John Cotton

John Cotton spent the early 1990s as contractor for the Federal Highway Administration's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center simulating freeway flows. After completing his Ph.D., he took a research fellowship in the Bioengineering Science Research Group at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, creating fatigue damage simulations of human bone. Cotton returned to Virginia Tech to serve on the faculty of Engineering Science and Mechanics until 2007. Cotton has published more than 60 refereed articles and conference papers. He has taught introductory mechanics, physics, and computational methods courses as well as advanced courses in numerical modeling and mechanics of both traditional and biologic materials.
Research Interests: Computational mechanics, biomechanics, finite element analysis, characterization of material damage and viscoelasticity
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1998; M.S., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1989; B.S., Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1987
Something you may not know about me: Cotton spent a year backpacking around Oceania, southeast and south Asia, Africa, and Europe
Journal Article, Academic Journal (16)
- Snively, E., O’Brien, H., Henderson, D., Mallison, H., Surring, L., Burns, M., Holtz Jr, T., Russell, A., Witmer, L., Currie, P., Hartman, S., Cotton, J. (2019). Lower rotational inertia and larger leg muscles indicate more rapid turns in tyrannosaurids than in other large theropods. 7:e6432. 43. .
- Mahato, N., Montuelle, S., Goubeaux, C., Cotton, J., Williams, S., Thomas, J., Clark, B. (2017). Quantification of intervertebral displacement with a novel MRI-based modeling technique: Assessing measurement bias and reliability with a porcine spine model. Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 38: 77–86. .
- Mahato, N., Montuelle, S., Goubeaux, C., Cotton, J., Williams, S., Thomas, J., Clark, B. (2017). Quantification of intervertebral displacement with a novel MRI-based modeling technique: Assessing measurement bias and reliability with a porcine spine model.. Magnetic resonance imaging; 38: 77-86.
- Mahato, N., Montuelle, S., Cotton, J., Williams, S., Thomas, J., Clark, B. (2016). Development of a morphology-based modeling technique for tracking solid-body displacements: examining the reliability of a potential MRI-only approach for joint kinematics assessment. 1. BMC medical imaging; 16: 13.
- Gilbert, M., Snively, E., Cotton, J. (2016). The Tarsometatarsus of the Ostrich Struthio camelus: Anatomy, Bone Densities, and Structural Mechanics. 3. PLOS One; 11: 40. .
- Snively, E., Cotton, J., Ridgely, R., Witmer, L. (2013). Multibody dynamics model of head and neck function in Allosaurus (Dinosauria, Theropoda). 2. Palaeontologia Electronica; 16: 29. .
- Ertas, A., Winwood, K., Zioupos, P., Cotton, J. (2012). Simulation of Creep in Nonhomogenous Samples of Human Cortical Bone. 10. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering; 15: 1121-1128. .
- Dunlap, T., Keller, D., Marshall, M., Costerton, W., Schaudinn, C., Sindelar, B., Cotton, J. (2011). Subgingival Delivery of Oral Debriding Agents: A Proof of Concept. 5. Journal of Clinical Dentistry; 22: 149-158.
- Eichenseer, P., Sybert, D., Cotton, J. (2011). A Finite Element Analysis of Sacroiliac Joint Ligaments in Response to Different Loading Conditions. 22. Spine; 36: 1446-52. .
- Miller, L., Nickols-Richardson, S., Wooten, D., Ramp, W., Steele, C., Cotton, J., Carneal, J., Herbert, W. (2009). Isokinetic Resistance Training Increases Tibial Bending Stiffness in Young Women. Calcified Tissue International International; 84: 446–452. .
- Nam, J., Cotton, J., Grant, J. (2007). A Virtual Hair Cell: I. Addition of Gating Spring Theory Into a 3-D Bundle Mechanical Model. Biophysical Journal; Vol. 92: p. 1918-1928.
- Nam, J., Cotton, J., Grant, J. (2007). A Virtual Hair Cell: II. Evaluation of Mechanoelectric Transduction Parameters. Biophysical Journal; 92: 1929-1937. .
- Anderson, D., Cotton, J. (2007). Mechanical Analysis of Percutaneous Sacroplasty using CT Image based Finite Element Models. Medical Engineering and Physics; 29: 316-325. .
- Winwood, K., Zioupos, P., Currey, J., Cotton, J., taylor, M. (2006). Strain patterns during tensile, compressive, and shear fatigue of human cortical bone and implications for bone biomechanics. Part A. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research; Vol. 79 (2): p. 289-297. .
- Cotton, J. (2004). Computational models of hair cell bundle mechanics: II. Simplified bundle models. Hearing Research; Vol. 197 (1-2): pp. 105-111.
- Cotton, J. (2004). Computational models of hair cell bundle mechanics: III. 3-D utricular bundles. Hearing Research; Vol. 197(1-2): pp. 112-130.
Conference Proceeding (10)
- Meister, A., Cotton, J. (2015). Energy Absorption and Dissipation Differ by Anatomic Direction in Porcine Mandibular Cancellous Bone. .
- Cotton, J. (2015). Theoretical effect of intracortical porosity on long bone bending stiffness, strength, and toughness. .
- Arnold, E., Cotton, J. (2015). Automated Calculation of Long Bone Bending Stiffness from CT Scans and One-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis.
- Mahato, N., Montuelle, S., Goubeaux, C., Cotton, J., Williams, S., Clark, B. (2015). Reliability Of A MRI-Based Technique For Quantification Of Dynamic Motion Of Solid Bodies.
- Bowman, L., Ellerbrock, E., Hausfeld, G., Dennis, M., Law, T., Cotton, J., Loucks, A. (2014). Accuracy of MRTA Measurements of Ulna Bending Stiffness and Strength in Cadaveric Human Arms. Suppl 1. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research; 29: .
- Bowman, L., Ellerbrock, E., Cotton, J., Dennis, M., Hausfeld, G., Law, T., Loucks, A. (2014). Estimation of Ulna Bending Strength by Mechanical Response Tissue Analysis (MRTA). .
- Garven, B., Ellerbrock, E., Bowman, L., Loucks, A., Cotton, J. (2013). Evaluating Bending Stiffness Sensitivity Through Parametric Models of the Human Ulna. 2103. Abstracts of Biomedical Engineering Society 2013 Annual Meeting; 1. .
- Zaylor, W., Sindelar, B., Cotton, J. (2012). The Influence of Occlusal Splinting on the Trabecular Morphology in the Sagittal Plane of the Temporomandibular Joint. American Society of Biomechanics; 2. .
- Cotton, J., Bowman, L., Stroud, C. (2012). Ulna Simulation Assesses Sensitivity to Bone Elastic Modulus Variations in a MRTA Test. American Society of Biomechanics; .
- Zaylor, W., Sindelar, B., Cotton, J. (2012). Finite Element Analysis Demonstrates Splinting in the Porcine Mandibular Condyle Causes Changes in Bone Volume Fraction and Stiffness Anisotropy. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International.
Abstract (1)
- Cotton, J. (2016). Automated Fracture Simulation for Ulnae in 3-Point Bending with Elastic-Plastic Material.
Technical Report (1)
- Edwards, J., Quinet, D., Cotton, J., Kraft, F., Bruckner, D. (2011). Assessment of EndfireGlide Slope (EFGS) Compliance to Recent Changes in Frangibility Requirements. OU/AEC 11-08/TM- DTFAWA-10-D00020-TTD1; 73 pages.