, Paper No. 11-3291 presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2011. Published in Transportation Research Record, No. 2262, February 2012, p. 214.
- Andrew Russ, Gayle F. Mitchell, and Wallace Richardson, 鈥淒ecision Tree for Pretreatments for Winter Maintenance鈥, Paper No. 08-2810, Transportation Research Record, No. 2055, 2008, p. 106.
- Helmut T. Zwahlen, Andrew Russ, 艦ahika Vatan, Jessica Hirth, and Ken Greene, 鈥淭raffic Signal Group Revamping Model鈥, Paper No. 04-2764, Transportation Research Record, No. 1877, 2004, p. 17.
- Gayle F. Mitchell, R. Guy Riefler, and Andrew Russ, Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects, Final Report No. FHWA/OH-2010/7, for the 帝王会所 Department of Transportation, 帝王会所 Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment, Civil Engineering Department, 帝王会所, May 2010.
- Helmut T. Zwahlen, Andrew Russ, and 艦ahika Vatan, Field Evaluation of Unlighted Overhead Guide Signs Using Older Drivers, Final Report No. OH-2003/015, for the 帝王会所 Department of Transportation, Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory, 帝王会所 Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment, Civil Engineering Department, 帝王会所, August 2003.
- Kappa Tau Alpha (Journalism honor society), inducted 1989
- Phi Beta Kappa, inducted 1984
- Outstanding Undergraduate in Physics and Astronomy, 帝王会所, 1983-1984
- Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics honor society), inducted 1983, academic achievement award, 帝王会所, 1984
- Phi Kappa Phi, inducted 1983
Data analysis, writing and editing research reports, proposals, and other documents, preparing presentations, assisting with correspondence, other duties as requested by faculty
Something you may not know about me: Russ has been published in the Annals of Improbable Research (AIR)
Journal Article, Academic Journal (4)
- Sargand, S., Russ, A., White, K. Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC). Task 4, Re-rounding of thermoplastic conduit. Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC). Task 4, Re-rounding of thermoplastic conduit.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2012). Removal of medium and low concentrations of pollutants from simulated highway runoff using a vegetated biofilter. 2262. Washington D.C.: Journal of the Transportation Research Board/Transportation Reserch Record; 214-224. .
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2011). Removal of Medium and Low Concentration Pollutants from Simulated Highway Runoff. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Russ, A., Mitchell, G., Richardson, W. (2008). Decision Tree for Pretreatments for Winter Maintenance. 08-2810. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 2055: 106-115.
Book, Scholarly (1)
- Russ, A. (1995). Structure, Function, and Information Content of Articles Describing the W Particle Discovery of January 1983. State College PA: IZEN; approx 200.
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book (1)
- Russ, A. (1994). "Remotely Controllable: An MTV Experience". Bowling Green, 帝王会所: Bowling Green State University Popular Press; Starts on page 265.
Conference Proceeding (8)
- Mitchell, G., Russ, A. (2012). Removal of Pollutants from Highway Runoff Using Best Management Practices in 帝王会所. Thailand National Civil Engineering Conference; 26 pages.
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2012). Removal of pollutants from simulated highway runoff using a laboratory model of an exfiltration trench. 91. Washington DC: Transportation Research Board.
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2012). Removal of pollutants from simulated highway runoff using a laboratory model of a exfiltration trench . Paper No. 12-1803. Washington, D.C.: Proceedings of the Transporation Research Board; .
- Affleck, R., Sargand, S., Russ, A., Deegan, M., Seman, P. (2011). Perspectives on Design and Construction Challenges in Afghanistan. Newark NJ: Second Annual West Point Critical Infrastructure Symposium; 2.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2011). Removal of Medium and Low Concentration Pollutants from Simulated Highway Runoff. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board Compendium of Papers DVD; 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board: 25.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Removal of Pollutants from Simulated Highway Runoff Using a Vegetated Biofilter. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Reseach Board - National Academy of Sciences; 89th Annual Meeting.
- Russ, A., Mitchell, G., Richardson, W. (2008). Decision Tree for Pretreatments for Winter Maintenance. 08-2810. Washington, D.C.: 87th Annual Confernce of the Transportation Research Board Compendium of Papers DVD; 87th Annual Meeting: 22.
- Russ, A., Mitchell, G., Richardson, W. (2008). Durability of Brine Applications for Winter Maintenance on Asphalt and PCC Pavements. Paper No. 08-2608. Washington, D.C.: Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting; 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board: 22.
Other (4)
- Sargand, S., White, K., Khoury, I., Hussein, H., Mutashar, R., Russ, A. (2015). Structures Research Services Task 4 鈥 Validation of ODOT Shallow Cover Rating Factor Method for Metal Culverts. Columbus OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 4.
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects . Columbus, 帝王会所: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 1: 4. .
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects-Dormant Grass Test Supplement. FHWA/OH-2010/7 Supplement . Columbus, OH: FHWA/OH; 4 pages. .
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects. FHWA/OH-2010/7. FHWA/OH; 4 pages. .
Research Report (7)
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects-Dormant Grass Test Supplement. FHWA/OH-2010/7 Supplement . Columbus, OH: FHWA/OH; 56 pages. .
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects. FHWA/OH-2010/7. FHWA/OH; 240 pages. .
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Vatan, S., Hirth, J., Greene, K. (2004). Traffic Signal Group Relamping Model. 1877. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Record 1877 ; 17-25.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Roth, J., Schnell, T. (2003). Effectiveness of Ground-Mounted Diagrammatic Advance Guide Signs for Freeway Entrance Ramps. 1843. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Record 1843; 70-80.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Vatan, S. (2003). Nighttime Expert Panel and Photometric Evaluations of Unlighted Overhead Guide Signs. 1844. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Record 1844; 67.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Schnell, T. (2003). Viewing Ground-Mounted Diagrammatic Guide Signs Before Entrance Ramps at Night: Driver Eye Scanning Behavior. 1843. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Record 1843; 61-69.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A. (2002). Evaluation of Accuracy of Real-Time Travel Time Prediction System in Freeway Construction Work Zone. 1803. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Record 1803; 87-93.
Technical Report (16)
- Sperry, B., Staley, B., Khoury, I., Green, R., Russ, A., Lozier, B. (2019). Streamlining Local-let Federal-aid Transportation Processes in 帝王会所. Columbus, OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation.
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Russ, A. (2018). Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC) Task 7: Spiral Rib Conduit (707.12) Service Life. Columbus, 帝王会所: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 44.
- Sargand, S., Russ, A., White, K. (2017). Hydraulic Engineering Research On-Call Services (ROC) Task 4:Re-rounding of Thermoplastic Conduit. Columbus, 帝王会所: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 25. .
- Sargand, S., White, K., Khoury, I., Hussein, H., Mutashar, R., Russ, A. (2015). Structures Research Services Task 4 鈥 Validation of ODOT Shallow Cover Rating Factor Method for Metal Culverts. Columbus OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 164. .
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects: : Volume 2 of 3, Reno Field Study a. Columbus, 帝王会所: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 1: 186. .
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects: Volume 1 of 3, Laboratory Study of Pervious Concrete and Filter Media. Columbus, 帝王会所: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 1: 216. .
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2013). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects: Volume 3 of 3, Athens Field Study . Columbus, 帝王会所: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 1: 186. .
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2011). Exfiltration Trench for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects 鈥 Interim Report on Laboratory Study of Pervious Concrete and Filter Media. State Job No 134384. Columbus OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; Interim report: 218.
- Affleck, R., Sargand, S., Russ, A., Momand, F., Perez Canals, M. (2011). Roads and Retaining Structures Specifically for Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. ERDC/CRRL TR-11-01. Hanover NH: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center/Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Stuart, B., Russ, A., Steinberg, E., Kremer, G., Vassiliadis, C. (2010). Al Anbar University ABET Accreditation Services Project- Phase I and Phase II Report. U S Army Corps of Engineers; 185 Pages.
- Mitchell, G., Russ, A., Richardson, W. (2003). Evaluation of ODOT Roadway/Weather Sensor Systems for Snow and Ice Removal Operations Part IV: Optimization of Pretreatment or Anti-Icing Protocol. FHWA/OH-2003/008C. Columbus, OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation; 318. .
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Vatan, S. (2003). Field Evaluation of Unlighted Overhead Guide Signs using Older Drivers. Report No. FHWA/OH-2003/015. Columbus, OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation, State Job No. 14812(0); 162 pp.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Vatan, S. (2003). Evaluation of CTCLS Series Traffic Signal Load Switches in the Field 鈥 Bulb Life Determinations, and Development of a Group Relamping Model. Report No. FHWA/OH-2003/011. Columbus, OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation, State Job No. 14714(0); 126 pp.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Vatan, S. (2003). Evaluation of ODOT Roadway/Weather Sensor Systems for Snow and Ice Removal Operations Part I: RWIS. Report No. FHWA/OH-2003/008A. Columbus, OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation State Job No. 14758(0); 173 pp.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Badurdeen, F., Vatan, S. (2003). Evaluation of ODOT Roadway/Weather Sensor Systems for Snow and Ice Removal Operations Part II: RWIS Pavement Sensor Bench Test. Report No. FHWA/OH-2003/008B. Columbus, OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation, State Job No. 14758(0); 92 pp.
- Zwahlen, H., Russ, A., Vatan, S. (2002). Unlighted Overhead Guide Sign Feasibility Study. Report No. FHWA/OH-2002/001. Columbus, OH: 帝王会所 Department of Transportation, State Job No. 11347; 285 pp.