Brian Wisner

Brian鈥檚 work focuses on the development and use of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) tools to investigate material systems response to external loading. Primary methods include noncontact methodologies such as Acoustic Emission (AE) and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) for subsurface and surface material evolution studies. His work spans multiple scales from microstructure effects in metallic alloys and composite materials to full-scale remaining useful life and part qualification studies. He developed a method to couple AE and DIC information with microscale damage by leveraging simple AI tools to investigate damage initiation in Aluminum Alloys and has since extended this work to be useful in investigating material systems such as Additively Manufactured Aluminum and Nickel Alloys (Sandia National Labs, TRI-Austin), Ceramic Particle Reinforced Polymers (Dupont), and Composite systems including Glare, IM7/8552 (Army Research Labs, ARL), and a coal-based composite (DOE). His research focuses on linking AE, DIC and other characterization methods in an Internet of Things (IoT) framework to improve data handling and investigate material response to manufacturing processes and external loads.
Brian Teaches both Undergraduate and Graduate Courses on Manufacturing Processes, Nondestructive Evaluation, and Micromechanics
Research Interests: Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E), Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Composite Systems, Microstructure-Property- Performance Linkages
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University (2017), M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University (2013), B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Widener University (2011), B.S. Physics, Widener University (2011)
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems 2018 Outstanding Paper Award; White Teaching Award 2020
Journal Article, Academic Journal (17)
- Mathew, M., Wisner, B., Ridwan, S., McCarthy, M., Bartoli, I., Kontsos, A. A Bio-Inspired Frequency-Based Approach for Tailorable and Scalable Speckle Pattern Generation. Experimental Mechanics; .
- Ugwumadu, C., Downs, W., O'Brien, C., Thapa, R., Olson, R., Wisner, B., Ali, M., Trembly, J., Al-Majali, Y., Drabold, D. (2024). Atomistic-to-continuum modeling of carbon foam: A new approach to finite element simulation. Carbon; 229: .
- Al-Majali, Y., Alamiri, E., Wisner, B., Trembly, J. (2023). Mechanical performance assessment of sustainable coal plastic composite building materials. 1. Journal of Building Engineering; 80: 108089.
- Bahadori, M., Tekerek, E., Mathew, M., Krzysztof, M., Wisner, B., Kontsos, A. (2021). Composite Material Failure Model Updating Approach Leveraging Nondestructive Evaluation Data. 3. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems; 4: .
- Wisner, B., Tekerek, E., Cannarella, J., Kontsos, A. (2020). Effect of particle reinforcement on the progressive failure of alumina trihydrate filled Poly(Methyl methacrylate). Polymer; 205: .
- Wisner, B., Mazur, K., Kontsos, A. (2020). The use of nondestructive evaluation methods in fatigue: A review. 5. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures; 43: 859-878. .
- Tekerek, E., Liu, D., Wisner, B., Mathew, M., Castaneda, N., Oncul, M., Kontsos, A. (2020). Experimental investigation of the multiscale mechanical behavior of knitted textiles. 1. Wiley; 2: .
- Wisner, B., Potstada, P., Perumal, V., Baxevanakis, K., Sause, M., Kontsos, A. (2019). Progressive failure monitoring and analysis in aluminium by in situ nondestructive evaluation. 9. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures; 42: 2133-2145. .
- Carmi, R., Wisner, B., Vanniamparambil, P., Cuadra, J., Bussiba, A., Kontsos, A. (2019). Progressive Failure Monitoring of Fiber-Reinforced Metal Laminate Composites Using a Nondestructive Approach. 2. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems; 2: 021006. .
- Esola, S., Wisner, B., Vanniamparambil, P., Geriguis, J., Kontsos, A. (2018). Part Qualification Methodology for Composite Aircraft Components Using Acoustic Emission Monitoring. 9. Applied Sciences; 8: 1490. .
- Mazur, K., Wisner, B., Kontsos, A. (2018). Fatigue Damage Assessment Leveraging Nondestructive Evaluation Data. 7. JOM; 70: 1182-1189. .
- Wisner, B., Kontsos, A. (2018). Investigation of particle fracture during fatigue of aluminum 2024. International Journal of Fatigue; 111: 33-43. .
- Wisner, B., Mazur, K., Perumal, V., Baxevanakis, K., An, L., Feng, G., Kontsos, A. (2018). Acoustic emission signal processing framework to identify fracture in aluminum alloys. Engineering Fracture Mechanics; .
- Althoey, F., Wisner, B., Kontsos, A., Farnam, Y. (2018). Cementitious materials exposed to high concentration of sodium chloride solution: Formation of a deleterious chemical phase change. Construction and Building Materials; 167: 543-552. .
- Wisner, B., Kontsos, A. (2018). In situ monitoring of particle fracture in aluminium alloys. 3. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures; 41: 581-596. .
- Castaneda, N., Wisner, B., Cuadra, J., Amini, S., Kontsos, A. (2017). Investigation of the Z-binder role in progressive damage of 3D woven composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing; 98: 76-89. .
- Wisner, B., Cabal, M., Vanniamparambil, P., Hochhalter, J., Leser, W., Kontsos, A. (2015). In Situ Microscopic Investigation to Validate Acoustic Emission Monitoring. 9. Experimental Mechanics; 55: 1705-1715. .
Journal Article, Professional Journal (2)
- Baker, G., Wisner, B. (2020). Sound may improve rhythm of wire production. Wire Journal International; August 2020: 68-70.
- Baxevanakis, K., Wisner, B., Schlenker, S., Baid, H., Kontsos, A. (2018). Data-Driven Damage Model Based on Nondestructive Evaluation. 3. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems; 1: 031007. .
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book (2)
- Haynes, R., Habtour, E., Henry, T., Cole, D., Weiss, V., Kontsos, A., Wisner, B. (2019). Damage Precursor Indicator for Aluminum 7075-T6 Based on Nonlinear Dynamics. Springer International Publishing; 303-313. .
- Wisner, B., Kontsos, A. (2017). Fatigue Damage Precursor Identification Using Nondestructive Evaluation Coupled with Electron Microscopy. Springer International Publishing; 1-8. .
Conference Proceeding (7)
- Ali, M., Trimmer, A., Wisner, B., Weems, A. (2023). Functionally Graded Structures and Hip Implants Durability. Big Island, Hawaii: 9th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues.
- Yasko, I., Downs, W., Ali, M., Fais, C., Walker, R., Wisner, B. (2023). Mechanical Analysis of an Additive Manufactured Deflecting-Tapered-Land Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing. New Orleans, Louisiana: ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress.
- Ali, M., Yasko, I., Lutfullaeva, A., Fais, C., Wisner, B., Furuta, L. (2022). Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of a Composite Tapered-Land Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing Sector Manufactured using Fused Filament Fabrication. Columbus, 帝王会所: ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress.
- MAZUR, K., MALIK, S., ROUF, R., BAHADORI, M., SHEHU, M., MATTHEW, M., TEKEREK, E., Wisner, B., KONTSOS, A. (2019). Composite Material Remaining Useful Life Estimation Using an IoT-Compatible Probabilistic Modeling Framework. DEStech Publications, Inc.; .
- Wisner, B. (2019). Optimized and Tailorable Speckle Pattern Generation Approach for Digital Image Correlation Applications in SHM. Stanford California: DEStech Publications, Inc.; Electronic product: 3207.
- Wisner, B., KONTSOS, A. (2017). Coupling In Situ Microstructure Observation with Machine Learning Algorithms for Damage Diagnostics and Prognostics. DEStech Publications, Inc.; .
- Christe, D., Wisner, B., Bhatt, J., Kontsos, A. (2016). Raising Interest in STEM Education: A Research-based Community College-University Partnership for Improving Minority Participation. ASEE Conferences; .