Curtis Cohenour

Curtis Cohenour has worked in industry as an electrical engineer and project manager. He joined 帝王会所 in 2002 as a research engineer working for the 帝王会所 Avionics Engineering Center. His recent work has included research with the Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton, 帝王会所, aimed at understanding and correcting image geo-registration errors from a number of airborne platforms. He has worked on projects covering a wide variety of avionics and navigation systems such as the Instrument Landing System (ILS), Microwave Landing System (MLS), Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), LAAS, WAAS, and GPS. He is a registered professional engineer in 帝王会所 and West Virginia.
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, 帝王会所, 2009; M.S., 帝王会所, 1988; B.S., West Virginia Institute of Technology, 1980
Journal Article, Academic Journal (9)
- Cohenour, C. (2019). A Diagnostic Clock for Verification of Image Time Synchronization. 1. nternational Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation; 11: 37-45. .
- Cohenour, C. (2018). Global Navigation Satellite System Signal Monitoring Using a High-Gain Parabolic Dish System. 1. International Journal of Modern Engineering; 19: 18-27. .
- Cohenour, C., Rovito, T., Van Graas, F. (2017). Elimination of resampling errors in wide area motion imagery (WAMI). 6. IEEE AES Mag; 32: 24-32.
- Cohenour, C., Van Graas, F., Price, R., Rovito, T. (2015). Camera Models for the Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) 2009 Wide-Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) Data Set. 6. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine; 60: 4-15.
- Cohenour, C., Price, R., Rovito, T., Van Graas, F. (2015). Corrected Pose Data for the Wright Patterson Air Force Base 2009 Wide Area Motion Imagery Data Set. 1. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing; 9.
- Van Graas, F., Cohenour, C. (2011). GPS Orbit and Clock Error Distributions. 1. NAVIGATION; 58: 17-28.
- Cohenour, C., Van Graas, F. (2009). Temporal Decorrelation Distributions of GPS Range Measurements due to Satellite Orbit and Clock Errors. Navigation the Journal of the Institute of Navigation.
- Cohenour, C., Van Graas, F. (2009). GPS Orbit and Clock Error Distributions. Navigation the Journal of the Institute of Navigation.
- Huang, J., Van Graas, F., Cohenour, C. (2007). Characterization of Tropospheric Spatial Decorrelation Errors Over a 5-km Baseline. 4. NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation; 54.
Journal Article, Professional Journal (1)
- Cohenour, C. (2020). Using Automated Horizon Detection to Determine Image Acquisition Time. 2. International Journal of Modern Engineering; 20: 40-44.
Conference Proceeding (8)
- Cohenour, C. (2017). Teaching Finite State Machines (FSMs) as Part of a Programmable Logic Control (PLC) Course. Columbus, OH: Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Cohenour, C., Hilterbran, A. (2016). Automated Grading of Excel Workbooks Using Matlab庐. New Orleans, LA: Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Van Graas, F., Cohenour, C., Vinande, E., Gunawardena, S., Carroll, M. (2015). GNSS Signal Characterization and Monitoring using High Gain Antennas. Manassas, VA: Institute of Navigation.
- Cohenour, C., Price, R., Rovito, T., Van Graas, F. (2015). Corrected Pose Data for the Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) 2009 wide area imagery (WAMI) data set. SPIE.
- Cohenour, C., Van Graas, F. (2013). GPS Orbit and Clock Error Distributions, 2005-2012. Institute of Navigation; 946-958.
- Huang, J., Cohenour, C., Van Graas, F. (2007). Characterization of Tropospheric Spatial Decorrelation Errors Over a 5-km Short Baseline. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation; 397-412.
- Skidmore, T., Cohenour, C., Van Graas, F., DiBenedetto, M., Peterson, B. (2006). JPALS Tactical System Performance Evaluation Using a Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna. Fort Worth, Texas: Proceedings of the 19th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation ION GNSS 2006; 738-753.
- Kelly, J., Cohenour, C., DiBenedetto, M., Lamb, D. (2004). An Advanced Multipath Model for DGPS Reference Site Analysis. Dayton, 帝王会所: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation; 315-327.
Instructor's Manual (1)
- Cohenour, C. (2018). An Arduino Based Programmable Logic Control (PLC) Lab Activity for Undergraduate Engineering and Technology (ETM) Students. Salt Lake City, UT: Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Online Article (3)
- Cohenour, C. (2018). Using the Internet of Things (IoT) to Motivate Engineering Technology and Management (ETM) Students. Salt Lake City, UT: Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Cohenour, C. (2017). A Low-Cost Control System Experiment for Engineering Technology Students. Columbus, OH: Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Cohenour, C., Hilterbran, A. (2017). Automated Grading of Access庐 Databases Using the Matlab庐 Database Toolbox. Columbus, OH: Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Technical Report (4)
- Skidmore, T., Cohenour, C., DiBenedetto, M., Van Graas, F. (2005). Land Based JPALS Follow-On Technology Development Tactical System Performance Analysis. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 06-04TM04/283OU/AEC 05, Avionics Engineering Center.
- DiBenedetto, M., Cohenour, C., Barker, C. (2005). Data Plots for Assessing the Effect on the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth Guidance Signal Due to Infringement of the Critical Area by an Airbus A380 Aircraft. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 05-17TM45242236-4, Avionics Engineering Center, 帝王会所.
- DiBenedetto, M., Cohenour, C. (2005). Assessing the Effect on the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth Guidance Signal Due to Infringement of the Critical Area by an Airbus A380 Aircraft. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 05-16TM45242236-3, Avionics Engineering Center, 帝王会所.
- DiBenedetto, M., Cohenour, C. (2005). Simulation Test Plan for Assessing the Effect on the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth Guidance Signal Due to Infringement of the Critical Area by an Airbus A380 Aircraft. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 05-08TM45242236-2, Avionics Engineering Center, 帝王会所.